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Discover the crucial role of interpreters in legal settings, overcoming challenges while upholding accuracy and reliability. Learn from esteemed expert Prof. Dr. Mira Kadric-Scheiber's experiences in combating organized crime.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mira Kadric-Scheiber Interpreters in the public eye - building networks of trust Mira Kadrić
„Mrs Thatcher's bluntness could stun interpreters” (BBC NEWS, 24.1.2004) “I hateCommunists.“ “Prime Minister Thatcher says that she has never been wholly supportive of the ideas of Karl Marx.” (Robbins, 24. 1.2004)
Misunderstanding attributed to Gorb. mumbling verifying vs verified party проверяющая vs. проверяемая ctopoнa
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mira Kadric-Scheiber Elend, Hass und einAschenbecher (Misery, hatred and an ashtray) „Die herausragende Erscheinung in diesem Mordprozess, der mit Alltagstristesse wenig sparsam umgeht, ist der kroatische Dolmetscher. Vor den Augen von ein paar Dutzend Schülern, denen hier eine neue Dimension des Grauens zugemutet wird, rückt er mit seinem Sessel ganz nah an die Angeklagte Ivanka heran und nimmt mit ihr einen erstaunlich zarten und vertraulichen Dialog auf.“ (Daniel Glattauer, DerStandard, 27.11.2003) The outstanding figure in this murder trial, which is not sparing on sordid details, is the Croatian interpreter. In view of a few dozen students, who are faced with unimaginable descriptions of horrors, he moves his chair close to the defendant, Ivanka, and initiates a surprisingly tender and confidential dialogue with her. (Own translation)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mira Kadric-Scheiber Hermann Göhring, Nuremberg Trial “Of course I want counsel. But it is even more important to have a good interpreter." (Time, 29. Oktober 1945, zit. nach Mikkelson, 2000:67)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mira Kadric-Scheiber „(…) Seit 1994 bin ich regelmäßig bei Polizei und Justizbehörden tätig. Bei TÜ-unterstützten polizeilichen Ermittlungen sowie bei der Auswertung von aufgezeichneten Gesprächen habe ich als Dolmetscher/Übersetzer und als Sachverständige Erfahrung gesammelt und Kompetenz gebildet. Bei der Bekämpfung der organisierten Kriminalität in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat sich meine Zusammenarbeit mit den Behörden auf die Bereiche Rauschgift, Menschenhandel und Betrug konzentriert. Ich möchte Sie auch beim Kampf gegen organisierte Kriminalität unterstützen und somit meinen Beitrag in der Bekämpfung der Kriminalität im Allgemeinen leisten (…)“ (...) Since 1994 I have been working regularly for police and judicial authorities. In TS-based [telephonic surveillance-based] police investigations and in the analysis of recorded conversations I have gained experience and competence as an interpreter/translator and as an expert. In the fight against organized crime in the Federal Republic of Germany my cooperation with the authorities has been concentrated on the areas of drugs, people smuggling and fraud. I would like to also support you in the fight against organized crime and thus contribute to the fight against crime in general (...)
„Despite the smiles, bad translations can cause diplomatic incidents” (BBC News; 24.1. 2004)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mira Kadric-Scheiber Interpreters are constantly “caught between conflicting interests and pressures” (Gile, 2009:32)
Judge „In my courtroom, I want the interpreters to be very clear about when there has been an error made and the record needs to show the correction. The team who clearly said: Interpreter error, and then corrected it – well I thought that worked extremely well. I wish some of the spoken language interpreters would do the same.“ (Russel, 2002:128)
Attorney „What is important to me is to feel confident in their interpreting skills and to know they interpreting skills and to know they understand the framework for the case. I am surprised interpreters don‘t ask more questions about that – we would give it to them if they asked.“ (Russel, 2002:127)
Wittnes „My goal was to be vague and specifically not provide a detailed response to the lawyer‘s question. Leave it to the lawyer to probe more and be confused by my answer. The interpreter should not control this process.“ (Russel, 2002:145)