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A Parking-constrained All-mode Airport Ground Access Mode Choice Model

A Parking-constrained All-mode Airport Ground Access Mode Choice Model. Ian Harrington Central Transportation Planning Staff Boston, Massachusetts. Objectives of Presentation. Explain reasons to model airport ground access mode choice Describe structure of model

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A Parking-constrained All-mode Airport Ground Access Mode Choice Model

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  1. A Parking-constrained All-mode Airport Ground AccessMode Choice Model Ian Harrington Central Transportation Planning Staff Boston, Massachusetts

  2. Objectives of Presentation • Explain reasons to model airport ground access mode choice • Describe structure of model • Define model parameters and data sources • Describe features of model

  3. Why Model Airport Mode Choice? • Logan Airport passengers account for about 0.5% of weekday person-trips in Eastern Massachusetts region (74,000 trips in 2007) • Logan Airport is located in congested area • Special services for airport passengers • Airport mode choice has different factors • Port authority is interested in more detail

  4. Model Structure • Create separate model for each market segment: • Resident Business • Resident Non-Business • Non-Resident Business • Non-Resident Non-Business • Model demand for 21 modes, including rental cars • Account for impacts of constrained parking supply • Estimate egress mode distributions as well

  5. Ground Access Modes • Rapid transit: walk and drive access • Silver Line (BRT): walk and drive access • Water shuttle: walk and drive access • Logan Express bus: drop-off and park* • Local bus: walk and drive access • Private bus • Door-to-door: Taxi, Shuttle, and Limo • Driven: Drop-off and Short-term Parking • Self*: Long-term, Economy, and Remote Parking • Rental car**: Logan and Off-airport

  6. Model Parameters • Passenger characteristics • Trip characteristics • Regional travel times and costs • On-airport travel times

  7. Passenger Characteristics • Market segment • Household size • Household income • Auto ownership • Employer-paid travel? • Logan flight frequency Source: 2003 Logan Airport Passenger Survey (some empty cells filled)

  8. Trip Characteristics • Origin Transportation Analysis Zone • Residential Origin? • Party size • Day of week begun • Trip duration • Luggage carried • Time period (AM peak, midday, PM peak, night) • Airport terminal Source: 2003 Logan Airport Passenger Survey

  9. Regional Travel Times and Costs • HOV and SOV time, distance, and tolls Source: CTPS Regional Model highway assignments • Transit in-vehicle, wait, and walk times and fares – walk-access and drive-access – for each mode (separate walk-access links required for each mode) Source: CTPS Regional Model transit assignments

  10. On-airport travel times • Auto to terminals • Auto to parking locations • Auto to rental car locations • Buses to terminals • Rapid transit shuttle to terminals • Rental car shuttles to terminals • Water shuttle bus to terminals • Walk from parking locations to terminals Source: Travel time runs

  11. Resident Business Model Access Mode DAT (6) Parking Nest Drop-off (2) Bus Park Door-Door (3) WAT (4) Long-term Economy Remote a

  12. a Resident Non-Business Mode Access Mode Parking Nest W A T Nest Door-Door Nest Drop-off Nest Bus Park T axi Limo Shuttle Long-term Economy Remote RT , Bus Logan Nest W ater , PB BRT , LE RT W ater Bus BRT Drop-off Short Park

  13. Parameters Used in Models • In-vehicle travel time • Out-of-vehicle travel time • Auto-access travel time • Transfers • Travel costs • Auto ownership • Household income • Employer pays expenses? • Non-resident origin? • Flight frequency • Luggage carried • Household size

  14. Adding Rental Mode Rental decision includes many additional factors, so: • Freeze coefficients for non-rental modes before adding rental modes to model • Add other parameters to represent rental modes in model • Rental fees • Party size • Origin in or near Central Business District • Trip duration

  15. a Non-Resident Business Model Access Mode Logan Rental Off-airport Rental Non-rental Nest WAT (4) DAT (6) Door-Door Nest Drop-off (2) Taxi Limo Shuttle

  16. Non-Resident Non-Business Model

  17. Implied Values of Time • Values of time implied by in-vehicle time and cost coefficients in Resident models: Resident Business Resident Non-Business Employer Self-pay, Self-pay, Self-pay, Self-pay, Low-income High-income Paid Low-income High-income $17 $44 $52 $18 $32 Transit – Walk $46 $117 $140 $40 $70 Door-to-Door $17 $44 $52 $18 $32 Parking – Transit Parking – Logan $29 $75 $90 $29 $52 Drop Off – Transit $9 $13 $19 $8 $18 Drop Off – Logan $23 $33 $49 $15 $34

  18. Implied Values of Time • Values of time implied by Non-Resident model in-vehicle time and cost coefficients: Non-Resident Business Self-pay, Self-pay, Employer Non-Resident Low-income High-income Paid Non-Business Transit – Walk $15 $19 $26 $10 Door-to-Door $36 $49 $66 $37 Drop Off – Transit $21 $21 $42 $4 Drop Off – Logan $64 $64 $129 $10 Rental $24 $32 $43 $21

  19. Parking Constraint • Estimate survey period passenger vehicle arrivals by day of week • Use trip durations to estimate vehicle parking demand by day of week Example: 1 car arriving on Wednesday for 3 days SunMonTuesWedThursFriSat 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

  20. Parking Constraint • Compare estimate to survey period parking data and create parking space demand model. Example: Wednesday Total = (LT + Econ + (.5 * ST))*.95 • If demand exceeds supply, distribute excess demand from parking to other modes Park .5 Park .25 Taxi .3 Taxi .45 Bus .2 Bus .30

  21. Egress Mode Choice Egress trip characteristics can differ and other factors involved in mode choice, so applied results of passenger survey questions: • What mode did you take from Logan after your arrival? • What mode do you plan to take from Logan after your return? Example: 53% of AM peak long-term parking accesses are Night long-term parking egresses

  22. Model Application • Originally estimated and applied with 2003 Logan Airport passenger survey • Validated with 2007 Logan Airport passenger survey • Applied to individual survey records with appropriate expansion factors • Future year applications use same survey records with adjusted expansion factors

  23. Summary The ground access passenger mode choice model: • Estimates distribution of Logan Airport passenger travel by 21 modes • Constrains parking demand to available supply • Includes the rental car modes • Also estimates egress trip modes

  24. Contact Information Ian Harrington ianh@ctps.org Chief Transportation Planner Central Transportation Planning Staff to the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (www.bostonmpo.org)

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