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Chapter 2-2 Personal Responsibility Objectives: - Know the main causes of stress - Know the suicide risk factors and signs - Know resources available that can help potential suicide victims. Know good study habits, techniques, and time management symptoms of stress in adolescents :
Chapter 2-2 Personal Responsibility Objectives: - Know the main causes of stress - Know the suicide risk factors and signs - Know resources available that can help potential suicide victims
Know good study habits, techniques, and time management • symptoms of stress in adolescents: • Lack of energy • Apathy • Violence • Withdrawal • Nightmares • Drug or alcohol use • Headaches
“I’m afraid that if we keep going the direction we are heading, we will eventually get there”. “I’m excited that if we keep going the upward direction we are heading, we will get there”. Which statement is better?
I. Stress management: A. The main cause of stress is _________; especially unforeseen and unwanted.
A. The main cause of stress is change; especially unforeseen and unwanted.
Change: “Never fear change. Change gives you the opportunity to spread your wings and discover all you are capable of being.” B. Stress is an emotional, chemical, physical factor that causes bodily or mental tension.
C. There are two types of stress. They are distress and eustress. Which of the two is good for you and why?
Eustress. Can help prepare you for action. D. Distress occurs when stress becomes too intense, prolonged, or frustrating. (Tell about Zweibrucken) E. Stress is necessary and inevitable part of life.
F. Stress can actually help you to be _______________________________________.
More alert and ready to respond in a time f crisis G. Stress is defined as your body’s response to demands, real or imagined, given a situation, event, or environment.
H. It is a chemical reaction which occurs in the body 1. Muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, the heart speeds up, extra adrenaline rushes through your system.
Extra strength to fight off change or to flee from it. 3. Life stresses include those that are sought after and those that are unforeseen. (tragedies) (tell about this job)
II. Causes of stress: A. Adolescence 1. The transition from being a child to becoming an adult. - This time of your life should not be used as an excuse to behave badly!!!
a. Significant changes are taking place, both physical and emotional. b. Hormones are released to increase height and weight. c. Sexual characteristics are developed to transform girls to women and boys men. d. Mood swings range from sudden _________
Burst of anger to depression to apathy. 3. During this time of life, there is the temptation to experiment sexually. (Give your two cents about not having sex until marriage. Also discuss why drug companies and condom companies want you to be sexually active.)
4. Social roles are blurred - where they fit in. This causes them to seek the _______________________________________
The support and security of their peers. It’s a known fact during the stage of life, it seems the views of your peers mean more than the adults in their lives . 5. One way to reduce the stress of this blurring of social roles is to ______________________
Group with others who are similar in dress, behavior, and attitude. Why? Helps you to feel like you belong – wanted – needed.
Another area that causes stress is: B. Family Problems: 1. Divorce a. The familiar environment no longer offers the feeling of safety and security. b. Emotions such as confusion, depression, guilt, and anger are triggered.
c. Finances? - Less of it… 2. Moving (tell about Kathy) 3. A death in the family
A death in a family can produce: a. Produces feelings of helplessness, anger, and grief. b. In addition of missing the loved one, it could cause one to feel like they are_____________
Next! 4. Communication ( the lack of or frustrated communication) a. Realize you don’t have to argue b. Always stay respectful in tone c. Listen!!!!!!
5. Abuse a. Abuse can be emotional, physical, verbal or _______
Sexual (no one deserves to be abused in any of these ways.) b. If you have ever been abused, don’t feel like you are the reason.
c. The shame of the abuse might prevent? The one being abused from reporting it thus causing distress; also causing the one being abused to shoulder the burden and destroying themselves from within.
6. Another area of stress is adjusting to a single-parent home: a. Some of the changes associated with a single-parent home that could cause stress are: - Income - Residence - where you live - Home responsibilities
7. Stepparents: a. Accepting a stepparent is difficult at best especially if doing so would mean rejecting their biological parent. b. This is also stressful for the stepparent
8. The birth of a sibling: a. What kind of feelings do the older children have when this happens?
Uncertainty, competition for the parent’s attention, and resentment b. Expecting the older child to instantly love the new baby C. This could result in bad behavior as a way of gaining attention.
9. The next area of stress is school: a. What are some things that make school stressful?
Scholastic achievement, taking test, success in sports, peer acceptance. b. What could parents/guardians do to help lessen your stress in school?
Take an interest in your classes, friends, activities, and teachers c. Always be willing to talk about what’s bothering you (Parents/guardians can’t read minds!!!)(instructors can’t either) Talk to them!!!
10. Another stress maker is medical problems: a. Cause both emotional and financial stresses. Affects the one who is ill as well as other family members. b. The well child will at times feel _____________
Neglected and guilty. Neglected due to the sick child getting so much of the attention and guilty because they’re not the one sick. Best thing is to talk it out. Tell how you are feeling.
These two types of personalities: Type “A” and type “B” a. Type “A” is thought to be caused due to a lack of self-confidence. b. They feel threatened if they can’t control their environment.
c. When circumstances don’t go the way they want them to, they get frustrated, angry, and hostile. (Talk about the cadet that went ballistic when she knew she was not prepared for a test.)
e. Type “B” personalities are more laid back and relaxed f. They are more patient g. They relax and have fun - no need to prove they are superior h. An individual will not always have all of type “A” or type “B” - they may possess a little of both
C. How stress affects you: 1. Yourself. It attacks your self-esteem and lessens positive feelings of self-worth. 2. Other people. Unless you take time to relax and recharge you will not be able to ________
Effectively relate to other people - say goodbye to your friends! 3. The world. You become unaware of what’s going on in the world around you - you don’t seem to have the energy to care. (9-11-01)
D. Let’s talk about the results of stress: 1. Stress causes stress related illnesses but particularly heart disease. There are two types of personalities – “A” and “B”- one is more prone to stress related illnesses than the other. 2. Which one?
E. Physical effects of stress: 1. Upon perceiving an event to be stressful, the brain sends signals to the body to prepare it for action. a. Adrenaline is released to increase the heart rate and raise blood pressure. b. Cortisone is released to help fight off infections
c. The muscles tighten in preparation to absorb blows d. To provide additional energy, the adrenal glands increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood and the liver is directed to increase the amount of sugar
F. Stress related illnesses: 1. Heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism, ulcers, headaches, upset stomachs, depression, cancer, and backaches just to mention a few 2. Focusing on the heart, stress causes heart disease by the prolong increase of cholesterol in the blood leading to blocked arteries. The prolonged increase of heart rate and pressure overtax the heart.
G. Stress management: 1. How do you spell RELIEF? a. R elax b. E at properly c. L earn to be assertive (does not mean to verbally kill someone) d. I gnore circumstances that can’t be changed
e. E xercise f. F ind a hobby 2. Other ways of reducing stress are: a. Identifying the source of stress and the things that make you tense. Stress is a result of how you react to things. You make choices!
b. Reach out by talking to your parent/guardian, friends, pastors, teachers, etc. c. Set realistic goals - not too easy and not too hard. d. Be good to yourself e. Keep a journal f. Find ways to “let off steam” like listening to music, talking to a friend, breathing