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Semicolons. The real story. Learning Target. Using semicolons correctly for their intended purpose in writing and not just to create winking emoticons. ;). Take notes; you’ll need them. Using semicolons in text messages. 1. In compound sentences .
Semicolons The real story.
Learning Target • Using semicolons correctly for their intended purpose in writing and not just to create winking emoticons. • ;)
1. In compound sentences • Use a semicolon between two independent clauses of a compound sentence when they are not joined by a coordinate conjunction. • There was a sudden silence; everyone was stunned by the outcome. • Elijah is tall; his brother is short.
2. In a compound sentence with a dependent clause • Use a semicolon between the two independent clauses of a complex sentence joined by a coordinate conjunction and independent clause if commas are also used in the sentence. • Although the story is impossible, I believe you; and the others will, too. • Since you asked my opinion, I will tell you; and I hope you will listen well.
3. Before a conjunctive adverb • Use a semicolon before a conjunctive adverb that introduces a clause in a compound sentence. • Common conjunctive adverbs are therefore, nevertheless, moreover, consequently, furthermore, besides, then, thus, instead, accordingly, otherwise, so, yet, still, hence, however. Explanatory expressions (for example, namely, on the contrary, in fact, that is, on the other hand) are used similarly as conjunctive adverbs with a semicolon preceding them and a comma following. • Mrs. Running knew she could not win; nevertheless, she kept running. • The weather was wonderful; in fact, it was the best weather for a month. • I have not heard the latest comments; therefore, I cannot render an opinion.
4. In a series of phrases or clauses that contain commas. • Use a semicolon to separate phrases or clauses of equal rank that contain commas. The semicolon in such sentences brings clarity of meaning. • We have visited Juneau, Alaska; San Jose, California; and New York City, New York. • The new teachers are Mrs. Tweit, Language Arts; Mr. Bye, Science; and Ms. Kunzer, Math.
Semicolon Activity • Go to my webpage, go to today’s date, and upload the activity.