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European Association of Paritarian Institutions of social protection

AEIP. European Association of Paritarian Institutions of social protection. Brussels, May 23 rd 2013. Nicolo’ Brignoli. A paritarian institution :. MANAGEMENT BOARD Equal ( parity in) number of employers ’ and unions representatives from “ parity ”- “ Paritarian ” ).

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European Association of Paritarian Institutions of social protection

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  1. AEIP European Association of Paritarian Institutions of social protection Brussels, May 23rd 2013 Nicolo’ Brignoli

  2. A paritarian institution: MANAGEMENT BOARD Equal(parity in) numberofemployers’ and unionsrepresentatives from “parity”- “Paritarian” ) Collective agreement setting up the social institution (and pension plan) Employers Associations Trade Unions Employers Employees

  3. Our Vision EPISA – European Paritarian Institution of Social Protection EPIORP - European Paritarian Institution of Occupational Retirement

  4. AEIP General Overview Social Protection Mission • Coordinated Retirement Schemes • Pension funds • Health & Provident Benefits • Health & Safety • Paid Holiday Schemes • Unemployment Funds • Promoting the Paritarian Model • Monitoring European activities • Representing & defending the interest of AEIP to the EU Institutions (Lobbying) • Promoting cooperation between members • Defending the interest of the members at the European level • Promoting the exchange information and experience Our Values • Solidarity • Transparency • Paritarian Management(employees et employers)

  5. Tasks Promotion of paritarianism by Monitoring European Activities • Symposia, seminars, conferences; • Networking and scientific studies; • The media and public relations • Legislation • The European Court of Justice • Follow-up of the projects of the European Commission Representation to the European institutions and relevant organizations • Creating contacts with the relevant European Institutions • Participation in committees and working groups of the EU • Networking with other relevant organizations (AIM, EFRP, ESIP,…)

  6. 1996 – Founding of AEIP in Turin, Italy 1997 – Launching of the association in Brussels

  7. Founding Members - 1996

  8. Currently, AEIP has 27 members and 29 affiliates in 18 countries!

  9. Members in 2012

  10. List of paritarian organisations within the AEIP Members: Associates (14) Observers (13) Affiliates (15) • B&CE • AGIRC • ARRCO • CTIP • OCIRP • AG2R ISICA • CAPSSA • Humanis • IPSEC • Malakoff Médéric • OPPBTP • Pro BTP • CIA • Les Retraites Populaires • Assoprevidenza >CNCE • CWPS • Monitoring Agency (CIMA) • BUAK • CNCPT • Pens Plan • BG BAU • SOKA BAU • EBAV • Solidarietà Veneto • CIMA • Dexia Pension Fund • Etera • CSC • Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch • Cordares • PGGM • MN Services • Fundaciónlaboral • Geroa • BVPI/ABIP • TEA-EATA • TELA • Trianon • VB • TVR

  11. Other Affiliates Protocols of Cooperation

  12. Co operations

  13. Participation to the works of the European Union Consultation of the Commission in the field of the simplification of the 883/04 (former 1408/71) Participation in the Pension Forum of the European Commission Participation in the Pension Forum of the European Parliament Member of the Consultative Panel of EIOPA

  14. Commissions and working groups Commissions • Commission I – Coordinated Retirement Schemes • Commission II – Pension Funds • Commission III – Health and Provident Funds • Commission IV – Paid Holidays • Commissions V – Health & Safety at Work Task Forces • Construction • Territorial Social Protection Schemes • Health and Care • Metal Sector Other Working Groups • Solvency II & Solvency Rules to Pension Funds linked to the IAS discussions • Scientific Council

  15. Commission I – Coordinated Retirement Schemes • Follow-up of developments in EU Regulation 883/04 • Strengthening cooperation with countries of the new Central and Eastern Europe • Follow up on works of the OECD working group on private pensions (in common with Commission II) • Exchange of good practices concerning information to beneficiaries (in common with the Commission II)

  16. Commission II – Pensions Funds • Revision of the IORP Directive (Directive on the supervision and activities of institutions of occupational retirement provision) and lobbying on Solvency on Pension Funds (EIOPA) • Portability • Impact of the Financial Crisis on the pension schemes (in common with Commission I) • Social responsible Investment (in common with Commission I) • European Paritarian Institution of Occupational Retirement Provision

  17. Commission III – Health and Provident Funds • Monitor health reforms in the members countries (France, Germany, The Netherlands) • European Symposium on Health & Safety (Gand, Lisbon, Venice, Paris, Rome) • Cooperation with NCCMP/MEBCO (Conferences in Boston, Washington, Brussels, New York and Paris) Until 2008

  18. Commission IV - Paid Holiday • Non declared work • Future projects on the sharing of data • Mobility of Workers • Directive on the Posting of workers • Enforcement Directive (2011)/ ICT Directive for workers III; Posting of workers Directive Member of a member

  19. Commission V - Health and Safety at Work • Discussion on a management system to implement measures on health & safety at the work place • Exchanges of exemples of good practices on the job training • Study on the OSH Directive the implementation and best practices at the European and National level

  20. Joint Commission Projects FOUR MAIN PROJECTS: • Response to the Green Paper (Consultation) in 2010 • Response to the EIOPA Consultations concerning the reform of the IORP Directive • Reponse to the new White Paper of the Commission on Pensions • Green Paper on Long Term Investments

  21. Task Force Construction • Follow-up on the Green Paper on Pensions • Comparison of the proposed products • Comparison of Asset Management • Relation with the European Social Partners • Service Directive • Promotion of the Paritarian Institution in the new Eastern Europe Countries Member of a member

  22. Questions? ? ? ? Nicolo.brignoli@aeip.net www.aeip.net

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