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Tackling Global Challenges - “ Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)”. Shig Okaya Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) 1 April 2012, Nairobi. SATREPS aims. Enhancing cooperation in science & technology.
Tackling Global Challenges - “Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)” Shig Okaya Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) 1 April 2012, Nairobi
SATREPS aims Enhancing cooperation in science & technology ~Building win-win relationships between Japan and developing countries ~ New technology, new knowledge ~ Addressing global issues and advancing science ~ Capacity Development ~ Boosting self-reliant R&D capacity and sustainable research systems, training human resources and coordinating networking between researchers~ Practical utilization ~Expecting outcomes to make a real contribution to society ~ 2
Research Areas 5 areas ■Environment and Energy ・Global-scale Environmental Issues Climate change mitigation & adaptation, Safe water supply, Biodiversity conservation.. ・Low-carbon Society Biomass energy, Energy efficiency, Renewable energy.. ■Bio resource Utilization Breeding and cultivation technology, Bio resource management.. ■Natural Disaster Prevention Natural disaster mechanisms (Earthquakes, Volcanic..), Natural disaster mitigation.. ■Infectious Diseases Control Diagnostic tool, Vaccines, Therapeutic products development (Avian influenza, HIV/AIDS, Dengue fever..) 3
SATREPS projects(FY2008-FY2011) 59 projects in progress in 32 countries!(3-5 years, 1m$/year) 17 projects in 14 countries in Africa! (as of Apr. 2012) 4
Project System Developing Country Japan International Joint Research (MoU) Universities, Research Institutions, etc Universities, Research Institutions, etc. Principal Investigator & Researchers Teams Principal Investigator & Researchers Teams Experts Dispatch Request ODA Ministries ResearchProposal *JICA provides research equipment and supports travel expenses for experts *JST provides funds for research expenses including Japanese personnel cost Request -Joint Selection -Coordinated Implementation -Complementary Funding Selection Selection MOFA MEXT JICA JST NB: Evaluation done separately by JST and JICA 5
Global challenge (1); Infectious Diseases Diagnostics development for outbreaks of arbovirus infections in Kenya Target ・Develop rapid diagnostics (test kits) for Yellow Fever and Rift Valley Fever ・Implement advanced rapid and accurate reference activities in KEMRI headquarters as well as in CIPDCR-KEMRI (Alupe) ・Establish and evaluate bidirectional early vigilance and rapid response mechanism model for YF and RVF outbreaks in collaboration with MOPHS officials, selected health facilities officials and JICA Experts. Infectious Diseases (FY2011~): “Development of rapid diagnostics and the establishment of an alert system for outbreaks of Yellow Fever and Rift Valley Fever in Kenya” [JPN] Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University [KEN] KEMRI; Kenya Medical Research Institute 6
Global challenge (2); Low carbon energy Biofuelprocess by using Non-food sources (Jatropha) in Mozambique Target ・Sustainable Cultivation Technology of Jatropha ・Residue Utilization Technology Production process ・Risk assessment of biofuel, which cover environment as well as health effect ・Project Evaluation/Environmental Assessment ・Development of methodology for CDM application Environment and Energy "Low carbon society" (FY2010~): “Sustainable Production of Biodiesel from Jatropha in Mozambique ” [JPN] The University of Tokyo, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Kurume University, Nippon Biodiesel Fuel co., Ltd., Association of African Economy and Development [MOZ] Eduardo Mondlane University 7
Global challenge (3); Climate change adaptation Enhance capacity of seasonal climate prediction in South Africa Target ・Evaluation of predictability of the Subtropical Dipole Mode and its influence in South Africa ・Seasonal climate prediction for the Southern African region ・Improvement of ocean-atmosphere coupled general circulation models ・Development and implement of a prototype of early prediction system for mitigating impacts of abnormal weather Environment and Energy (FY2009~): “Prediction of Climate Variations and its Application in the Southern African Region” [JPN] Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), The University of Tokyo [ZAF] Applied Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science (ACCESS), Council for Science & Industrial Research (CSIR), Univ. of Cape Town, Univ. of Pretoria, ARC, SAWS, DST 8
Global challenge (4); Food Production Development of “Flood- and drought-adaptive cropping systems” in Namibia Target ・Propose of the rice-pearl millet mixed cropping system ・Introduction of the rice-pearl millet mixed cropping system to farmers ・Analysis of water budget/water source analysis. ・Integration of the cropping systems proposed by the project Bioresources (FY2011~): “Introduction of rice cropping system harmonized with the water environment of seasonal wetland in semi-arid region ” [JPN] Kinki University, Nagoya University, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, The University of Shiga Prefecture [NAM] University of Namibia 9
