Christian Worship. Hymn Evaluation Tool. 詩歌評鑑工具. A starting point . . . A method of evaluating and analyzing individual hymns for potential use in Lutheran worship 用作評估和分析個別詩歌是否適用在路德宗崇拜中. TRUTH. 真理.
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Christian Worship
Hymn Evaluation Tool
詩歌評鑑工具 A starting point . . . A method of evaluating and analyzing individual hymns for potential use in Lutheran worship用作評估和分析個別詩歌是否適用在路德宗崇拜中
TRUTH 真理 DOES THE TEXT OF THIS HYMN/SONG ACCURATELY AND CLEARLY PRESENT BIBLE TRUTH?這詩歌的歌詞是否準確和清楚地呈現出聖經真理? For example 例子: Is conversion presented as a gift of God or as the result of a decision generated by the power of the human will?回轉歸信是上帝的恩賜或是人的意志所決定的結果? Is a call for godly behavior connected to the motivating power of the gospel of Christ?呼籲作敬虔的行為關係到基督福音的鼓勵?
SUBSTANCE 內容 DOES THIS HYMN/SONG COMMUNICATE SOMETHING SUBSTANTIAL?這詩歌傳遞了一些重要的信息? For example 例子: Is praise of God connected to a proclamation of what God has done?讚美上帝與宣告上帝所做的有關? Is God’s grace in Christ (the Gospel) present and prominent?上帝在基督內的恩典 (福音) 呈現出現和成為主導嗎?
PERSPECTIVE 觀點 IS THIS HYMN/SONG MORE GOD-CENTERED OR MAN-CENTERED?這詩歌是上帝為中心或是以人為中心? Is the hymn/song reflective (focused on personal emotion)?這詩歌是反射性(側重於個人情感)? Is the hymn/song directive (focused on objective truth)?這詩是指導性的(側重於客觀真理)?
EMPHASES 強調 WHAT CATEGORY OF BIBLE TRUTH DOES THIS HYMN/SONG EMPHASIZE?這詩歌強調哪一種類的聖經真理? THE POWER AND THE GENERAL ACTS OF GOD上帝的大能和行為 God’s creative power 上帝創造的大能 God's ongoing preservation of the world上帝持續地保守世界 God's great acts of deliverance in the past上帝釋放過去的偉大行為 God‘s promise to work everything for the good of his children上帝應許一切都是為著祂的兒女的益處
EMPHASES 強調 WHAT CATEGORY OF BIBLE TRUTH DOES THIS HYMN/SONG EMPHASIZE?這詩歌強調哪一種類的聖經真理? THE WORK OF CHRIST AND THE MEANS OF GRACE基督的工作和施恩具 Christ's life of perfect obedience, lived in our place基督代替我們, 活出完全服從的生 The work of Christ on the cross基督在十字架的工作 The results of Christ's work = Christ satisfied God's justice, paying for the sins of the entire world基督工作的結果 = 基督滿足上帝的義, 為整個世界付上罪的工價 Christ's resurrection as assurance that we are innocent in God's eyes基督的復活是確保我們在上帝眼中為無罪 Law as mirror and Gospel as comfort律法如鏡和福音的安慰 Baptism clothes us in Christ洗禮讓我們披戴基督 Lord’s Supper strengthens us in Christ聖餐禮在基督內堅固我們
EMPHASES 強調 WHAT CATEGORY OF BIBLE TRUTH DOES THIS HYMN/SONG EMPHASIZE?這詩歌強調哪一種類的聖經真理? THE JOYFUL RESPONSE OF A BELIEVER信徒喜樂的回應 Trust in the Lord for all things在各樣事上信靠主 Joyful obedience, the thankful response of a Christian for Christ's saving work喜樂的服從, 是基督徒對基督救贖工作的感恩回應 Gospel as power and Law as guide福音是大能, 律法作指引
MUSICALITY 音樂品質 WHAT IS THE NATURE OF THE TEXT’S MUSICAL SETTING?詩歌內容的音樂設置是甚麼? For example 例子: Does the music draw attention to itself rather than permit the text to be most prominent?音樂本身會吸引主意力而不是突出文字? Is the musical style comfortable for worshippers?音樂的風格會使崇拜者舒服嗎? Is the melody learnable?旋律容易學嗎?
