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Design of a sustainable sanitary landfill with an integrated energy generation system

Design of a sustainable sanitary landfill with an integrated energy generation system. Presenter: Otieno Benard Okoth F21/2494/2009 Supervisor: Dr. Waweru Muthumbi.

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Design of a sustainable sanitary landfill with an integrated energy generation system

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  1. Design of a sustainable sanitary landfill with an integrated energy generation system Presenter: Otieno Benard Okoth F21/2494/2009 Supervisor: Dr. Waweru Muthumbi

  2. IntroductionWastes are the by-products of what human beings have used and that requires disposal and its management has been of great menace to many municipalities. Statement of problem and problem analysis Fig Standard newspaper (open dumpsite) (Thursday, May 5th 2011)

  3. Overall objective To design a sustainable sanitary landfill with an integrated energy generation system.Specific objectives • To design a sanitary landfill. • To determine the amount of power in MW that can be generated from the landfill. • To determine the number of households that the generated power can serve.

  4. STATEMENT OF SCOPE To design a sustainable sanitary landfill with an integrated energy generation system.

  5. Site analysis and inventory • Site selection criteria Map: jica report (2010) showing possible landfill sites within Nairobi Metropolitan Area

  6. Google earth map showing the area with the surrounding area

  7. Literature review Courtesy www.sswm.info

  8. Gas generation • Leachate generation • 3R • Cover systems • Landfill design • Power generation from landfill • Number of households to be served • Cut-off drains

  9. Methodology • Site determination • Data collection • Determination of landfill size • Determination of power generation

  10. Theoretical framework • Landfill design Waste after n years = Total waste generation in n years (T) in tonnes

  11. Power generation

  12. Number of households

  13. Evaluation and documentation • Landfill design • Approximate Plan Dimensions = 2616.2 m x 1308.10 m • An additional 100 m should be left all round the landfill for the infrastructural facilities, thus the total maximum area: = 2816.2 m ×1508.1 m

  14. Power generation • By using an efficiency of 30% for the conversion of the LFG when using the internal combustion engine to power; = 6.005 MW Puente Hills-50 MW (10,000 T) Durban- 7.5 MW (3000 T) Uruguay-1MW (145 T) Nairobi-6.005 MW (2000 T)

  15. Number of households = 339,380

  16. CONCLUSION • Successful design • Nairobi County Government encouraged

  17. Recommendations • Pre-treatment of waste • Leachate collection and treatment system • remediation methods for the landfill • closure of the existing Dandora dumpsite • Encouraging the use of 3R • Geotechnical survey study

  18. EIA • Cut-off drain • Cover systems

  19. Conclusion and drawings

  20. References • C.Visvanathan, Mechanical Biological Pre-treatment for Sustainable Landfill, Environmental Engineering and Management Program School of Environment, Resources and Development Asian Institute of Technology Thailand. • C. Visvanathan, J. Tränkler, B.F.A. Basnayake, C. Chiemchaisri, K. Joseph and Z. Gonming, Landfill management in Asia -notions about future approaches to appropriate and sustainable solutions. • Aggrey Mwesigye, Samuel B.Kucel and Adam Sebbit, opportunities for generating electricity from municipal solid waste: case of Kampala city council landfill.

  21. Naveen K.Vsudevan, S.Vedachalam and Dheepak Sridhar, study on various methods of landfill remediation. • Amalendu, BaGCHI, design of landfill and Integrated Solid Waste Management; Amalendu, BaGCHI. • Jy H Lehr and Jack Keeley, domestic, municipal and Industrial water supply and waste disposal. • Council directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill waste, 1999 • Department of the Environment (1995) Landfill design, construction and operational practice; waste management paper 26 B.HMSO, London

  22. Coelho, Suani Teixeira; E-mail: suani@iee.usp.br Velázquez, Silvia Maria Stortini González; E-mail: sgvelaz@iee.usp.br Pecora, Vanessa; E-mail: vpecora@iee.usp.br Abreu, Fernando Castro. E-mail: fcabreu@iee.usp.brLandfill Biogas and its Use for Energy Generation. • Japan International Cooperation Agency, CTI Engineering International CO., LTD and NJS consultants CO., LDT. (October 2010),Preparatory survey for integrated solid waste management in Nairobi City in the Republic of Kenya, Final report volume 2 main report.

  23. Ramsey/Washington Counties Resource Recovery Project (November 2001), Comparison of Potential Electricity Production from RDF and LFG. • Marie Ryan, Environmental Scientist (May 2010), Environmental Standards for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Sites.

  24. END THANK YOU !!!

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