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Linda Burhansstipanov, DrPH (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma) Brenda Seals, PhD (Eastern Band Cherokee) Delight Satter, MPH (Umpqua/ Klickitat of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde ) Native American Cancer Research 393 South Harlan Street, suite 125 Lakewood, CO 80226-3571
Linda Burhansstipanov, DrPH (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma) Brenda Seals, PhD (Eastern Band Cherokee) Delight Satter, MPH (Umpqua/ Klickitat of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde ) Native American Cancer Research 393 South Harlan Street, suite 125 Lakewood, CO 80226-3571 303-325-3377; fax: 303-495-3040 http://www.NatAmCancer.org American Indian / Alaska Native (AIAN) Demographics Native American Cancer Research ARS polling question
Please turn off your cell phones or switch them to “vibrate” mode American Indian / Alaska Native Demographics--Native American Cancer Research 303-838-9359; http://www.NatAmCancer.org
Audience Response System (ARS) (the keypads) American Indian / Alaska Native Demographics--Native American Cancer Research 303-838-9359; http://www.NatAmCancer.org
Audience Response System (ARS) – keypads • This is how we vote on different items and issues • The keypads are “anonymous” (we don’t know who uses which keypad); but we would like you to write down the number of the keypad you are using so that you use the same one throughout the workshop • The keypads work best if placed on your desk so that you can press your choice/answer firmly • You do not need to “point” the keypad (like a TV remote control) American Indian / Alaska Native Demographics--Native American Cancer Research 303-838-9359; http://www.NatAmCancer.org
Audience Response System (ARS) – keypads • You will see a counter in the bottom left-hand corner of the slide to see how many people have “voted” on any item • You can change your vote up until the final vote has been collected and the slide advances to show the total • A summary of bar graphs appears on the screen after the votes are completed for most items so that everyone can see the total tallies • The summary bar graph will not appear for pre-workshop knowledge items or workshop satisfaction American Indian / Alaska Native Demographics--Native American Cancer Research 303-838-9359; http://www.NatAmCancer.org
Demographic items4 items Native American Cancer Research ARS polling question
Are you ___? • Male • Female • Don’t want to answer gender Native American Cancer Research ARS polling question 0 / 25
About how old are you? • 81 and older • 65-80 • 50-64 • 41-49 • 31-40 • 21-30 • 13-20 • Under 12 • Don’t want to answer brthyr5 Native American Cancer Research ARS polling question 0/0
What is your primary race or ethnicity? • American Indian / Alaska Native • Canadian Aboriginal • New Zealand Maori • Pacific Islander • Asian • South Asian • African-American • Non-Hispanic white (Caucasian) • Hispanic / Latino / Chicano • Don’t know / Don’t want to answer race_eth2 Native American Cancer Research ARS polling question 0 / 25
How much schooling have you had? • Elementary (kindergarten through grade 6 / grade school) • 7th , 8th , or 9th grade (middle school) • 10, 11, or 12th grade (no degree) • High school graduate / GED • Technical school /apprentice training • Some college (no degree) • College AA degree • College BA, BS degree • Masters’ degree • Doctorate or more Educ3 Native American Cancer Research ARS polling question 0 / 25
Pre-Training Knowledge10 Items Native American Cancer Research ARS polling question
What region of Indian Country has the highest deaths for Native women from breast cancer? • x • x • x • x • x • x • Don’t know / Not sure b1_xxx Native American Cancer Research ARS polling question 0 / 175
Workshop Objectives: By the end of the session, the participant will be able to: • Identify demographics of AIANs NOTE: some issues will be repeated throughout the session to emphasize their importance
2000 U.S. Census: Numbers of AIAN • American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) population is increasing at about 1.8% a year • 2.2 million reported AIAN Race “alone” (4.1 million AIAN alone or in combination with other race(s) 28% increase in “AIAN alone” since 1990 Census
2000 U.S. Census: Where AIAN Live Note the areas of elevated number of AIANs = Places unequal burden on states that have high numbers of AIANs • 43% of AIAN lived in the West • 31% lived in the South • 17% lived in the Midwest • 9% in the Northeast • Approximately 64% live in urban areas
Without looking at your handout, which American Indian Tribe has more than 50,000 enrolled members? • Sioux • Choctaw • Hopi • Seminoles • Don’t know / Not sure >50,000 AIAN 0 / 175
2000 U.S. Census: Largest Tribal Nations • American Indian tribes with 50,000 or more individuals: • Cherokee • Navajo • Choctaw • Blackfeet • Chippewa • Muscogee • Apache • Lumbee
Without looking at your handout, which State has the highest number of American Indians and Alaska Natives? • California • Alaska • Arizona • New Mexico • Don’t know / Not sure State AIAN 0 / 175
2000 U.S. Census: States with >100,000 • States with more than 100,000 AIAN residents. • New York • Washington • North Carolina • Michigan • Alaska • Florida • California (628,000) • Oklahoma (392,000) • Arizona • Texas • New Mexico Combined, these states have 62% of the total AIAN population
Nebraska Tribes and Tribal Membership • Tribe HDQTRS Membership • Winnebago Tribe Winnebago 4,302 • Omaha Tribe Macy 5,721 • Santee Sioux Tribe Niobrara 2,665 • Northern Ponca • Tribe Niobrara 2,642
2000 U.S. Census: States with 1.5+% • Number of states where the AIAN population as a proportion of the total population exceeded the national average of 1.5%: • Alaska (19 percent) • Oklahoma (11 percent) Note Racial misclassification • New Mexico (10 percent) • The other 16 states: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, HI, OR, UT, WA, WY, KS, MN, ND, SD, NC
Nebraska Statistical Profile 2000 U.S. Census: Age, Income, Poverty, Education AIANsWhiteHispanic Black Asians 23.8yrs. 36.9 23.1 27.0 23.8 $28,045 $46,980 $38,564 $30,514 $49,076 33% 8.2% 27.4% 12.8% 20.4% 33.7% 31.8 % 31.2 % 17.1 % 21.3 % Median Age Median Income Poverty Rate High School
Census 2000: Federally and State Recognized Tribal Nations • More than 560 federally recognized tribal Nations • In addition, several hundred more are state recognized, but not federally recognized • State recognized tribes are not eligible for IHS, most federally supported education programs, etc.
2000 Census: Health Insurance • Less than half of AIANs living in urban areas have private health insurance • Most AIANs (as well as non-Natives) erroneously call IHS “health insurance”, but it is NOT • AIANs self-report having health insurance on surveys based on error of calling IHS “health insurance”
Urban Indian Health Organizations Nationwide (34) 2% of the total IHS budget is for urbans; half of this is for mental health/drugs Seattle Indian Health Board Urban Indian Health Institute Director--Ralph Forquera
The Tribes of Nebraska • Santee Sioux Nation • Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska • Omaha Tribe of Nebraska • Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
Coyote / Bear Activity (7 items) The Oglala Lakota (Sioux) are among the tribal Nations with 50,000 or more individuals Coyote US 2000 Census documents about 2.2 million AIAN “alone” (i.e., not mixed heritage). Bear
Coyote / Bear Activity (7 items) The state with the highest proportion of AIANs is Alaska Bear Twice as many AIANs live below the poverty rate than do people from other races Bear
Coyote / Bear Activity (7 items) Because most urban Indians have private health insurance, they are usually able to get cancer treatment in the city. Coyote The state with the highest number of AIANs is Arizona Coyote
Coyote / Bear Activity (6 items) There are 4 Nebraska Indian Tribes Bear The Sac and Fox Tribe is in Nebraska Coyote