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IEEE CIS AWARDS COMMITTEE REPORT. June 20, 2013 Cancun, Mexico. CALL EXECUTIVE SESSION. Awards Committee. Jose Principe (chair) Piero Bonissone Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier Yaochu Jin Derong Liu. CIS Awards. 1- Neural Networks Pioneer Award 2- Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award
Awards Committee Jose Principe (chair) Piero Bonissone Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier Yaochu Jin Derong Liu
CIS Awards 1- Neural Networks Pioneer Award 2- Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award 3- Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award 4- Meritorious Service Award 5- Outstanding Early Career Award 6- Outstanding Chapter Award 7- Outstanding PhD Dissertation Award 8- Outstanding Organization Award
CIS Awards Outstanding Transaction Paper Award 9- T. Neural Networks and Learning Systems 10- T. Fuzzy Systems 11- T. Evolutionary Computation 12- T. Autonomous Mental Development 13- T. Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 14- Computational Intelligence Magazine
CIS Awards Big thanks to all the committee members The motions I will present were all elaborated and passed by the respective subcommittees and unanimously approved by the award committee.
NN Pioneer Award Recipients 2013, Frank Lewis 2012, N/A 2011, Jose C. Principe 2010, Vladimir Vapnik 2009, John G. Taylor 2008, Gail Carpenter, Kumpati S. Narendra 2007, Michael Jordan 2006, Donald Specht, Erkki Oja 2005, Carver Mead 2004, Andrew Barto 2003, Kunihiko Fukushima 2002, Terrence Sejnowski 2001, David E. Rumelhart, James L. McCelland 2000, Leon Chua 1999, Robert Hecht-Nielsen 1998, Geoffrey E. Hinton 1997, John J. Hopfield 1996, N/A 1995, Michael A. Arbib, Nils J. Nilsson, Paul J. Werbos 1994, Christoph von der Malsburg 1993, Thomas M. Cover 1992, Shun-Ichi Amari, Walter Freeman, David Willshaw 1991, Bernard Widrow, Stephen Grossberg, Teuvo Kohonen
2014 CISNeural Networks Pioneer Award Motion 1:Bestow the 2014 IEEE CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award to: YannLeCun For Significant contributions to convolutional neural networks and their application to pattern recognition and computer vision Motion 2: Bestow the 2014 IEEE CIS Neural Networks Pioneer Award to: Jun Wang For Significant contributions to neurodynamic optimization and its engineering applications
FS Pioneer Award Recipients 2013, Wytold Pedrycz 2012, Piero P. Bonissone, Abraham Kandel 2011, Hans J. Zimmermann 2010, Hideo Tanaka 2009, Tomohiro Takagi, Enrique H. Ruspini 2008, Jerry M. Mendel, Takeshi Yamakawa 2007, Jim Keller, George Klir 2006, Janusz Kacprzyk 2005, Enric Trillas 2004, Ronald Yager 2003, Ebrahim Mamdani 2002, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade 2001, James Bezdek 2000, Lotfi Zadeh, Michio Sugeno
2014 CISFuzzy Systems Pioneer Award Motion:Bestow the 2014 IEEE CIS Fuzzy Systems Pioneer Award to Masaharu Mizumoto for Significant contributions to the foundations of fuzzy set theory
EC Pioneer Award Recipients 2013, Xin Yao 2012, J.David Schaffer, Russell C. Eberhart and James Kennedy 2011, Larry J. Eshelman 2010, David E. Goldberg, John Greffenstette 2009, N/A 2008, David B. Fogel 2007, N/A 2006, N/A 2005, Kenneth De Jong 2004, Richard Friedberg 2003, John H. Holland 2002, Ingo Rechenberg, Hans-Paul Schwefel 2001, Michael Conrad 2000, George E.P. Box 1999, Alex S. Fraser 1998, Lawrence J. Fogel
2014 CISEvolutionary Computation Pioneer Award Motion:Bestow the 2014 IEEE CIS Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award to George Burgin for Pioneering applications of evolutionary programming in aerospace engineering
2014 CISMeritorious Service Award No recommendation from the Awards’ Committee
2014 CIS Outstanding Early Career Award Motion:Bestow the 2014 CIS Outstanding Early Career Award to Haibo He for Contributions to adaptive learning and control, intelligent systems, and smart grid
