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The Fort Bend ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) assists the district in implementing coordinated school health programming and promoting wellness for students, staff, and community members.
School Health Advisory Council Every independent school district is required by law to have a school health advisory council (SHAC) of which the majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. The SHAC is a group of individuals representing segments of the community and school district who provides recommendations to the district and school board on coordinated school health (CSH) programming and its impact on student health and learning. - Texas Education Code - Title 2, Chapter 28, Section 28.004
Fort Bend ISD SHAC Vision The FBISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) was established by the Board of Trustees to assist the District in meeting its strategic objectives to provide healthy school environments for students, staff and community members and to teach and promote wellness through healthy lifestyles. The SHAC acts in an advisory capacity to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees. -Updated December, 2017
Fort Bend ISD SHAC Mission The FBISD SHAC shall use the Whole School, Whole Child, Whole Community (WSCC) model, the Board of Trustee Goals and the Fort Bend ISD Profile of a Graduate attributes to support the FBISD District community for the purpose(s) of effectively implementing the District Wellness Policy (FFA (Local)), while promoting evidence-based wellness resources that encourage and foster lifelong wellness of staff, students and the community. -Created April, 2019
CSH and WSCC Models This coordinated approach improves students' health and their capacity to learn through the support of families, communities and schools working together.
2018-2019 Highlights The SHAC worked with the District to help create a way for campus administrators to assess the current state of wellness on their campus, identify the barriers that stand in their way while describing the support they need to grow wellness for their students, staff, and community. • Campus principals were educated on the revisions made to the FBISD Wellness Policy, FFA(LOCAL). • A campus needs assessment for campus administrators was developed to help determine current campus wellness status. • Barriers and areas of needed support were identified through the assessment.
SHAC Goals Highlights 2018-19 Goal 2: Initiate and assist with thedevelopment of an interactive, comprehensive, evidence-based wellness resource on Schoology, in coordination with the District, in the form of a Virtual Healthy School (VHS) CDC model, that will guide principals, and other campus and district personnel, in the process of evaluating, implementing, and improving the campus wellness environment according to each campus improvement plan (CIP). The creation of a District VHS model will also help the SHAC and the District Stakeholders continuously evaluate FFA(LOCAL) and recommend resources and best practices that will equip the entire District with the life skills required to promote a whole child approach to learning, teaching and community engagement.
Fourth R Curriculum CATCH My Breath Fort Bend Regional Council Program ASPIRE CVS Prescription Drug Program Fuel Up To Play 60 Action Based Learning Physical Activity Toolkit Marathon Kids Houston Kids Triathlon WATCH Kids Heart Challenge WSCC Program Implementation Care to Chat Turn It Gold Autism Awareness Heart to Heart Light the Night Men’s Sports and Literacy Night Bike Rodeos Harvest of the Month Common Threads Healthy Eating Toolkit Share Tables FBISD Food Fair Meal Viewer App Breakfast “Grab and Go” Food Carts NNM Toolkit Wellness Toolkits Million Mile Month LiveWell App Biometric Screenings Flu Shot Clinics Texas Children’s Mobile Clinic See to Succeed Walk and Bike to School Tug for Life Emotional Backpack No Place for Hate Girls on the Run Mental Health First Aid Playworks Mindfulness and Yoga
Student Leadership in FBISD The SHAC Executive Board 5-year plan has the ultimate goal of allowing students in FBISD to lead the charge of their own health and wellness. This is inherent in the WSCC Model, The BOT Core Beliefs and Commitments and in the FBISD Profile of a Graduate: A Fort Bend ISD Graduate has a rigorous academic foundation, strong character, and is…equipped with skills for life. RECOMMENDATIONS: • Include students on all Campus Wellness Committees to allow student’s voices to collaborate in the creation of campus wellness goals and initiatives • Identify and effectively utilize student feedback data to guide future coordinated school health initiatives (Naviance, Pride Survey, YRBS and other relevant data)
Increase Effectiveness of Parent Engagement in FBISD SHAC RECOMMENDATIONS: • Include PTA/PTO/VIPS or parent representation on all Campus Wellness Committees to better help meet the wellness needs of the students, staff, parents and FBISD community • Create a SHAC Campus Liaison Sub-committee for which a parent will act as the campus wellness liaison with SHAC in order to identify wellness resources available to each campus and to share best practices with SHAC and all campuses throughout FBISD
SHAC Recommendations • Fort Bend ISD should create a Virtual Healthy School (VHS) Schoology course where all health and wellness information can be available to all students, staff, parents, and community members and specifically for Campus Improvement Planning (CIP). • The SHAC challenges the District to allow the student voice to be a more integral part of development of campus and District wellness strategies in line with the FBISD Profile of a Graduate, the Board of Trustee goals and the WSCC model. • Fort Bend ISD should support the annual SHAC Health Hero Recognition Award for at least one parent, community member, FBISD leader, and student. Campus leaders will assist the SHAC in nominating individuals, including students, staff and parents, who have consistently and generously contributed to the wellness of a large number of students and the school community as a whole.