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George washington

Home. Intro. George washington. Early life. What He Did. Why he Was He A Leader. By. Kylegh harding. Bibliogarphy. Conclusion. Home. Introduction. , Intro. Early life. He commanded the army that won are independence from Britian H e helped write the constitution of the US

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George washington

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  1. Home Intro George washington Earlylife What He Did Why he Was He A Leader By. Kyleghharding Bibliogarphy Conclusion

  2. Home Introduction , Intro Early life He commanded the army that won are independence from Britian • He helped write the constitution of the US • He was elected the first president of the US What He Did Why he Was He A Leader Bibliogarphy Conclusion

  3. Home Early Life , Intro Early life He was born in 2/22/1732 at colonial beach As a boy he explored the wilderness • He when to school till he was 14 or 15 • don’t know who was his teachers where. • He easily picked up an understanding of fractions and geometry He enjoyed mathematics. What He Did Why he Was He A Leader Bibliogarphy Conclusion

  4. Home What He Did Intro Earlylife • When he grew older he helped the British fight the French and Indians. Several times, he was nearly killed. • He became interested in exploring the frontier. Becoming a surveyor and marking out new farms in the wilderness would give him a chance to seek adventure and earn money. • At 15, he began studying to be a surveyor   • His wife was named martha What He Did Why he Was He A Leader Bibliogarphy Conclusion

  5. Home Why He Was AGood Leader Intro Earlylife • he was… • inspiring • kind • never give up • outgoing • persuasive • positive • respectful • smart • stand up for beliefs • stand up for yourself • strong • Willing • brave • Caring • Courage • encouraging • fearless • fight for rights • good speaker • hard working • have a dream • Helpful What He Did Why he Was He A Leader Bibliogarphy Conclusion

  6. Home Bibliography Intro Earlylife • "Washington, George." World Book Student . World Book, 2012. Web. 1 May 2012 • "George Washington." Presidential Administration Profiles for Students. Ed. • Kelle S. Sisung and Gerda-Ann Raffaelle. Detroit: Gale Group, 2003. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 29 May 2012. What He Did Why he Was He A Leader Bibliogarphy Conclusion

  7. Home Conclusion Intro Earlylife • George Washington was a a great man • He was a great leader What He Did Why he Was He A Leader Bibliogarphy Conclusion

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