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Semicolons. Your squiggly friends. Three ways to use a semicolon correctly-. 1. Connect Two Related sentences. complete sentence + ; + complete sentence The treasurer of our club absconded with the dues; she is now living in Canada. (You could have written it like this).
Semicolons Your squiggly friends
1. Connect Two Related sentences complete sentence + ; + complete sentence The treasurer of our club absconded with the dues; she is now living in Canada.
(You could have written it like this) • The treasurer of our club absconded with the dues, and she is now living in Canada. • Or • The treasurer of our club absconded with the dues. She is now living in Canada.
If you still don’t get it, watch this video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXaAVc3PQKQ
2. Connect two related sentences with a transition (a conjunctive adverb) • complete sentence + ; + transition + , + complete sentence. • My brother has a perverse sense of humor; however, he never jokes about injured animals.
My inebriated friend vomited on her date’s shoes; consequently, he never asked her out again.
3. Use a semicolon in a complicated list of items • item + , + more information + ; + item + , + more information + ; + and + item + , + more information • The intrepid traveler hiked to Anchorage, Alaska; swam to Whidbey Island, Washington; and bicycled down to Portland, Oregon.
Or like this if your phrases are long- • Ben’s prevarications were extensive and included lying to his mother about doing the dishes; lying to Matthew about copying his homework; and lying to his teacher about taking her highlighters.
If you still don’t get it, check out this funny website. • http://theoatmeal.com/comics/semicolon Or this not as funny one • http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/semicolon.htm
Homework: Vocabulary Semicolons • Write a total of 10 sentences. • Use any of the 30 vocabulary words. • Pay attention to the parts of speech. • Underline the vocabulary word. • Draw a dividing line between each section (-10) • Write the sentences in this order.
Valentine’s Greeting Examples • Dear Valentine, If my heart were a hotel, you would be the proprietor. (Good) Love, Me • Dear Valentine, Your boring personality makes me feel listless whenever I’m with you. (Bad) Love, Me