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Explore the LHC RF operations in 2017, from installations to commissioning experiences. Learn about maintenance, faults, beam dynamics, and more at the SRF workshop.
Overview of theLHC RF Operation in 2017 H. Timko, CERN, BE-RF Acknowledgements: P. Baudrenghien, P. Martinez Yanez, M. Therasse, K. Turaj
LHC RF Installations (P4) Klystron gallery, Faraday cages, HV bunkers SRF workshop 31/05/2018
LHC RF Installations (P4) 8 RF cavities/beam SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Recommissioning Timeline Typicaltimeline after an (E)YETS First beam SRF workshop 31/05/2018
HV and Klystron Tests • Annual teststobeperformed (~3 weeks in total) • Placingshortcircuits • Verificationof HV bunkers • Services, crowbars, modulators • Verificationof HV interlocks • Verificationofklystrons • Klystrons, circulators, focus power supplies, power meters • Services: waterflow, vacuum • Klystron power calibration • Calibrationofklystron DC power againstcollector thermal power (derivedfromwaterflow) • Circulator, interlock level, andmanyotheradjustments SRF workshop 31/05/2018
CavityConditioning • Increasing pulse length from200 µs to CW • Conditionthe operational workingpoints • QL = 20,000 • Flat bottomsettings: QL = 20,000 with 0.75 MV/cavity • QL = 60,000, upto 2 MV/cavity • Flat top settings: QL = 60,000 with1.5 MV/cavity • In dedicatedmeasurements, upto 2 MV/cavitymaybeused • QL = 40,000 (intermediate position) • Criterion for a ‘conditioned’ cavity: no activity for 12 hours SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Cavity Controller Setting-up • Adjustment of cavity feedback loop • Calibration of offsets, delays, phases, and gains in the LLRF modules • Step-by-step procedure, closing different parts of the overall loop one after the other • To make sure the loops are stable and have enough stability margin • In operation, this is done during the switching ON sequence • Automatized using python scripts SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Commissioning Experience • All setting up from high power to LLRF has to be done for 16 lines • Many things can be automatized, but still human intervention is necessary: a few lines will always show unexpected behaviour at some stage of the commissioning experts needed • Work parallelisation is best done with several trained persons • Everything changes at the same time • Technical stops are shortened to a minimum and often commissioning has to be performed with modified hardware & software, or one has to cope with last-minute modifications during the commissioning • Sometimes difficult to debug faults • Several teams work in parallel; good coordination & communication needed SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Operational Aspectsofthe LHC RF • Reliable system with relatively high availability • Yet, hardware faults occur and are expected to be more frequent with ageing equipment • Software constantly evolves, or is migrated, leading to some faults • LHC requests evolve with time as well, requiring new solutions • For all these, a fast response time from experts/piquet is expected • Deployment of modifications often limited to technical stops • Modifications need to consider machine protection, interlocks… • Extensive remote control & diagnostics • Most faults can be diagnosed and fixed remotely, actual accesses only needed for hardware faults • Maintaining a high availability through preparing solutions in advance and mitigating problems before they occur SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Longitudinal Beam Dynamics • Beam dynamics studies are an integral part of the RF operation • Measurements, theory, simulations • Diagnostics and tools for operation and experts • Keep on developing new tools Simulatedandmeasuredbeam instabilities on flat bottom SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Maintenance of Operational Spare • Module exchangeduring LS1. Toensure a smooth operation: • Spare cavityprogramme • Maintenance of operational spare • E.g. newpumpingcrossestoavoidleaks SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Summary ofFaultsandIssues Interventions 2017
Availabilty in 2017 • The peakoffaultsistypicallyoccuringduringtheintensityramp-up; onedifficultinterventionof 14 h 31 faults 47.3 h downtime From28th April till 10th November SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Faults Hardware Faults Controls Faults FESA process missing or needs restarting (3) FEC needs reboot (1) Crates down (2) Communication issuesbetween different FESA classes(3) • Klystron (4) • Cooling, vacuum level, thyratron oil level, high cathode current • Power supplies (3) • Spurious trips or arcs (6) • Spurious interlocks (2) • Vacuum level, main coupler temperature • LLRF module replacement (1) Other Faults • Loose connection on interlock crate (3 interventions, 14.0 h) • Loose cable on C4B2 main coupler bias (3 events, 4.8 h) SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Antenna Problems • Duringtheconditioning in March 2017, thefieldlevelreading in C1B1 was roughly 10 dB lessthanexpected • Wrong tune andcouplerpositionwereruled out • Traced back to a problemwiththeantenna • Measuringthetransmissionbetween operational and spare antennashowedindeed 10 dB lesssignal on C1B1 than on othercavities • Presentlyoperating on the spare antenna, investigationsongoing SRF workshop 31/05/2018
New since 2017: FullDetuning • Withthefull-detuning beam-loadingcompensationscheme, theflat top power consumptionwas reducedfrom 190 kW to 100 kW • Power required is independent on beam current; smooth operation 03/11/2017 Full detuning Expect 104 kW at 1.5 MV, QL=60k Estimated accuracy on power measurement ±20 % SRF workshop 31/05/2018
Summary • The LHC RF system is working reliably throughout the years • Operation includes • Yearly recommissioning, from klystrons to LLRF • Fast follow-up of issues and problems • Continuous changes, improvements • Studies for the future • Huge amount of work performed also in 2017 to • Maintain the hardware • Commission new tools • Develop software for diagnostics and expert tools Thank you for your attention! SRF workshop 31/05/2018