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PA PHASE: AREA-BASED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME. UNDP CO Uzbekistan. Description of the problem.
Description of the problem • According to the WBs Uzbekistan Living Standards Assessment of 2003, the highest incidence of poverty can be found in the Kashkadarya region (over 60%). Low wages in the budget system and incomes in agriculture (in particular from dehkan farming) means that being employed does not necessarily protect from poverty. • The overall level of basic services to population remains poor. There are marked differences in access to good quality education and healthcare services between regions and between rural and urban areas. • Land degradation on irrigated territories is a major problem, this results in loss of income, in particular for the socially vulnerable groups • Problems related to reorganization of shirkats • Due to the complexity of factors at play, single targeted and sector-based interventions often have little effect on improving the overall situation and reducing the disadvantaged position of the area vis-à-vis the rest of the country.
Objectives of the Good Practice Welfare improvement and increased living standards of the population, in particular in rural areas of disadvantaged areas in Uzbekistan, through: • establishment of reciprocal cooperation and partnership mechanisms among the community, local authorities, universities, private and not-for-profit sectors with a view to increase efficiency • generate new income and employment opportunities towards sustainable human and economic development.
Strategy of the Good Practice • Creation of regional and local infrastructure to support the management and implementation of the comprehensive ABD Program, and supporting the initiatives of local communities, farmers and local entrepreneurs in more efficient cooperation promoting local initiatives in generating jobs and incomes. • Preparatory Phase is supporting the establishment of UNDP Regional Support Unit in Karshi and a Rural Development Centers (RDC) in two districts of Kashkadarya region. • Development of a comprehensive Area-Based Development Program Document in cooperation and partnership with government, regional authorities and international donors.
Innovative aspects of the Good Practice • Area-Based approach and localizing MDG Goals in particular rural areas • Creating Rural Development Centers, being major hubs for technical assistance, information and knowledge sharing, facilitating participation and effective cooperation of the project beneficiaries • Organizing an Agricultural Extension Services and Training Center (AEST) to render practical research, training and extension service on demand by farmers and rural entrepreneurs.
Activities of the Good Practice • Establishing partnership and signing MOUs with major government and international donor partners. • Establishment of RSU in Karshi • «MDG Village» sub-project • Establishment of Agriculture Extension Services and Training Center (AEST) • Establishment of Rural Development Centers (RDC) in Nishan and Kitab districts of Kashkadarya • Organizing series of roundtables and trainings on community management for local community leaders and activists; business trainings for farmers and entrepreneurs • Elaborating and signing a comprehensive Area-Based Development Program Document in agreement with Government and donors.
Partnerships established • Ministry of Economy (co-implementation partner) • Khokimiyat of Kashkadarya Region • Regional Department of Economics • Khokimiyats of Kitab and Nishan District • Local self-governance bodies (village citizen’s assemblies and makhallas) • Chamber of Trade and Commerce (Central and regional branch) • Local Associations of farmers • Local projects of other donor agencies
Expected Results of the Good Practice • I. Regional/Local infrastructure to support the management and implementation of the comprehensive Area-Based Development Program is created, initiatives of farmers and local entrepreneurs in more efficient procurement, marketing and other services through cooperation are supported. • II. A comprehensive Area-Based Development Program Document in cooperation and partnership with government, regional authorities and international donors is signed.
Problems encountered • missing some deadlines with getting permissions from major government bodies for launching project activities; • engagement of project beneficiaries and local executives with seasonal agricultural campaigns; • weak participation and initiative of project beneficiaries in some pilot districts; • other problems associated with budgetary limitations, etc.
Sustainability of the Good Practice • Key to success of the programme is that partnerships and cooperation are voluntary and inspired by healthy self-interest of those involved and that the programme focuses on providing opportunities for income and employment, rather than the creation of income and employment generation activities. Only then is it possible to truly encourage people to invest and pool the resources they have available and ensure ownership (and sustainability) of the initiatives undertaken.
Replicability of the Good Practice in other country context • ABD programmes have been around since at least the late eighties of the last century, when PRODERE in Central America and CARERE in Cambodia came into existence. • In Eastern Europe and the CIS (UNDP’s RBEC region), ABDs are currently running in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. These programmes can differ considerably from each other in line with the specific challenges faced by the areas they serve. • If successful, the programme can subsequently expand to other appropriate countries that are not necessarily among the poorest, but face different socio-economic challenges and opportunities for which the tools and methodologies developed under the Kashkadarya ABD might be considered to be appropriate as well.