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WORD ORDER TYPOLOGY. W ord order has been a highly prominent area of research in typology . W ord order refers to constituent order . Word order concerns constituents on both clausal and phrasal levels. The child stole my money . My money stole the child .
Wordorder has been a highly prominent area of research in typology. • Word order refers to constituent order. • Word orderconcerns constituents on both clausal and phrasal levels.
The child stole my money. My money stole the child. Stole the child my moneyOrStole my money the child. Becausethesyntacticroles of the constituents in English are determined by the word order, thesubjectcomesbeforetheverbandtheobjectcomesafter it.
The dog chased the cat. Here the dog is the subject of the sentence and the cat the object. • When we swap the two NPs, • The cat chased the dog. The two NPs also swap grammatical relations.
However, not alllanguages are as rigid in their word order as English. Nhandais an example of a language with free, or flexible, word order.
abarla-luwumba-yiwur’a-tha child-ERG steal-PPERF money-1SGOBL S V O abarla-luwur’a-thawumba-yi S O V wumba-yiwur’a-thaabarla-lu V O S wumba-yiabarla-luwur’a-tha V S O wur’a-thawumba-yiabarla-lu O V S wur’a-thaabarla-luwumba-yi O S V
a. ilragazzo ha visto la donna [SVO]ART boy AUX see.PTCPL ART womanS V O«The boy has seenthewoman.» • b. il ragazzo l’=ha visto ART boy ART=AUX see.PTCPL S O V «Theboy has seenher.»