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Word order in Finno-Ugric languages. A typological approach Part 2. Order of adjective (A) and noun (N). PNS: OV&AN – VO&NA What is the order of A and N in Hungarian? Hu.: (14) magas fiú tall boy ‘tall boy’ (15) szép ruha nice dress ‘nice dress’ (16) kék madár
Word order in Finno-Ugric languages A typological approach Part 2
Order of adjective (A) and noun (N) • PNS: OV&AN – VO&NA • What is the order of A and N in Hungarian? • Hu.: (14) magas fiú tall boy ‘tall boy’ (15) szép ruha nice dress ‘nice dress’ (16) kék madár blue bird ‘blue bird’ • OV&AN = PNS+
Order of adjective (A) and noun (N) • Ud. (Csúcs 1990: 63): (17) tẽd’y derem(the sign ẽ means medio velar e) white dress ‘white dress’ (18) pas’kyt uram wide street ‘wide street’ (19) pu korka wood house ‘wooden house’ • OV&AN = PNS+
Order of adjective (A) and noun (N) • Ko. (Rédei 1978: 64) (20) ¥u¥ydju deep river ’deep river’ (21) pas’kyd ju wide river’wide river’ • VO&AN=PNS – • Er. (Mosin – Bajushkin 1983: 27) (22) jakšamo t’el’e cold winter ‘cold winter’ (23) mazij plat’ija nice dress ‘nice dress’ • VO&AN=PNS –
Order of adjective (A) and noun (N) • What is the order of A and N in Finnish? • Fi. (Nuutinen 1978: 64-68): (24) pieni kylä small village ‘small village’ (25) suur-in kaupunki big-COMP city ‘the biggest city’ (26) sinise-t silmä-t blue-PL eye-PL ‘blue eyes’ • VO&AN=PNS –
Overview (A and N) • What is the order of A and N in your native language? • What is the order of A and N in English? • Why the ordering of A and N is crucial in Permic languages? • Because the adjective can be a predicate in every person without any copula (is/are), thus the cathegory of the A depends on its position in the sentence • NB: it is a strict rule from the PU/PFU that the attribute always precedes the noun it refers • Dryer has pointed out that there is no correlation between the order of verb and object and the order of A and N (cf. Dryer 1988)
Order of genitive (G) and noun (N) • PNS: OV&GN – VO&NG • What is the order of G and N in Hungarian? Hu. (27) az asztal láb-a the table leg-PxSg3 ‘the leg of the table’ (28) az apa toll-ai the father pen-PxSg3.PL ‘pens of the father’ (29) a lány-nak a könyv-e the girl-DAT the book-PxSg3 ‘the book of the girl’ Ud (Csúcs 1990: 42): (30) korka-len lipet-ez house-GEN roof-Px.Sg3 ‘the roof of the house’ (31) pinal-jos-len kyr¥’an-zy child-PL-GEN song-Px.Pl3 ‘the song of the children’ In both languages: OV&GN=PNS+
Order of genitive (G) and noun (N) Ko (Manova 1998: 21,112): (32) sy-lẽn getyr Sg3-GEN wife ‘his wife’ (33) kn’iga-sẽ men-ym book-ACC.PxSg3 Sg1-PxSg1 ‘my book(Acc) • the function of the Px on the posessed is to determine the noun, i.e. the book in question is well-know for the participants of speech (cf. Rédei 1978, Manova 1998) • VO&GN(?NG)=PNS – (?/+)
Order of genitive (G) and noun (N) Er. (Mészáros 1998: 33, Mosin – Bajushkin 1983: 49): (34) vejke c’ora-n’ kudo one man-GEN house ‘house of a man’ (35) mo-n’ kudo-m Sg1-GEN house-PxSg1 ‘my house’ Fi.: • What is the order of G and N in Finnish? (36) häne-n perhee-nsä Sg3-GEN family-PxSg3’ ’his family’ (37) tytö-n kirja girl-GEN book ‘book of the girl’ (38) talo-n ovi house-GEN door ‘door of the house’ • VO&GN=PNS –
Overview • What do you think about these data? • Why do Hu. and Ud. only behave as the PNS predicts? • What is the position of the genitive in the sentence? • What is the order of G and N in your native language?