THEME主題 THE MAIN POINT OR THEME OF THIS SONG/HYMN IS . . .這詩歌的重點或主題是... For example 例子: A church year connection (Easter, Good Friday, etc.)與教會年節期有關 (復活節、受苦節等) A liturgical connection (Confession of sins, Praise for forgiveness, etc.) 與儀式有關 (認罪、赦罪讚美等) Christian living 基督徒生活 Christian suffering 基督徒苦難 Marriage/Family 婚姻/家庭 Trinity 三位一體 Baptism 洗禮 Faith/Trust 信心 Stewardship 團契 Prayer 禱告 Evangelism 宣教
Hymn/Song Evaluation 詩經評鑑
有何良友像主耶穌What a Friend We Have in Jesus 有何良友像主耶穌, 當我罪孽,擔我憂? 何等權利能將萬事, 帶到耶穌恩座求! 恩惠,平安,屢屢喪失, 又遇痛苦淚雙流, 皆因未將諸般憂慮, 帶到耶穌恩座求。 What a friend we have in Je –sus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a priv - i – lege to car – ry Ev – ’ry-thing to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we of –ten for –feit. Oh, what need-less pain we bear, All be-cause we do car –ry Ev – ’ry-thing to God in prayer! HoP 471
生命之道Wonderful Words Life 請為我再歌晿一遍, 奇妙生命之道; 讓我更認識它美麗, 奇妙生命之道; 生命之道美好, 教我信守眞道。 奇哉主道,美哉主道, 生命之道奇妙! 奇哉主道,美哉主道, 生命之道奇妙! Sing them o - ver a-gain to me, Won- derful words of life! Let me more of their beau - ty see, Won- derful words of life! Words of life and beau - ty, Teach me faith and du - ty! Beau - ti – ful words! Won- der – ful words! Won- der – ful words of life! Beau - ti – ful words! Won- der – ful words! Won- der – ful words of life! HoP 245
How Precious Is the Book Divine 寶貴聖經 何等寶貴,神聖聖經,聖靈默示寫成!箴言訓誨,如燈照明,導我走向天庭。我心憂愁,行過淚谷,聖經使我鼓舞;給我生命,喜樂,光明,消我恐懼,憂驚。人生如夜,聖經如光,照我走向前方;直到我見永恆之日,更加皎潔明亮。 How precious is the Book divine, By inspiration giv’n! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine To guide our souls to heav’n. Its light, descending from above Our gloomy world to cheer. Displays a Savior’s boundless love And brings his glories near. It shows to us our wand’ring ways And where our feet have trod But brings to view the matchless grace Of a forgiving God. This lamp through all the dreary night Of life shall guide our way. Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day.
我與救主同行When We Walk with the Lord 我與救主同行, 得主眞道引領, 何等榮光照亮我路程! 只要聴主命令, 主肯與我同行, 信靠順服,主必肯同行。 信靠順服!此外並無別法: 若要在主裡喜樂, 惟有信靠順服。 When we talk with the Lord In the light of his Word, What a glo-ry He sheds on our way! While we do His good –will, He a-bides with us still, And with all who will trust and o –bey. Trust and o-bey; for there’s no oth-er way To be hap-py in Je-sus, but to trust and o-bey. HoP 431
A comparison 比較 Jesus Loves Me This I Know 耶穌愛我我曉得 “He Lives” . . . HoP 365 1 John 3:24 24 Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us. 約一3:24遵守上帝命令的、就住在上帝裡面.上帝也住在他裡面。我們所以知道上帝住在我們裡面、是因他所賜給我們的聖靈。 Romans 8:16 16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.羅8:16聖靈與我們的心同證我們是上帝的兒女。 Luke 24:27 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.路24:27於是從摩西和眾先知起,凡經上所指著自己的話都給他們講解明白了。
祂名稱為奇妙His Name Is Wonderful 祂名稱為奇妙,祂名稱為奇妙, 祂名稱為奇妙,耶穌我主。 祂是全能的王,祂是萬能的主, 祂名稱為奇妙,耶穌我主。 祂是大牧者,是萬古的盤石, 祂是全能的神,當伏在主前, 敬愛崇拜祂,祂名稱為奇妙, 耶穌我主。 His name is wonderful, His name is wonderful, His name is wonderful, Jesus my Lord. He is the mighty King, Master of everything, His name is wonderful, Jesus my Lord. He’s the Great Shepherd, the Rock of all Ages, Almighty God is He. Bow down before Him, Love and adore Him. His name is wonderful, Jesus my Lord HoP 50
聖靈之歌Spirit Song 噢!讓主用祂無限的愛 圍繞在你我身旁, 使我們枯乾的心靈得滿足。 噢!讓主鴿子般的聖靈 降臨在你我身上, 使我們一生得到引領扶持, 耶穌,噢,耶穌,充滿我的心。 耶穌,噢,耶穌,充滿我的心。 VERSE 1 O let the Son of God enfold you, with His Spirit and His love, let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul. O let Him have things that hold you, His Spirit like a dove, with descend up on your life, and make you whole. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your lambs. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your lambs. HoP 69
