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SECERET WEAPONS OF WWII. BARBERSHOP, MR.T , CODE.Y . 10. The Bat Bomb-it looked like a bomb
10. The Bat Bomb-it looked like a bomb it had 26 stacked trays each containing 40 bats. The purpose was when the bats would go to sleep in a house or something the bombs on the bats had a timer it would explode and the bulidings would catch on fire. In all it SUCKED
9. Anti-Tank Dogs – dogs were used by manly the soviet military. They were trained to sniff tanks out in fields. On the dogs there would be a bomb strapped to them. The dogs would run under the tank and the bomb would go off. Most of the time the dogs would work but then the Germans figured out about the dogs. So the Germans put flame throwers on the tanks which would scare away the dogs.
8. The Pigeon-Guided Missile was the first attemp of making a missile. Three pigeons were trianed to peck at the target on the screen where they picked would determine where the missile hit if they did not peck on the right spot it would changeits direction.
7. The Flying Jeep in 1940 the UK began work on attaching rotor blades on a jeep. Its handling was not great they fixed those problems and but they cancled it .
6. The Poisoned Dart Bomb was a projectile bomb that relased darts tipped with poison. The poison was eathier anthrax or ricin. They would carry 300,600 needles they were almost usless if people were covered so they never made it past planning.
5. Ice Ships was a boat made out of ice. They did not make it cause it coasted to much and it would melt.
4. V-3 Supergun was made to strike at London . It could deliver a 140kg shell that reached over 100 miles americans soon captured the guns.
3. Bachem BA349 Natter Fighter needed no runway for take off was launched like a rocked ship 36 of these were bulit put not before the war ended.
2. Ohka (Cherry Blossom) Suicide Plane was a last ditch idea by the Japense to destroy the American fleet it would shoot 3 missiles at the ship then crash into it 800 were built.
Atomic Bomb it could destroy a city after Pearl Harbor the U.S got in the war the hit two of Japans city’s Nagasaki that bomb was called FAT MAN then they hit Hiroshima that bomb was called LITTLE BOY those bombs were the best waepons in ww2 they cause a ehole country to surrender.