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Remaining duties. ITPA CC meeting & IEA/ITPA JE planning meeting 12 – 14 (15) December 2011, Cadarache Ide, Sips and Luce Present annual summary of the group, summary of JE2011 and proposal of JE2012 in one presentation (1H including discussion). => Ide Joint Experiment (JE)
Remaining duties • ITPA CC meeting & IEA/ITPA JE planning meeting • 12 – 14 (15) December 2011, Cadarache • Ide, Sips and Luce • Present annual summary of the group, summary of JE2011 and proposal of JE2012 in one presentation (1H including discussion). • => Ide • Joint Experiment (JE) • I have to end summary and proposal (Word doc) by 14th Nov. to CC. • Spokes persons should send them before 7th Nov. to ME (cc Sips, Luce). • I need ppt files from each JE for the JE planning meeting. • Spokes persons should send them before 14th Nov. to ME (cc Sips, Luce). • 2-3 pages and should contain figure(s) to appeal results 2011 effectively.
IOS-1.2: Study seeding effects on ITER demonstration discharges Status: continue • Contributors: A. Kallenbach (AUG), T. Petrie (DIII-D), J. Rapp/G. Maddison (JET), M.Reinke/S.Wolfe (C-Mod) • Objective: development of ITER demonstration discharges with integrated impurity seeding. Due to technical constraints and difficulties, seeded scenarios and ITER demonstration discharges (IOS-1.1) are developed in parallel, to be combined in the future. The combination of low q95, and high is in particular challenging for high-Z devices. Sufficient central heating and ELM control are essential. • . • Result 2010: First exps. in 2009/10 collected on seeding in AUG, JET {see fig. next page}, C-mod, and seeding + RMP in DIII-D partly reported on PSI conf. (Review talk by A. Kallenbach, J. Nucl.Mat. in press) • Plan 2011: AUG: Seeding combined with RMP ELM control, increase triangularity C-Mod: N2, Neon / Argon seeding (EDA and ELMy ITER shape). DIIID: Radiative divertor studies in with RMP for ELM control. JET: Operation with ILW+seeding start in 2011, IOS-1.2 scheduled in 2012
JET: Gas and seeding scans to optimize H98 and power load G. Maddison, PSI 2010, O-23 Ne N Confinement degradation with increased seeding level in JET in line with C-Mod but in contrast to AUG (even improvement of H98 with N2 level) Further studies required for better understanding
IOS-2.2: Ramp-down from q95=3 Status: close • Contributors: G. Sips (JET), S. Wolfe (C-Mod), G. Jackson (DIII-D), J. Schweinzer (AUG) • Objective:Demonstrate ramp-down from an ITER base-line plasma (q95=3), from both H- and L-mode. Demonstration how to stay within (k, li, q95) stability envelope of ITER. Develop shape control (kappa reduction), document merits/demerits of staying in H mode or L mode ( heating requirements). Result 2010: DIII-D, AUG and JET, have completed the experiments, while in C-Mod the last set is planned for late 2010. Results show that a strong kappa reduction controls li(3) excursion and/or maintaining H-mode keeps li(3) in ITER operational range. AUG and JET results were presented at the IAEA 2010. This JE is completed, summary publication may be prepared in 2011.
Connected to Ant.1 Gas Connected to Ant.4 Gas IOS 5.2: Maintaining ICRH Coupling in expected ITER regime Status: continue • Contributors: M.L.Mayoral (JET), V.Bobkov (AUG), S. Wukitch (C-Mod) , R. Pinsker (DIII-D), J.Hosea (NSTX), M. Goniche & L.Colas (TS), J.G.Kwak (KSTAR), S. Moriyama (JT-60U) • Objective: Improve ICRH coupling by gas injection near antenna • Result 2010: Results on JET, DIIID, • AUG & TS have been summarized • in IAEA paper (M.L.Mayoral & al.) - ICRH Coupling improvement with gas injection is found on JET, DIIID & AUG - Strong gas injection leads to large increase of the loading at the expense of degradation of the confinement - Specific effect on near-antenna gas puff clearly seen on AUG and on early JET experiments, but weaker effect with new JET plasma configuration AUG
IOS 5.2: Maintaining ICRH Coupling in expected ITER regime- Plans 2011 - • JET: Not 2011 priority. • AUG: Investigate role of near fields • Tore Supra: Conduct experiment at higher density and use new poloidally distributed connected valve and new edge reflectometer • DIII-D: New poloidally distributed puffing location adjacent to the 285/300 FW antenna • Improve reliability of reflectometer near 285/300 FW antenna • Analysis using TOPICA continues (data of 2009-2010 campaign) • C-Mod: Measurement with new SOL reflectometer of local density profile as a function of RF power, target density, local gas puffing ..... • NSTX: Investigation of the upper limit of edge density for ITER • KSTAR: Experiment with new gas puff near ICRF antenna