Order of determiner (Det) and noun (N) • PNS: OV&DetN and VO&NDet • a determiner could be a demonstrative (this) or an article (the, a) Hu. • What is the order of Det and N in Hungarian? (39) ez a lány this the girl ‘this girl’ (40) a fiú the boy ‘that boy’ (41) amaz a fiú ‘that one/ yonder boy’ (ch. emez) Ud. (Ganejev – Perevozchikov 2005: 25, Csúcs 1987:49) (42) so čas Sg3 clock ‘that clock’ (43) ta-iz kn’iga this-DET book ’only this book (and nothing else)’
Order of determiner (Det) and noun (N) • As it has already been mentioned in both Permic languages the possessive suffix can be used as a determiner • if we accept that a function can be represented not only by a word but by an affix as well then we have to take account for affixes (cf. Song 2001) Ud. (Csúcs 1987: 42) (44) turyn-ez čeber grass-PxSg3 nice ‘the grass is nice’ • Hu: OV&DetN=PNS:+ • Ud: OV&DetN/NDet)=PNS+/–
Order of determiner (Det) and noun (N) Ko. (Rédei 1978: 61,64): (45) lym-jys snow-PxSg3 ’that/the snow’ (46) tajẽ vẽv-jas this horse-PL’ ’these horses’ Er. (Mészáros 1998: 23, 26) • In Erzya not only the verbs but the nouns have a determinativ-indeterminate distinction in declination (47) t’e kudon-s’ this house-DET lit. this the house ‘this house’ (48) t’e vel’e this village ‘this village’ • VO&DetN/NDet=PNS–/+
Order of determiner (Det) and noun (N) • What is the order of Det and N in Finnish? Fi. (49) tämä kala this fish ‘this fish’ (50) tuo kala that fish ‘that fish’ (51) se kala yonder fish ‘yonder fish’ • VO&DetN=PNS–
Overview • What is the order of Dem and N in your native language? • What is the ordering of Dem and N in English? • Examples for English • English: VO&DemN • the boy, that frog, this lecture
Order of noun phrase (NP) and adposition (Adp) • Are there in Finnish / in Hungarian prepositions or postpositions? • examples • What is the order of NP and Adp in Hungarian and in Finnish? Hu. (52) az asztal alatt the table under ‘under the table’ (53) este előtt evening before ‘before evening’ (54) az udvaron keresztül the yard through ‘through the yard’ Fi. (the same examples) (55) pöydä-n alla (56) ennen ilta-a (57) piha-n poikki (58) poikki piha-a
Order of noun phrase (NP) and adposition (Adp) • What is the order in Udmurt, in Komi, in Erzya? Ud. (Kozmács 2002: 37): (59) kana vylyn wardrobe above ‘above the house’ Ko. (Rédei 1978: 92): (60) pyzan vylyn table above ‘above/on the table’ Er. (Mosin-Bajushkin 1983: 110) (61) stol’ langs table on ‘on the table’ • Ud:OV&NAdp, Ko:VO&NAdp, Er:VO&NAdp
Overview • What is the order of NP and Adp in these FU languages? • They are prostpositional, in Finnish there are prepositions as well, but it is not a common type of adposition in Finnish • What kind of adpositions could generally co-occur with suffixes? • And with prefixes? • What is the order in Italian /in English? • Are these languages pre- or postpositionals?
Order of adjective (A) and comparison marker (Comp) • In this construction the head is the A, and the Comp is the element that demonstrate the degree of the A (e.g. comparative: smart-er,superlative:more expensive, the most clever) • thus the Comp can be expresses by a word or by affix • OV&AComp VO&CompA • What is the order in Hungarian? • in comparative: (62) sze-bb bögre nice-COMP mug ‘nicer mug’ • in superlative: (63) leg-hideg-bb éj Comp-cold-Comp night ‘the coldest night’ • in Hungarian superlative the stem has two markers a prefix and a suffix, thus we can predict: OV&AComp/CompA (!old Hu. szebbnél szebb lit. ‘from nice nicer’)
Order of adjective (A) and comparison marker (Comp) • What is the order of A and Comp in Finnish? Fi. (64) iso-mpi big-Comp ‘bigger’ (65) nuore-mpi young-Comp ‘younger’ (66) iso-in big-Comp ‘the biggest’ (67) nuor-in young-Comp ‘the youngest’ • VO&AComp = PNS–
Order of adjective (A) and comparison marker (Comp) Ud. (Csúcs 1987: 43): (68) kuz’-ges long-Comp ‘longer’ (69) samoj pič’i Comp small ‘the smallest’ (70) čeber-les’ no čeber nice-ABL and nice ‘the nicest’ • OV&CompA/AComp Ko. (Manova 1998: 116): (71) bur-¥’ik good-Comp ‘better’ (72) med-bur Comp-good ‘the best’ • VO&/CompAAComp
Order of adjective (A) and comparison marker (Comp) Er. (Mészáros 1998: 97): (73) s’e-d’e mazij that-ABL nice ‘nicer’ (74) ves’emed’e mazij Comp nice ‘the nicest’ • VO&CompA • PNS:+
Overview • What is the order of A and Comp in Italian? • Is there a comparative axxic or word in Italian?