2014 CIS Outstanding Organization Award Motion:Bestow the 2014 CIS Outstanding Organization Award to the Honda Research Institute Europe for Contributions to the field of computational intelligence in science and innovation
2014 CIS Outstanding Chapter Award Motion Bestow the 2014 IEEE CIS Outstanding Chapter Award to the IEEE CIS UKRI Chapter for Promoting and supporting the dissemination of computational intelligence within the UKRI Section
2014 CIS Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award Motion:Bestow the 2014 CIS Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation award to Jane Jing Liang for her dissertation entitled Novel and robust dynamic topologies for particle swarm optimizers
2014 CISTNNLS Outstanding Paper Award Motion: Bestow the 2014 IEEE TNNLS Outstanding Paper Award to Long Cheng, Zeng-Guang Hou, Yingzi Lin, Min Tan, Wenjun Chris Zhang, Fangxiang Wu for their paper entitled "Recurrent Neural Network for Non-Smooth Convex Optimization Problems with Application to the Identification of Genetic Regulatory Networks", published in vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 714-726, May 2011.
2014 CISTFS Outstanding Paper Award Motion: Bestow the 2014 IEEE TFS Outstanding Paper Award to Dongrui Wu and Jerry M. Mendel for the paper entitled "On the Continuity of Type-1 and Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems”IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 179-192, 2011
2014 CISTEC Outstanding Paper Award No recommendation from the Awards’ Committee
2014 CIST CIAIG Outstanding Paper Award No recommendation from the Awards’ Committee
2014 CISTAMD Outstanding Paper Award No recommendation from the Awards’ Committee
2014 CISCIM Outstanding Paper Award No recommendation from the Awards’ Committee
CIS Awards (statistics) NOMINATION Histogram
Proposed Changes for Nomination Process Awards Committee feels nominations are insufficient. Create under the VP for Tech Activities a Professional Advancement Committee. This committee will orchestrate and seek nominations from the CIS community and TCs for the awards. It will announce and receive all award nominations, check requirements, dialogue with nominators to achieve high quality nominations. Nomination for journals are easier. The Editorial Boards of all Transactions/Magazine should appoint one of its members as the “instigator” for outstanding paper nominations.
CIS AWARDS Analysis: • CIS went from a large single awards committee to the other extreme of 14 sub and 1 “super committee” (~ 60 people) • Many members in several committees, and with elections every two years, this size is not supported by the community. • Enormous management overhead: Chair initiates the process and spends 90% of time setting things up, sending emails, not discussing the nominations • Nomination quality varies greatly (nobody checks them nor dialogues with nominator) • Not enough information in nominations (indicators need to be improved)
CIS AWARDS- Proposed Changes Three types of awards: • Area Specific (Pioneers, v. prestigious) • CIS wide (NN+FS+EC) • Journal Awards Each should have a different organization
CIS AWARDS- Proposed Changes Pioneer Award sub committees --- as is CIS Wide – a single sub committee will handle all the Awards. Create a Sub-committee chair. Chair of the subcommittee will coordinate communication and set up meetings. Awards Chair will conduct live meetings Journal Awards – Each EiC will handle the Awards, and coordinate communication and set up the meetings Award Chair will conduct live meetings
Nomination/Award Process Changes The awards chair and committee realizes the need for a change in the award nomination process and award management to improve pool of candidates and efficacy. Motion: Endorse the need for a change in the nomination/award processes that would mitigate the issues discussed, and request from EXCOM action on this issue.