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Response to Instruction and Intervention

Response to Instruction and Intervention. The Big Picture. Anita L. Archer, Ph.D. Educational Consultant archerteach@aol.com 503-295-7749. Response to Instruction and Intervention Model. Tier 3 Intense Intervention

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Response to Instruction and Intervention

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  1. Response to Instruction and Intervention

  2. The Big Picture Anita L. Archer, Ph.D. Educational Consultant archerteach@aol.com503-295-7749

  3. Response to Instruction and Intervention Model Tier 3 Intense Intervention Few (5%) High Intensity Longer Duration Tier 2 Supplemental Intervention Some (15%) Moderate Intensity Shorter Duration Tier 1 Core Program All Research-based Instruction Preventative

  4. Big Ideas • Use academic and behavioral data to inform decisions. • Increase the intensity of the program for struggling students. • Use research-based, scientifically validated instructional procedures (INSTRUCTION - how to teach). • Use research-based, scientifically validatedcurriculum (INTERVENTIONS - what to teach) and materials.

  5. Big Idea #1. Use academic andbehavioral data to inform decisions. • Screening • Diagnostic • Specific measures of: Decoding Encoding Fluency Comprehension • Program specific placement tests • Progress Monitoring • Curriculum-based assessment measures (DIBELS, AIMSweb, MAP) • Program specific assessments • Tier 1 - Progress monitoring three times a year • Tier 2 - Frequent progress monitoring at least once a month • Tier 3 - More frequent progress monitoring

  6. Big Idea #2. Increase the intensity of the program for struggling students. • Increase time spent on targeted areas. • Reduce group size.

  7. Big Idea #2. Increase the intensity of the program for struggling students. Increase time spent on targeted areas.(Elementary) • Tier 1. 90 minutes of uninterrupted instruction. Differentiated instruction including whole group and small group instruction. • Tier 2. 90 minutes PLUS 20 - 40 minutes, 3 to 5 times a week. • Tier 3. 90 minutes PLUS 40 - 60 minutes targeted intensive intervention, daily OR alternative core for 90 minutes.

  8. Big Idea #2. Increase the intensity of the program for struggling students. Increase time spent on targeted areas. (Secondary)Option #1: Core Language Arts Class PLUS period of targeted reading intervention Option #2: Alternative Core - Two periods

  9. Big Idea #2. Increase the intensity of the program for struggling students. Reduce group size. Tier 2 - Small group instruction 3 to 8 students Tier 3 - Small group instruction (Of course, the reality of funding and number of available teachers and para-educators could drastically alter these desirable group sizes.)

  10. Big Idea #2. Increase the intensity of the program for struggling students. • Reduce group size. • Example: Elementary • Idea A. Establish different 90 minute reading blocks for k-1, 2-3, 4-5. When students are not in reading blocks, they can be “pulled out” for Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention. • Idea B. Establish 90 minute reading blocks and an additional grade-level 20 to 40 minute intervention period. All students go to a class for specialized instruction including intervention. • Idea C. Extend the 90 minute reading block to 120 - 150 minutes and provide intervention within the classroom.

  11. Big Idea #3. Use research-based, scientifically validated instructional procedures (how to teach). • Explicit Instruction • Relentless • Engaging Delivery

  12. Big Idea #3. Use research-based, scientifically validated instructional procedures (how to teach). Explicit Instruction • Instruction is direct versus indirect (discovery). • Instructional language, explanations, and directives are clear and unambiguous. • Instructional routines are used again and again.

  13. Big Idea #3. Use research-based, scientifically validated instructional procedures (how to teach). Explicit Instruction of Skills/Strategies Model I do it.My turn. Prompt We do it.Let’s do this together. Check You do it. Your turn.

  14. Big Idea #3. Use research-based, scientifically validated instructional procedures (how to teach). Explicit Instruction of Concepts(vocabulary) • Introduce the word. • Provide a “student-friendly explanation.” • Illustrate with examples. • Check understanding.

  15. Big Idea #3. Use research-based, scientifically validated instructional procedures (how to teach). Relentless • Adequate initial practice opportunities • Distributed review • Cumulative review • Tier 3 students may require 10 to 30 times as many practice opportunities as peers. • Teach to mastery. • Let’s not leave students over exposed and underdeveloped.

  16. Big Idea #3. Use research-based,scientifically validated instructional procedures (how to teach). Delivery Skills • Require frequent responses. • Monitor student performance carefully. • Provide immediate affirmative and corrective feedback. • Deliver the lesson at a brisk pace.

  17. Big Idea #4. Use research-based, scientifically validated curriculum (what to teach) and materials. • Curriculum (What to Teach) • Focus on the BIG FIVE • Phonemic awareness • Decoding • Fluency • Vocabulary • Comprehension

  18. Big Idea #4. Use research-based, scientifically validated curriculum (what to teach) and materials. Example - Elementary Tier 2 - Supplemental targeted skill interventions • Kindergarten • Phonemic awareness • Letter-sound associations • Beginning decoding • First grade • First half of year • Decoding single syllable words • Decoding multisyllabic words • High frequency words • Second half of year • Decoding single and multisyllabic words • Encoding (spelling)same words • High frequency words • Fluency of word reading • Reading connected text accurately and fluently

  19. Big Idea #4. Use research-based, scientifically validated curriculum (what to teach) and materials. Tier 2 - Supplemental targeted skill interventions • Second and third grade • Decoding single and multisyllabic words • Encoding (spelling) same words • High frequency words • Fluency of word reading • Reading connected text accurately and fluently • Literal comprehension • Comprehension strategies such as story retell, summarization, prediction • Third, fourth, fifth grade • Decoding multisyllabic words • Encoding (spelling) same words • Reading connected text accurately and fluently • Passage vocabulary • Literal comprehension • Comprehension strategies such as story grammar (narrative), “getting the gist” or paragraph shrinking (expository), mapping/webbing • Writing summaries

  20. Let us remember How well we teach = How well they learn

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