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  2. DINALEDI CONDITIONAL GRANT:BACKGROUND INFORMATION • Strategic goal: • To increase the number of learners taking Mathematics and Physical Sciences to Grade 12 in line with the National Strategy for Mathematics, Sciences and Technology Education (NSMSTE 2002) • Grant purpose: • To improve the quality of learner performance in Mathematics, Physical Sciences and First Additional Language (FAL) English, in line with the Action Plan for 2014 • To improve the content knowledge, pedagogies and didactic skills of Mathematics and Physical Sciences teachers. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Outcome statements: Continually increased performance of learners and teachers in schools presenting candidates in Grade 12 for the subjects Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Grant Size: Number of schools participating: 46 (All 8 Districts participating) Reporting: Quarterly and monthly reporting according to the financial year. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  4. DELIBERATION • In June 2012 a meeting was held with all Dinaledi schools at which the management of the Conditional Grant was discussed. • Schools were informed that funds would be directly transferred into their dedicated Dinaledi Grant accounts. • They had to procure goods and services according to their needs to achieve the outputs of the Conditional Grant as set out in the Conditional Grant Framework and approved in the Business Plan. • Guidelines were discussed regarding procurement processes and the legal framework of the Supply Chain Management process. These are also contained in the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) Act 29 of 1999 which is also stated in the Principals’ Manuals. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  5. DELIBERATION (continued) • In July 2012 WCED EXCO decided to change to a more accountable procurement process based on recommendations by the Auditor General. • This meant that the whole procurement process had to be started over again so as to fit in with the legal requirements of Supply Chain Management and this implied that: • A Procurement Item List had to be developed based on the outputs as set out in the Conditional Grant Framework. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  6. DELIBERATION (continued) • Information meetings were held in each district to discuss central procurement requirements. • Schools had to procure goods and services according to their needs to achieve the outputs of the Conditional Grant as set out in the Conditional Grant Framework and approved in the Business Plan. • District Mathematics-Science Coordinators collated schools’ needs and submitted documents to head office for further processing. • Delays were incurred in schools, and subsequently districts, submitting documentation. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  7. DELIBERATION (continued) • The Item Lists had to be collated into various composite lists as well as schools’ distribution lists. • Special project plans for the installation of technology were developed. • Documentation was submitted to SCM/DITCOM and tenders were prepared and advertised. • Bids were received and order numbers/letters of acceptance issued. • In the case of infrastructure projects site meetings had to be organised for potential service providers.

  8. DELIBERATION • The change in the manner of procurement caused delays and contributed to the low spending by the end of the third quarter. • The differences between market prices obtained by schools earlier compared to much higher prices provided by procurement resulted in schools having to reprioritise their needs and hence further delays. • At the end of the Third Quarter (Dec 2012) 4% of the allocated funds had been spent • At the end of the Fourth Quarter of the financial year 48% of the allocated funds had been spent with a further 34% committed for which approval for a roll-over has been requested from the WC Provincial Treasury.

  9. DATA ON BUDGETS: ALLOCATIONS FOR 3 YEARS Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  10. 2. CAPACITY CONSTRAINTS • The following capacity constraints contributed to the low-spending by the third quarter: • Human resource challenges with regards to: • - limited administrative support • - small personnel to monitor and support • schools in terms of conditional grant • requirements. • Lack of institutional experience and knowledge at WCED Head Office, District and school levels, of the intricacies regarding central procurement processes prior to its implementation resulted in delays. • Execution of instructions not followed to the letter e.g. late return of documentation by schools and districts. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  11. 3. MONITORING CAPACITY • HEAD OFFICE • Responsible Personnel • Chief Education Specialist (CES): FET Schools • Deputy Chief Education Specialist • Monitoring issues: • Developing Procurement Item list and requisition documents • Mediating requirements with District officials and schools. • Coordinating submission of Item Lists. • Adherence to budget allocations issued to schools. • Liaison with Supply Chain Management and the delivery of goods and services at schools • School-based monitoring. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  12. 3. MONITORING CAPACITY • DISTRICTS • District Mathematics and Science Coordinator (not a special post – designated by districts – in some cases it is the Mathematics or Science advisor but in most cases it is the FET Coordinator) monitors Dinaledi schools’ compliance with WCED Head Office requirements in terms of issues pertaining to the conditional grant. • PRINCIPALS • Accountable for identifying schools’ needs and complying with procurement of goods and services. • Monitor receipt and use of resources. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  13. 4. MONTHLY REPORTING • A WCED Head Office Project Plan was developed to plan and monitor the procurement of goods and services process. • Weekly reports are drawn up for the Directorate on the progress of Dinaledi Conditional Grant. • Reports and information are received from schools by the Project staff and the District MS Coordinators and these are collated into a Monthly Report by the CES: Special Projects that are sent to the DBE. The Monthly reports comprise progress with regard to the receipt of goods and services to achieve the deliverables as set out in the Business Plan. Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

  14. 5. BUSINESS PLAN OUTPUTS Go to Insert > Header & Footer > Enter presentation name into footer field

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