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QuickTool 5 RUN A SUCCESSFUL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM SUMMARY: An annual scholarship program serves the chapter and members and/or the sponsoring organization and its employees/members, as well as the community, in affording financial assistance toward higher education costs for deserving youths or qualified recipients. Such a contest is typically open to graduating senior high school students. Funds are disbursed incrementally over a four year progress toward a degree within an established window, of say, 6 or 7 years, to accommodate educational disruptions. FUNDING: While many small chapters may feel that such participation is beyond their financial means, there are numerous methods a chapter can pursue to raise the funds needed to support their competition and awards, such as: 1. An applied surcharge on ticketed or other scheduled entertainment events (i.e., public sports events, theatre/stage and concert events, dinner theater events, etc.), with clear disclosure of the amount of contribution toward the scholarship program. 2. Organized fundraising tournaments (golf, bowling, tennis, volleyball, softball, etc.) where the proceeds after trophy awards and expenses go toward the scholarship. 3. Other sources such as silent auctions of collectibles donated by chapter members during chapter meetings; excess revenues from door prize and raffle events; matching funds from sponsoring organization or other contributors. Also see other QTs for funding sources. 4. Scholarship funds, including revenues and expenses toward raising the funds, as well as award disbursements of funds to qualified recipients are best maintained separately from the other chapter funds, and never commingled. REQUIREMENTS: Resources for the competition include $5,000 or more in scholarship funding and up to 120 hours annually to administer a successful scholarship program, in addition to another 120 volunteer hours or more for team participants to manage the phases of competition. PROCESS: Scholarship program should be promoted and publicized year round, with applications received by January - February, to obtain 1st semester senior grades from schools. Testing and evaluation, as well as the public presentation of awards should be concluded before students graduate and start arranging education that sometimes means relocation. News release and notification to high school permits award winners to be acknowledged during graduation exercises. Rev 11-11