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Behavioral Management

Behavioral Management. Types of Behavior. What types of behavior do you see as pre -service teachers in your practicum experiences ? What behaviors did you cause in the classroom as adolescents?. Teacher - Caused Student Misbehavior.

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Behavioral Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Behavioral Management

  2. Types of Behavior • What types of behavior do yousee as pre-service teachers in yourpracticumexperiences? • Whatbehaviorsdidyou cause in the classroom as adolescents?

  3. Teacher- CausedStudentMisbehavior • How as teacherscanwe cause misbehaviorthatwedon’twant in the classroom? • As adolescents, whatmisbehaviordidyourteachers cause students or yourselves to do?

  4. TeacherResponse to StudentMisbehavior • Behavior Intervention Strategies • Indirect Intervention • Direct Intervention • FollowProcedures in Management System • Suspension

  5. Mistakes to Avoid • As a class, let’sthink of 10 differentways to avoid as future teachers? • Examples: • Not requiring hand raising • Voice Level • Interruptingstudents • Startingbefore attention of students • Not learningnames

  6. Punishment vs. Reinforcement • Punishmentisnegative • Reinforcementis positive • Consequence = Loss

  7. Positive Behavioral Intervention Support • School-wide structure thatisimplemented • Positive reinforcement • Modelingappropriatebehavior

  8. Real-Life Examples • Behavioral Management Flip Chart • Cue Cards • Hero Tickets and Cards

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