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Global Migration In the past 15 years international migration numbers are only rising. In 2015 number of migrants has reached 244 mln. The number of Migrants in the World. Migration in Europe.
Global Migration In the past 15 years international migration numbers are only rising. In 2015 number of migrants has reached 244 mln.
Migration in Europe The impact of international migration in Europe is very high. Over the past eight years the European population has increased by 11 million. 9 million were migrants.This means that 80-85 proc. European population growth consists of migrants from not EU countries.
Question Migration to Europe: good and bad points???
Good points: • Growing economy • The growing number of people who can work. • Growing number of young population. • New cultures can expand our horizons. People have the opportunity to become more open.
Bad poins and fears • European and Christian culture and tradition will disappear in time. • Security issues. • Stolen jobs from local people. • The acceptence of migrants and specialy refugees requires big resources from the host country. So no money left for vulnerable citizens of this country.
Asylum • New United Nations data (2016) shows that people affected by war conflict and persecution must leave their homes and seak asylum in other countries. • In 2016 forced transfer affected more then 65 mln. people and first time in human history reached more that 60 mln. people who forcfully left their homes. • So today 1 of 113 people in the World is asylum seeker. • 51 proc. of all the people who forcfully left their homes are children , who are traveling alone, without parens.
Difference between refugees and migrants • Refugees are people who are forced to leave their countries not willingly, for diffrent reasons: military actions in their countries, political pressure, the violation of human rights in their countries and so on. • Migrants to other countries go on their free will for work, study, family reasons or other legal activities. They are planning their journy in advance.
Refugees in Lithuania • Lithuania during 2016-2017 committed to accept 1105 refugees. • Until now Lithuania accepted around 412 refugees. • Now in Lithuania are still living around 150 refugees. Other refugees left for other countries.
Refugees in Lithuania • Asylum seekers then they arrive to Lithuania are accommodated in Pabrade in foreigners registration centre. (Centre belongs to Ministry of Internal Affairs)
Refugees in Lithuania • If refugees receives a residence permit to live in Lithuania they go to Refugees integration centre in Rukla. There begins their first stage of integration. (Centre belongs to Ministry of Social Security and Labor)
The Refugees integration centre offers: • 96 hours of the compulsory Lithuanian language course • Citizenship education courses • Handcrafting • Psychologist’s consultations • Medical services • Translation/interpretation services • Lawyer’s consultations • Food package once a month • Library service • Sports equipments • Excursions, social events • Kindergartens and schools • Consultations on how to rent a flat, gain a profession, education and other social, everyday life issues.
The Refugees integration centre offers: • 71.40 Eur. This allowance is paid twice a month. When a foreigner arrives at the Centre, he/she receives an allowance for food and other small expenditures in cash by 1st or 15th of that month. Later, twice a month the allowance is paid on 1st and 15th. The allowance is paid to the both adult family members.
Integration into municipalities. Second stage of integration Refugees have their social consultant, who helps: • Helps a refugee to obtain all necessary furniture and home utensils • Pays allowance • Arranges for Lithuanian language lessons • Arranges for kindergarten • Arranges for school • Gives counselling on various matters • Ensures registration in the Labour Market
Lithuanian Red Cross Integration Day centers for working with refugees and migrants • Inforcentras for Migrants in Klaipeda • Refugee and Migrant Integration Center InLT in Kaunas
We seek to make Center inLTa safe, cozy place for refugees and third-country migrants to communicate freely, to feel safe, and to participate in the life of society in Lithuania. The main purpose
Centre InLTThe Refugee Integration Day Center has been opened in Kaunas for 10 years.The Center InLT, which provides servicesnot only for refugees, but also for third-country migrants, has been workingfor a year.At the moment our Centras InLT community consists of 310members.
Ongoing activities • Social consultation. Centras InLTclientsare advised on tax, education, health care, social security, employment, housing issues and so on.
Ongoing activities Legal advice. Consultation from our laywer about all the law issues.
Ongoing activities • Psychological counseling helps to reduce emotional tension, overcome negative feelings and discover strengths.
Ongoing activities • Career guidance counsultations. We helpour client to find jobs acording to their professional qualifications and jobsexperience. We are cooperating with employers, so we could find jobs faster.
Ongoing activities • Civilorientation training helps to get acquainted with Lithuanian culture and traditions, to learn more about the country's geography and history, to understand social communication skills and mentality. Basically it is fun events during which you also get to know about Lithuania.
Ongoing activities • Events for the development of personal competences help foreigners to grow emotional and social skills.
Ongoing activities • The events, together with the public, seek to reduce the stereotypes and intercultural barriers. Its always fun to come together.
Ongoing activities • Free Lithuanian language courses: • Twice a week • Two hours • Groups around 10 people • Course of 200 hours
Our clients need to have residence permit to live in Lithuania
All the information and photos you can find on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/www.redcross.lt/
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