1. Community and Vocational Service Ewen Hatchwell
Margaret Forbes
Two of our core services – hopefully will prompt some new ideas for 2012-13..
Feel free to comment during my presentation...Two of our core services – hopefully will prompt some new ideas for 2012-13..
Feel free to comment during my presentation...
2. Community and Vocational Services Community Service and Vocational Service are the lifeblood of Rotary
Rotarians make a difference in our Communities through Service
Community Service and Vocational Service give us the opportunity to implement our motto “Service above Self” They are Fundamental to what we do and how we behave –
Service is how we can Improve the Quality of Life in our Community and the lives of others
So, what’s happening with ComVoc in our District and in Scotland? They are Fundamental to what we do and how we behave –
Service is how we can Improve the Quality of Life in our Community and the lives of others
So, what’s happening with ComVoc in our District and in Scotland?
3. KidsOut As many of you know, KidsOut is a wonderful event – Thanks for your Club’s support at Craibstone, Aberdeen. KidsOut will continue in 2012 at least a dozen locations in our District. Every Rotarian should try to attend to see how much the children enjoy the day – Go and join the Fun!
Inverness, Dundee, Stirling, Dunfermline, Cupar, St Andrews, Glenrothes, Leven, Kirkcaldy, Perth Kinnoul, East Fife
Also, Literacy....As many of you know, KidsOut is a wonderful event – Thanks for your Club’s support at Craibstone, Aberdeen. KidsOut will continue in 2012 at least a dozen locations in our District. Every Rotarian should try to attend to see how much the children enjoy the day – Go and join the Fun!
Inverness, Dundee, Stirling, Dunfermline, Cupar, St Andrews, Glenrothes, Leven, Kirkcaldy, Perth Kinnoul, East Fife
Also, Literacy....
4. Environment
District Environment Officer –Malcolm Rooney
See D1010 website – includes Environmental Awareness information; how to find your local recycling facilities www.recycle-more.co.uk ; ideas & projects for Clubs and Individuals
As good citizens we have a responsibility to protect our Environment As good citizens we have a responsibility to protect our Environment
5. Environment D1010 Caledonian forest regeneration project at Dundreggan estate, west of Loch Ness, through Trees for Life www.Trees4Life.org.uk
Clubs are invited to donate Ł5 per Rotarian to fund a Rotary Grove (to District Treasurer)
Dundreggan Forest, Glen Moriston – West of Loch Ness – 10,000 Acres
Planting 500,000 native trees will reconnect Glen Moriston to Glen Affric – benefit red squirrels Dundreggan Forest, Glen Moriston – West of Loch Ness – 10,000 Acres
Planting 500,000 native trees will reconnect Glen Moriston to Glen Affric – benefit red squirrels
6. Environment – Ideas?
Appoint a Club Environmental Officer?
How to improve the environment, and save money - reduce your carbon footprint at home, cut your driving emissions and costs..
Offset your Club’s and your individual carbon emissions. See www.climatecare.org
7. Community Service Health – Stroke Awareness: When a stroke strikes, Act F.A.S.T.
Blood Pressure testing days (Stroke Awareness)
REPoD (Rotarians Easing Problems of Dementia) Memory Cafes can provide stimulation, peer support and trained volunteers
See District 1010 and RIBI Websites for more information about these and other Community Service topics FAST – Face, has their face fallen on one side, can they smile? Arms, Can they raise both arms and keep them raised? Speech, Is their speech slurred? Time to call 999 if you see just one of these signs...
Some Rotary Clubs are supporting REPoD by running Memory Cafes... FAST – Face, has their face fallen on one side, can they smile? Arms, Can they raise both arms and keep them raised? Speech, Is their speech slurred? Time to call 999 if you see just one of these signs...
Some Rotary Clubs are supporting REPoD by running Memory Cafes...
9. Children in Need Children in Need & Rotary 2012 partnership
Clubs to decide if they wish to support CiN
Many Clubs organised fund-raising events last year eg Callander raised ~Ł2000 taking Pudsey to Schools, Shops, Restaurants, Inns
BBC tv showed Rotarians collecting for CiN, ~Ł110,000 raised at Rotary events in RIBI
Rotary achieved good local & national publicity by supporting the CiN PR – Raise the public’s awareness of what Rotary can do, to attract new Rotarians – Membership dividend PR – Raise the public’s awareness of what Rotary can do, to attract new Rotarians – Membership dividend
10. Community Service in D1230 Largs RC obtained Ł10,000 from Lottery fund - to match local fundraising for a Sensory Room for profoundly disabled children. Rotarians raised Ł10,000 from Fun Run, Fashion Show, Strawberry Tea, Supermarket bag-pack, donations instead of birthday presents, Concert, Bingo & Race Nights, collections, BBQ etc.
