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Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21 st 2007, ESAC. X-ray high resolution spectra in the VO: the case of XMM-Newton RGS. R. Gonz á lez-Riestra P.M. Rodr í guez-Pascual XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre ESAC. Not calibrated
Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC X-ray high resolution spectra in the VO:the case of XMM-Newton RGS R. González-Riestra P.M. Rodríguez-Pascual XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre ESAC
Not calibrated • Response matrices are not invertible • Fluxes are model dependent • In some cases response matrices are nearly diagonal • Calibrated data - useful for some purposes, when detailed spectral analysis is not required - can be provided • Example: XMM-Newton RGS spectra Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC Can X-Ray spectra be included in the VO ? NO YES
RGS: The XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC • Operates in parallel with the EPIC cameras and the Optical Monitor • Provides X-ray high resolution (R = 100 - 500) spectroscopy in the spectral range 6 - 39 Å • Extracted spectra can be corrected for the effective area and provided in physical units (Flux vs. Wavelength): RGS fluxed spectra
BiRD Browsing interface for RGS Data Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC • Currently RGS data are not uniformly processed (different versions of SW and of Calibration Files) • Fluxed spectra are not produced in the standard pipeline processing • Database containing: • ~ 4600 RGS fluxed spectra uniformly processed • Plus some ‘added value’ items relevant to the interpretation of the data • Tool for data browsing and evaluation
Search by: • Object name • Coordinates • Observing date • Observation Id • Additional search criteria: • Type of object • Quality • Hydrogen Column • Redshift • Exposure time • Optional output fields: • Simbad name • Simbad Type • Simbad Coordinates • Observing date • Exposure time • Quality • Hydrogen Column • Redshift Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC a Browsing interface for RGS Data BiRD
Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC a Browsing interface for RGS Data BiRD sample selection plotting options XMM OLB XSA Publications Simbad query by object or by coordinates Spectrum plot Spectral Image X-ray Image X-ray True Color Image
Single Spectrum Plot Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC a Browsing interface for RGS Data BiRD
Multiple Spectra Plot Average Spectrum Plot Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC a Browsing interface for RGS Data BiRD • For a single object • For a class of objects • For an user-defined sample
Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC a Browsing interface for RGS Data BiRD
Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC a Browsing interface for RGS Data BiRD
A wish list for a visualization tool for spectra • Data sets uniformly processed and calibrated • Estimation of the quality of the data • Basic plotting and display tools (rebinning, smoothing ...) • Comparison of spectra and images, if applicable • Ability to build sub-samples of data with specific characteristics (date of observation, redshift...) • Access to additional information (object classification, parameters pertinent to the specific dataset, publications…) of relevance for the interpretation of the data Astronomical Spectroscopy and the Virtual Observatory, March 21st 2007, ESAC