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WELCOME TO OUR CLASS 11CA!. WELCOME TO OUR CLASS 11C2. Outline:. - Checking homework - Warm up - While you read + Task 1 + Task 2 + Task 3 - After you read:. Checking the homework: Choose the best answer. 1 .The population of the world________every year.

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  2. Outline: • - Checking homework • - Warm up • - While you read • + Task 1 • + Task 2 • + Task 3 • - After you read:

  3. Checking the homework: Choose the best answer 1.The population of the world________every year. A. decreases B. doubles C. increases D. limits 2.The word“ figure” means________ A. arm B. number C. gift D. pen 3. The word ‘feel’ has a _______ ‘e’ in the middle. A. double B. different C. triple D. percent 4. The new teaching ______encourages the students to think for themselves. A. limit B. amount C. resource D. method 5. I’m afraid I’m not ______ to help him with the decoration for the party. I’m busy working on my essay. A. enough B. available C. safe D. probable

  4. Warm up Which do these pictures tell you about? OVERPOPULATION

  5. Unit 7 WORLD POPULATION LESSON 2: READING (2nd-period)

  6. II. While you read: • Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow. The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster . In 10,000 B.C., there were probably only 10 million people. In A.D. 1, there were 300 million. It took 1,750 years for the world population to reach 650 million. In 1850, only one hundred years later the population reach the figure had more than double to reach 2,510 million. In 2000, the world’s population was about 6.6 billion, and by 2015 it is expected to be over 7 billion. Research has shown that the average Third World woman has more children than she wants. Among the women who do not think they Have too many children, half of them do not want to have any more. However, although millions of women want to limit the size of their families, they know of no safe way to have fewer children. Safe birth-control methods for family planning are not available to them. It is time governments and international organisations did something to help them so that the world population growth can start to decrease instead of continuing to increase. Does the Earth has enough resources to support this many people? Different scientists give different answers to this question. Some say that there are enough resources to support 8 billion people. Others say that we must limit population growth because our resources are limited. Only 10 percent of the Earth’s land can be used for farming and another 20 percent for raising animals.There is a limit to the water we can use. There are also limits to the amounts of petroleum,iron, silver, gold, and other metals.

  7. Task 1: The words in the box all appear in the passage. Fill in each blank with a suitable word. figures although resources limit (n) method (v, n) (n) control increases international (v) (v) (adj) (n) 1. _______most journalists studied journalism in college, some older writers never attended a university. 2. Can you explain the________ for changing salt water to fresh water? 3.The number of injuries from automobile accidents________ every year. 4.Some countries are poor because they have very few natural_______ 5.These are all ________: 1, 75, 293. 6. There is a(n) _______of 20 minutes for this short test.Students must turn in their papers at the end of 20th minute. 7. The United Nations is a(n)_______________ organization. 8. Some children behave badly and their parents can’t___________them.

  8. Task 2.Answer the questions on the passage.

  9. Task 2.Answer the questions. What was the population of the world in 10,000 B.C, 1750, 1850,1950,1985 and 2000 ? 10,000 B.C 10 million A.D.1 300 million 1750 625 million 1850 1,300 million 1950 2,510 million 1985 4,760 million 2000 about 6,6 billion

  10. Task 2.Answer the questions. 2.How many people is the world expected to have by the year 2015? By the year 2015, the population of the world is expected to be 7 billion ( the last sentence in paragraph 1)

  11. Task 2.Answer the questions. 3. Can the Earth have enough resources to support its population? • Some scientists say it can, but others say it can’t ( sentence 3, 4 in paragraph 2)

  12. Task 2.Answer the questions. 4. Do most Third World women want to have a lot of children? No, they don’t. ( sentence 2- line 3 -paragraph 3)

  13. Task 2.Answer the questions. 5. Why can’t women in the world limit the size of their families? • Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children. ( sentence 3- line 5 - paragraph 3)

  14. Task 3 : According to passage decide whether the statements are true(T) or false (F) 1. All the scientists agree that the Earth has enough resources to support the world population. F - Different scientists have different ideas. ( line 1,2; Paragraph 2) 2. According to the passage, only 10 percent of the earth’s land can be used for farming. T - ( line 5; Paragraph 2) 3. Governments and international organizations should do something to help increases the population growth. F- ( decrease - line 8; Paragraph 3) 4. Safe birth-control methods for family planning are not accessible to them. T - ( line 6; Paragraph 3: available = accessible)

  15. After you read: Discussion Find out five world largest countries in population. Say where they are and which is the richest and which is the poorest country.

  16. After you read: Five world largest countries in population

  17. After you read: • China, India, Indonesia are in Asia. • The U.S.A is in North America. • Brazil is in South America • The richest country is The U.S.A • The poorest country is India.

  18. - What is the population of Vietnam in 2016 ? • Which number does Vietnam’s population rank • in the world ? According to United Nations Population Fund (UNFP), world population now is about 7.4 billion. In Vietnam, it is about 95 million and ranks No. 14 in the world .

  19. Population: 1,373,541,278 ( 2016) GDP: $14,300 ( 2015)

  20. Population: 1,266,833,598 ( 2016) GDP: $6,100 ( 2015) India

  21. Population: 323,995,528 (2016) GDP: $57,000 ( 2015) USA

  22. Population: 258,316,051( 2016) GDP: $11,300 ( 2015) Indonesia

  23. Population: 205,823,665 (2016) GDP: $15,800 (2015) Brazil

  24. Population: 95,261,021(2016) GDP: $6,100( 2015)

  25. HOMEWORK: • Learn by heart all new words. • Prepare the next part: Unit 7 – Speaking • Answer the question : What are the problems of the population explosion and what are the solutions to this problem?


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