11. Community Service in D1020
South Queensferry RC organised the Forth Rail Bridge abseil, and raised Ł45,000 from 300 abseilers for Teenage Cancer Trust, Queensferry Care in the Community and other charities.
12. Community Service Local projects – include drugs awareness for young people, Blind Bowlers, Business & Technology advice, Community centre bingo, transport & concerts for elderly etc
Looking ahead - Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebration lunches and parties ~3rd June 2012. Will you organise an event?
Olympic torch relay, and other local events - opportunities for Rotary publicity – attract new members.
Lots of info on Rotary websites, use the search box
Opportunities to Serve – list includes Caring for Young Carers, Disabled Sports, Hospices, Life Education Centres, Excitement of Science, Young Enterprise etc Resources available to help with ComVoc projects,
Lots of info on Rotary websites, use the search box
Opportunities to Serve – list includes Caring for Young Carers, Disabled Sports, Hospices, Life Education Centres, Excitement of Science, Young Enterprise etc Resources available to help with ComVoc projects,
13. Vocational Service The basis of Vocational Service is The Four-Way Test: Of the things we think, say or do
Is it the Truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and promote better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Rotarians should be known for promoting high ethical standards, honesty & integrity at work and in everyday life
14. Vocational Service Vocational Service is what makes Rotary unique. It is the foundation of all of Rotary.
Rotarians could –
Promote the Four-way test to young people
Recognise high ethical standards in the community eg present a Rotary Award
Sponsor a career day for young people
15. Vocational Service On the RI website see An Introduction to Vocational Service, Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions and much more...
and the RIBI Vocational Service Resource Group offers more ideas – see RIBI website
However, Rotarians contribute their Vocational talents to the problems and needs of Society – Opportunities to serve Display Four-way Test, Declarations of Rotarians in Business in public places Display Four-way Test, Declarations of Rotarians in Business in public places
16. Vocational Service includes - Classification talks at club meetings
Tour of members businesses and other local businesses
Invite business leaders to club meetings
Community career fairs and workshops
Mentor young people and businesses
Volunteer your vocation
Mock interviews
Provide/organise work experience opportunities
17. Vocational Service Project Inverkeithing and Dalgety Bay RC organised restaurant work experience for students from a local school.
The students prepared and served a three course meal to 100 paying guests.
Customers were Parents, Rotarians & Guests
Students applied for “jobs” in the kitchen brigade (10) and front of house team (12).
Music and Drama students provided entertainment during and after the meal.
Achieved RIBI Award - Congratulations!
18. Literacy Literacy “40% of prisoners have a reading ability below that of an 11 year old”
District Literacy Co-ordinator Margaret Forbes,
01224 868843
07951 883026
19. Literacy 3 Levels of literacy
Just able to read/write
Perform simple tasks to get by
Fully operational
Able to work/progress in life
20. Literacy Primary School Quiz
Dictionaries for Life (Polish/Russian)
Rotating Books
Book Stalls at Events
Support in local schools (CV etc)
Books Abroad
Reading Bus
Details on District and RIBI websites
21. Literacy First Steps Himalaya - District Project
This year's wonderful effort by Winnie McDonald
Approx 3000 books for children in hospices and their siblings. You did that and it shows how a simple idea can mushroom into something wonderful!
22. Literacy How is your work acknowledged?
Awards to club
By 15 April each year apply for award
10 activities = Gold award
5 activities = Silver award
Application information will be sent out.
Return it to me and your work will be acknowledged ----Simple!!!
23. Community & Vocational Service Conclusion- Community Service and Vocational Service provide excellent opportunities to raise the public’s awareness of Rotary and what we do – Publicity to attract new Club members
ComVoc helps Rotarians to work together for a better world.
Community Services projects help to improve the lives of people in our local communities
Every Rotarian can make a difference Offer Publicity leaflets at every event that might attract new members Offer Publicity leaflets at every event that might attract new members
24. Workshop Groups – Literacy, Environment, Vocational Service, Community Service, Others?
Group discussions – 20 minutes
Share your good projects experiences, problems, solutions?
Scribe to take notes
Feedback from each Group