OECD Report Report on Opportunities, Challenges and Good Practices in International Research Cooperation between Developed and Developing Countries ◇ issued by OECD Global Science Forum in May 2011 • ◇based on workshop in Pretoria (September 2010) with STRONG African presence • 19 government officials, 8 researchers; keynote speech by Executive Director of TWAS ◇ Dr. Mohamed Hassan (Former TWAS Director), Dr. Crispus Kiamba (Min. of High. Edu., Kenya), etc. describes issues and options that deserve the attention of scientists and administrators in industrialized countries and in developing countries, as they seek to design, initiate and manage collaborative research programs and projects that include both scientific and development goals. 10
Make use of ICT Prepare a bilateral / multilateral agreement with the relevant body in the DC Allow for a grace period between the project approval and its actual launch Support and encourage researchers to undertake public outreach activities Social networking service, “Friends of SATREPS” “Memorandum of Understanding”between partner institutions One year of tentative contract to carry out FS of the project Photo exhibitions, public seminars, workshops etc. e.g. Joint Workshop in Ghana 400 attendees Wide and strong media coverage, including press release Good practices adopted by SATREPS REPORT SATREPS
Friends of SATREPS https://fos.go.jp http://www.facebook.com/Friends.of.SATREPS @SATREPS Hash tag:#SATREPS 12
“Friends of SATREPS” online community (SNS) Launched June 1, 2011 Interested in global issues? Join Friends of SATREPS! FOS is created as a dedicated platform for communication among like minded people. Membership ranking by country 1.Japan 2.Indonesia 3.Thailand 4.Malysia 5.Vietnam 6.Ghana 7.Phillipines 8.Algeria 9.Agfhanistan 10.Sri Lanka 11.Turky 12.USA 13.South Africa 14.Brazil 15.Bangladesh 16.Mexico ・Registered members: Over 3,400! ・Countries involved: Approx. 90 ・Number of communities: Approx. 250 Community objectives / community types ○To connect friends with projects○To start up a project○To exchange info among projects○To share info and opinion on any global issue○FY2012 SATREPS application○hobby, etc (As of February 12, 2012) 13
Friends of SATREPS community sample~Ghanaian Young Scientists ~ About this community: Open to all young scientists in Ghana with interests in “sustainability of the earth” & “health of the population” Young researchers from Ghana keep in touch with each other and talk about their experiences while working in Japan. First snow! 14
SATREPS for African Development Social Implementation INNOVATION Social Venture Business SME, BOP Venture Capitals MDBs Project SATREPS Japan Entrepreneurship Domestic Funding Domestic STI Policy African R&D African Countries
Our messages In order to implement and scale-up SATREPS projects in your country: • To AfDB, MDBs, and other funders • Support system for fostering entrepreneurship • Fund venture business for BOP • To African ministers • Establish domestic STI policy • Allocate significant and STEADY S&T budget
Project Flow JICA Collaboration JST Request for technical cooperation Call for Proposals Request Review Peer Review 1 year to finalize the MOU and R/D Project Selection (Provisional) Joint Selection Project Selection (Provisional) Ex-ante Evaluation Project Determination Record of Discussion (R/D) Between institutions, JICA DC Agency MOU between institutions Coordinated Implementation Coordinated Implementation Mid-term Review Mid-term Evaluation Separate Evaluation by JICA and JST due to the difference of the scope Terminal Evaluation Project end Project end Ex-post Evaluation Ex-post Review Follow-up Evaluation
Uniting ODA/Diplomacy with S&T Funding. Grab & Go research will eventually face impediment. Long term, Win-win arrangement, DC government involvement are the key for inclusive program More Stakeholder, other than researcher, involvement needed for the Baton Passing FoS, Social Network Service, created to include more stakeholders Empowerment of the younger generation, in both Japan and abroad, is expected to bring about new social innovation Conclusion
Contents of OECD Report Analysis Lists of good practices & suggestions Based on many inputs from Africanresearchers and administrators SATREPS has taken in many ideas! 21
Friends of SATREPS (FOS) services ◇ FOS is created as a platform for communication among like minded people. ◇Members are a rich source of information about life and culture in the field. Discoveries and encounters are not limited to research topics. ◇Stay up to date on developing country news. Communication channels between researchers, companies, and other entities outlast research projects. 22
Voices of Friends of SATREPS members “I used to work on groundwater projects in Africa. Now I'm hoping to put that experience to use again and meet lots of new people, too.” (Engineer, Japan) “Communication is one of a researcher's jobs, but it's easily forgotten when the research work is interesting. Friends of SATREPS is a great opportunity to keep communicating.” (Researcher, Japan) “I am a science Journalist in Nigeria. I am also the station head of my station. I studied chemical engineering but practice journalism now.”(Journalist, Nigeria) 23