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Industrialization. Causes. Enclosures Farming techniques improve. Causes cont. Banking system Textile production increases due to??? Transportation system Watts and Fulton’s inventions. Toll Roads Turnpikes. Results:. Jobs in…. Vacation spots Markets distances increases.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Industrialization

  2. Causes Enclosures Farming techniques improve

  3. Causes cont. Banking system Textile production increases due to??? Transportation system Watts and Fulton’s inventions

  4. Toll Roads Turnpikes

  5. Results: Jobs in…. Vacation spots Markets distances increases

  6. Positives of Industrialization Jobs Wages Home life Hours

  7. Positives of Industrialization Luxuries Education opportunites Reinvest taxes

  8. Negatives Working conditions (life spans) Child Labor Class tensions (4 classes emerge) Living conditions in cites Services

  9. Industrialization spreads to U.S. Samuel Slater and textiles Frances Lowell Carnegie Rockerfeller

  10. Spread to Continental Europe Send to England for Ed. Why some never Industrialized?? Imperialism emerged

  11. Economics Free markets dominate Why some opposed Minimum wage laws Socialism emerges

  12. Economics Cont. Marxism(Engels) Reasons? Goals? Modern examples?

  13. Labor Reform Laws Unionization Accepted by All? US AFL emerges/ Legal??

  14. Labor Reform Laws Cont. Labor Factory Act Ten Hour Act US Upton Sinclairs “The Jungle” End to Slavery

  15. Labor Reform Laws Cont. Jane Addams Hull House Horace Manns Contribution? Prison reform how?

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