聖靈之歌Spirit Song 噢!讓我們心中的喜歡 化為一首讚美詩, 齊聲頌讚主的聖名到永遠。 噢!讓我們心中的憂慮 完全交託主手裏, 使我們的一生與耶穌同行。 耶穌,噢,耶穌,充滿我的心。 耶穌,噢,耶穌,充滿我的心。 VERSE 2 O come and sing this song with gladness, As your hearts are filled with joy, Lift your hands in sweet surrender to His name. O give Him all your tears and sadness, give Him all your years of pain, And you’’ll enter into life in Jesus’ name. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your lambs. Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill Your lambs. HoP 69
日復日救主加給我力量Day By Day 日復日救主加給我力量, 叫我能勝過諸般患難, 倘蒙主賜各様智慧豐恩, 我必不時常憂慮驚慌; 神慈愛 其恩永遠無止息, 祂叫我常享眞實福氣, 無論我遭遇勞逸或憂喜, 都有主慈愛美意。 Day by day and with each pass – ingmo-ment, Strength I find to meet my tri – als here; Trust –ing in my Fa –ther’s wise be – stow –ment, I’ve no cause for wor-ry or for fear. He whose heart is kind be –yond all meas –ure Gives un – to each day what He deemsbest, Lov-ing –ly, its part of pain and pleas-ure, Min-gling toil with peace and rest. HoP 451
到山嶺上去傳揚Go,Tell It on the Mountain 到山嶺上去傳揚, 越過山崗到各地方, 到山嶺上去傳揚, 傳耶穌基督降生。 當牧羊人在夜間, 看守安靜羣羊, 忽見照耀滿天空, 神聖明亮大光。 Go, tell it on the moun – tain, O – ver the hills and ev –‘ry- where; Go, tell it one the moun – tain That Je – sus Christ is born ! While shep – herds kept their watch – ing O’er si-lent flocks by night, Be-hold through-out the heav –ens There shone a ho-ly light. HoP 122
眞神慈愛寬如海洋There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy 眞神慈愛寬如海洋, 世人都在主恩內, 公義中間充滿仁慈, 比較自由更寶貴; 救主歡迎悔罪人們, 信者加倍施恩惠, 救主滿懷仁慈、憐憫, 寶血塗抹世人罪。 There’s a wide – ness in God’s mer –cy Like the wide- ness of the sea; There’s a kind – ness in His jus – tice, Which is more than lib – er – ty. There is wel – come for the sin –ner , And more gra –ces for the good; There is mer –cy with the Sav –ior; There is heal – ing in His blood. HoP 323
耶穌,耶穌,讓我充滿愛Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love 耶穌,耶穌,讓我充滿愛, 作個好鄰居服事殷勤不懈怠。 主耶穌默然跪下, 為門徒抹腳洗足, 主人的身份甘作奴僕。 Je – su, Je – su, fill us with Your love. Showushowtoservethe neigh–bors WehavefromYou. KneelsatthefeetofHisfriends, Si–lent–lywash–estheirfeet, Mas–terwhopoursoutHim–selfforthem. HoP 493
After evaluating individual hymns . . .在評核了個別詩歌後… The work has just begun!工作才剛開始
Remember overriding principles記得原則性指引 Let Christian freedom prevail讓基督徒自由優先 Let Christian freedom act in Christian love以基督徒的愛心行使基督徒的自由 Let the gospel predominate讓福音作主導 Let the experience of the Church be honored尊重教會的經驗 Let the people participate讓會眾參與 Let God’s best gifts be used in public worship讓上帝最好的禮物用在公開崇拜中
Remember role of music within Church Year記得音樂在教會年中的角色 教會年節期 將臨期 Consider a Sunday’s theme in selecting music選擇音樂時考慮主日的主題 顯現期 預苦期 聖靈降臨期 復活期
Additional considerations額外的考慮 Are there other factors you would consider as you decided which hymns to use for a particular Sunday or series of Sundays?當你要決定特定或節日的主日詩歌時, 有哪些其他的因素是需要考慮的?
Worship Planning Project崇拜計劃 Use the first four Sundays in Lent用預苦期的首四個主日 STEP #1 步驟#1 Do one Sunday at a time 每一次計劃一個主日 Read over the texts 閱讀經課 Write out a theme for that Sunday’s texts 寫出主日的經課主題 Write a sentence or two for each of the texts, explaining how that text contributes to or helps explain the theme of that Sunday為每段經課寫1-2句句子, 解釋經課如何幫助說明該主日的主題
Worship Planning Project崇拜計劃 STEP #2步驟#2 Only go to STEP #2 after STEP #1 has been completed for all four Sundays完成所有四個主日計劃的步驟#1才可開始步驟#2 Choose two hymns for each of the four Sundays, seeking to find hymn/song texts that are as close to the unique theme of that Sunday as possible為四個主日的各選2首詩歌, 詩歌的文字盡量與主日的獨特主題接近 For each hymn, explain what it was in the hymn’s text that led you to select that hymn解釋各詩歌的文字如何使你選擇它
Worship Planning Project崇拜計劃 STEP #3 步驟#3 For one of the services, select an arrangement of each of the five liturgical songs; these five arrangements would be included in the liturgy for that day為其中一個崇拜, 選擇5首禮儀詩歌的安排, 這5首詩歌應該包括在當日的禮儀之內 For two of the services, suggest one thing you might do liturgically to insert healthy and helpful variety into the worship experience為其中兩個崇拜, 提議一件事你認為是健康和有助豐富崇拜經驗的