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Line Manager and Contract Holders (Designated Incident Owners ). HSSE Support (S&D). HSSE Manager. Executive Team Member. All Staff and Contractors within scope of HSSE MS. Notification and Reporting . Incident or Near Miss Occurs. On Going Emergency ?. YES. NO.
Line Manager and Contract Holders (Designated Incident Owners) HSSE Support (S&D) HSSE Manager Executive Team Member All Staff and Contractors within scope of HSSE MS Notification and Reporting Incident or Near Miss Occurs On Going Emergency? YES NO Activate Emergency Response Procedures Activate Crisis Procedures Injury Involved? NO YES Commence Injury Management Notification (verbal, phone, or e-mail) as soon as possible and within the guidelines set in the incident notification table Appendix 3: Requirements for HSSE Incident Reporting, Investigation, Review, and Learning. Not later than 48 hours from notification through IMIS, Incident Owner accepts ownership of the incident or reassign ownership to another party if appropriate. Incident Owner commences the requirements for investigation 1 Incident Investigation Incident Management Information System (IMIS) YES First Reporter input First Report into IMIS (within 24 HRS) Direct IMIS Access NO Designated First Reporter to submit First Report (Appendix 4)to HSSE S&D within 24 HRS. HSSE S&D receives First Report and Inputs details into IMIS within 24HRS
Line Manager and Contract Holders (Designated Incident Owners) Executive Team Member LFI Coordinator (HSSE Specialist) HSSE Manager Investigation, Review, and Learning 1 As soon as practical, relevant ET member determines level of Investigation: Investigation Team Leader (if other than Incident Owner); Investigation Method (e.g. Tripod, Causation Model) Severity Actual 2+ or Potential 3+? YES NO Incident Owner to commence investigation Investigation Team Leader to commence investigation Within 5 days from receipt of signed-off Significant Incident Investigation Report, issues out an incident classification as per Performance Monitoring and Reporting Specifications (Appendix 2). Within 10 working days from date of incident, Incident Owner to complete investigation details on IMIS then close the incident record Within 14 calendar days from date of incident, Investigation Team Leader completes Significant Incident Investigation Report(Appendix 7) Within 7 calendar days from receipt of Significant Incident Investigation Report, issues out a Action Alert(LFI ref. Appendix 8) Upon receipt of signed-off Significant Incident Investigation Report, Incident Owner loads investigation details and remedial actions into IMIS, then closes the incident record. Within 7 calendar days from receipt of Significant Incident Investigation Report, relevant ET member reviews and signs-off report and circulates within ET, Incident Owner, Investigation Team Leader, HSSE, and the LFI Coordinator. Monthly management review of incident and investigation at ET Level (Tier 2). Additional action items may be identified. Severity Actual 1 or Potential 2? NO Action items will remain open in IMIS until completed. Within 7 calendar days from receipt of Incident Investigation and Learning Report, issues out a LFI Awareness Alert(ref. Appendix 8) Complete Incident Investigation & Learning Report(Appendix 7)and submit to relevant LT/ET member, and the LFI Coordinatorwithin 15 days from date of incident. YES Monthly management review of incident and investigation at ET-1 Level (Tier 1). Additional action items may be identified. Corporate HSE MIS