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C. Fougeron*, L. Crevier-Buchman*, C. Fredouille°, A. Ghio^, C. Meunier^, C. Chevrie-Muller, J.-F. Bonastre°, A. Colazo-Simon, C. Delooze, D. Duez^, C. Gendrot*, T. Legou^, N. Lévêque*, C. Pillot-Loiseau*, S. Pinto^, G. Pouchoulin°, D. Robert^, J. Vaissiere*, F. Viallet^, C. Vincent*
C. Fougeron*, L. Crevier-Buchman*, C. Fredouille°, A. Ghio^, C. Meunier^, C. Chevrie-Muller, J.-F. Bonastre°, A. Colazo-Simon, C. Delooze, D. Duez^, C. Gendrot*, T. Legou^, N. Lévêque*, C. Pillot-Loiseau*, S. Pinto^, G. Pouchoulin°, D. Robert^, J. Vaissiere*, F. Viallet^, C. Vincent* * Lab. de Phonétique et Phonologie, UMR 7018 CNRS-Paris3/Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris ° Université d'Avignon, CERI/LIA, Avignon ^ Lab. Parole et Langage, UMR 6057 CNRS Aix-Marseille Univ., Aix-en-Provence The DesPho-APaDy Project: Developing an Acoustic-phonetic Characterizationof Dysarthric Speech in French http://despho-apady.univ-avignon.fr/
Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 What is Dysarthria? • Neurologically-based speech disturbances resulting from damage to the central and/or peripheral nervous system that impair the transmission of neural messages to the muscles involved in speech production • Deficit in the motor execution at any level of speech production: • respiratory • phonatory • supralaryngeal (velopharyngeal and orofacial) • Requires the consideration of multiple speech parameters
Rationale and Objectives of the Project - To constitute a searchable speech database of French dysarthric patients: 1. for the preservation of existing databases 2. for the need of the acoustic description - To provide a systematic, quantified acoustic description of the speech patterns of French dysarthric speakers 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 3
The Multiple-Field Query Database:Why? • Storage and organization of digitized dysarthric speech corpora (acoustic and physiological data) and associated patients’ clinical information • Accessibility (for selected and protected use) through multiple-field queries (M/F, age, on/off stimulation,…) 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 4
The Multiple-Field Query Database:Which data? The CCM (Claude Chevrie-Muller) Corpus recorded over the last 30 years, ~1000 hours of disordered speech, 5000 patients – adults and children * 860 patients classified according to their neurological diagnosis * 60 control speakers Data recorded Sound, EGG (ElectroGlottoGraph) 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 5
The Multiple-Field Query Database:Which data? • The ANH (Aix-Neurology-Hospital) Corpus recorded for the past 15 years: * 990 patients, * 160 control speakers Data recorded Sound, aerodynamic. EVA2 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 6
The Multiple-Field Query Database:How? • Getting the audio files: • Digitization of the analog 1/4” audio tapes • speed change during each recording session • “real time” auditory control of the recording • Problems encountered: poor quality recordings, some tapes in bad condition • Transfer of DAT tapes • To date, data from 180 patients have been digitized (analog tapes), 94 have been captured from DAT • Segmentation per patient and per speech task (idem for the control population) • Data were renamed for anonymous storage 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 7
The Multiple-Field Query Database:How? • Designing the database: • Choice of a relational model to structure the data • Definition of a set of objects, their attributes and the relation between them, related to the clinical environment • Refinement by confronting the relational data model with empirical and “real” clinical data • Developing the query interface: • Basic sociolinguistic information • Clinical information • Recording session information 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 8
Dysarthric Speech in French: Dimensions to be considered when dealing with dysarthria • Various parameters can be affected… • phonation • articulation • timing/rhythm • prosody • fluence… • Need of appropriate and sufficiently large quantities of speech data, homogenous in quality, and sufficiently documented by clinical information on the patient 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 9
Dysarthric Speech in FrenchMethods • Methods and analysis procedures based on both phonetics and speech engineering approaches • Manual analysis (by human experts) of the acoustic properties of the productions • Automatic acoustic analysis of speech signals • Continuous back and forth between these two techniques should gain from the potential of both approaches 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 10
Dysarthric Speech in French:Selection of Patients (Acoustic Study) • Focus on neurophysiologic alterations of 3 neurologic systems: • Pyramidal system: ALS dysarthria (30 patients) • Cerebellar system: ataxic dysarthria (30 patients) • Extrapyramidal system: Parkinsonian dysarthria (30 patients from the ANH corpus) • Selection based on: • The clinical information, (the certainty of the diagnosis, the ongoing treatment, patient demographics) • The severity of the dysarthria (work on dysarthria with relatively intelligible speech) 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 11
Dysarthric Speech in French:Pre-Processing of the Audio Files • In order to be able to perform both the manual and automatic acoustic analyses, Need of: • Orthographic transcriptions • Automatic text-constrained phonetic alignment 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 12
Pre-Processing of the Audio Files:Orthographic TranscriptionsAutomatic Alignment 1. Orthographic transcriptions <s> [ext] *vu* *puve* *i* *ale* [ext]*alOR* Mr Seguin n'avait jamais eu de bonheur avec ses Each speech production which differs from the original text was annotated using the SAMPA phonetic alphabet 2. Automatic text-constrained phonetic alignment 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 13
Dysarthric Speech in French:Automatic Phonetic Alignment • Evaluation of the automatic phonetic alignment comparing the production of phonemic labels and the boundaries annotated by two phoneticians 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 14
Dysarthric Speech in French:Automatic Phonetic Alignment Results: When comparing segment time boundaries produced manually and automatically, a shift above 20ms is observed: 17% of control speakers, 24% of moderate dysarthric patients 56% of severe dysarthric patients But strong agreement (manual/automatic) for spectral measurements 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 15
Conclusions/Perspectives Encouraging results for clinical research on speech disorders and speech science. Observing type and range of variations due to motor control deficit can help for a comprehensive model of speech variation for normal speakers. A better understanding of the variations that permit to consider a dysarthric speech as deviant could provide insights to the boundary between normal and pathological speech. 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 16
Acknowledgments Funded by the ANR BLAN08-0125 of the French National Research Agency We deeply thank P. Clément, A. Nurenberg and O. Panseri who are also collaborating to this project For further information, please visit: http://despho-apady.univ-avignon.fr 2010-05-20 Fougeron et al.: The DesPho-APaDy Project, LREC 2010 17