Order of standard of comparison (Sc) and comparative adjective (A) • this feature shows how one could compare different things • standard of coparison could be a word or an affix too • PNS: OV&ScA and VO&ASc • in English: quick-er than (ASc) • What is the order in Hungarian? Hu. (75) lassú-bb, mint ő slow-er than (s)he ‘slower than (s)he’ (76) a lány-nál lassú-bb thegirl-ABL slow-Comp ‘shower than the girl’ • OV&ScA/ASc
Order of standard of comparison (Sc) and comparative adjective (A) • What is the order of Sc and A in Finnish? Fi. (78) matala-mpi kuin se low-Comp than that ‘lower than that’ (79) si-tä matala-mpi that-PART low-Comp ‘lower than that’ • the same constructions as in Hungarian • VO&ASc/ScA=PNS+/–
Order of standard of comparison (Sc) and comparative adjective (A) Ud. (Csúcs 1997: 35): (80) sundy-les’ jugit sun-ABL bright ‘brighter than the sun’ • OV&ScA Ko. (Rédei 1978: 85): (81) kerka-ys’ ¥u¥yd house-ABL high ‘higher than the house’ • VO&ScA Er. (Bartens 1999: 109) (82) t’el’e-d’e paro winter-ABL good ‘better than winter’ • VO&ScA
Overview • What is the order of Sc and A in your native language? • What is the order in English? • Which order could be older in Finno-Ugric languages? (ScA or ASc?)
Order of adverbial (Adv) and verb (V) • this construction is constituted by a verb and an adverbial (word that aswer the question where, with whom, when, how) related to it • OV&AdvV and VO&VAdv • What is the order of Adv and V in Hungarian? Hu. (83) holnap érkezik tomorrow arrives ‘(s)he arrives tomorrow’ (84) gyorsan fut-ok quickly run-Sg1 ‘I run quickly’ • OV&AdvV=PNS:+
Order of adverbial (Adv) and verb (V) • What is the order of Adv and V in Finnish? Fi. (85) tule-n nopeasti come-Sg1 quickly ‘I come quickly’ (86) syö-n aamu-lla eat-Sg1 morning-ADS ‘I eat in the morning’ (87) matkusta-t bussi-lla travel-Sg2 bus-ADS ‘you travel by bus’ • VO&VAdv=PNS:+
Order of adverbial (Adv) and verb (V) Ud. (Csúcs 1997: 63): (88) so tatyn uz’a-z (s)he here work-Sg3 ‘(s)he works here’ (89) vala-mon vera-z understand-PTCP say-PST.SG3 ‘(s)he said clearly’ • OV&AdvV=PNS+ Ko. (Manova 1998: 160) (90) gort-as vo-is home-PxSg3.ILL arrive-PST.SG3 ‘(s)he arrived home’ (91) vo-is gort-as • VO&AdvV/VAdv=PNS+/–
Order of adverbial (Adv) and verb (V) Er. (Keresztes 1990: 73, 78): (92) sak mo-n’en’ come I-ILL ‘come to me!’ (93) ki-čir’ese ašt’i road-next to live ‘(s)he lives next to the road’ • VO&VAdv/AdvV
Overview • What is the order of Adv and V in Italian and in English?
Order of auxiliary (Aux) and main verb (V) • E.g. English: I will go. I must read. I can dance. • OV&VAux and VO&AuxV • What is the order in Hungarian? (94) men-ni fog-ok go-INF will-Sg1 ‘I will go.’ (95) tanuln-unk kell learn-PL1 must ‘we must learn’ • in some cases the auxiliary has the verbal suffix • OV&VAux=PNS+
Order of auxiliary (Aux) and main verb (V) • What is the order of Aux and V in Finnish? Fi. (96) voi-n opiske-lla can-Sg1 learn-INF ‘I can learn’ (97) sinu-n täytyy lähte-ä you-GEN must leave-INF ‘I must leave’ • VO&AuxV=PNS+
Order of auxiliary (Aux) and main verb (V) Ud. (Ganejev-Perevozchikov 2005: 39): (98) kofe juy-ny jara coffee drink-INF may ‘may drink coffee’ (99) dysetsky-ny kule learn-INF must ‘must learn’ • OV&VAux=PNS+ Ko. (Manova 1998: 131) (100) mun-ny-m kole go-INF-Sg1 must ‘I must go’ Er. (Mészáros 1998: 33,75): (101) karma-n korta-mo will-Sg1 sing ‘I will sing’ (102) mo-n’en’ er’avi mol’e-ms Sg1-DAT must go-INF ‘I must go’ • VO&AuxV=PNS+
Overview • What is the order of Aux and V in Italian? • What is the order of Aux and V in English?
Order the relative clause (Rel) and noun (N) • E.g. the book (N) that I bought (Rel) • OV&RelN and VO&NRel • What is the order of Rel and N in Hungarian? (103) a könyv amit vettem the book that bought ‘the book that I bought’ (104) a lány által olvasott könyv érdekes the girl by read book interesting ‘the book read by the girl is interesting’ • OV&NRel/RelN=PNS:+/–
Order the relative clause (Rel) and noun (N) • What is the order of Rel and N in Finnish? (105) kirja jota lue-n book that read-Sg1 ‘the book that I read’ • VO&NRel=PNS+
Order the relative clause (Rel) and noun (N) • Summary: • Ud.: RelN/NRel • Ko.: RelN/NRel • Er.: RelN/NRel • No dominant order for all the three languages