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Chapter 6 The Middle Colonies. By Mrs. Nassar. Settling the Middle Colonies. The Breadbasket Colonies Called this because the many crops grown in the area. Several large harbors along the Atlantic Ocean New Netherland Grows Peter Stuyvesant governs Delaware becomes part
Chapter 6The Middle Colonies By Mrs. Nassar
The Breadbasket Colonies • Called this because the many crops grown in the area. • Several large harbors along the Atlantic Ocean • New Netherland Grows • Peter Stuyvesant governs • Delaware becomes part • People from Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, and Brazil along with Africans • The English Take Over • King Charles II gave brother the land between Maine and the Delaware River • Wanted the colonists to fight • English took control
New York and New Jersey • James, Duke of York, split colonies • Gave New Jersey to his two friends, John Berkeley and George Carteret • Sold land for low prices to attract people • Quakers • Believed all people were equal • Hoped to find refuge to live and worship • Bought New Jersey and found Salem • Pennsylvania and Delaware • William Penn – the proprietor (owner) of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania and Delaware continued • New Plan of Government • Trial by jury – a group of citizens decides if a person is guilty or innocent of committing a crime • Charter of Privileges – male colonists elected representatives • Duke of York gave Penn what is now Delaware • Penn wanted the Native Americans tried with justice (fairness) • Met with Tamanend a leader of the Lenni Lenape tribe
Starting a New Life • Diversity – a group of people thrown together from many parts of the world • People – Dutch, French, Belgian, Swedish, English Puritans, Quakers, German, Irish, and Scottish settlers Don’t forget the Africans • Philadelphia became the “City of Brotherly Love” for its diverse population • Immigrants (a person who comes from another country to start a new life) came to Philadelphia • Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges was the document used as a form of self-government for the Middle Colonies • Costs of coming to Middle Colonies – leaving family, coming to the unknown, leaving some personal items • Benefits of coming to Middle Colonies – better way of life, economic, religious freedom, and freedom A Mix of People
Peoples’ interest in religion was renewed • Ministers George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards gave speeches that marked changes in religion. They traveled to different communities. • Religious tolerance came about which allowed acceptance of religious differences The Great Awakening
Religion was a major part of peoples’ lives • Free time came about for people to attend plays, dances, concerts, and social clubs • Barn raising – A family farm would invite neighbors to help them put up the frame for a new barn and have a big meal afterwards. Religion and Social Life
The city had plenty of space for people to live and work. • Many public parks • Wide streets • Benjamin Franklin • Helped improve city • Trained fire fighters Helped with first hospital • Set up militia – volunteer army • Scientist, author, inventor, and printer Philadelphia Grows
Plenty of fertile soil • Wheat, corn, and rye were the main crops • Traveled to market towns to trade their livestock and crops • A farmer would use a gristmill to ground grain into flour. Rich Farmlands
The colonists prosperity (economic success) depended largely on the ports. • New York City – one of most important • Hudson River helped make trade easier • Good place for ships to dock • Second busiest port in colonies • Philadelphia • Busiest port • City built along Delaware River • Goods were sent down river for trade • Ships sailed down river into the Delaware Bay then the Atlantic Ocean Port Cities
Exports and Imports • Almost all trade was with England or other English colonies • Colonies exported furs, salted meat, wheat, grains, and lumber • Most imports came from England – furniture, gun powder, medicines, teas, and metals Port Cities continued
Artisans – craft workers who came to the colonies as indentured servants • Most used raw materials to make goods – blacksmiths, carpenters, and bricklayers • Some depended on farm goods – bakers, butchers, flour millers, and soap makers • Dress makers used wool, linen, and cotton to make clothing • Tanners used animal skin for leather which cobblers turned into shoes Colonial Jobs
Young people learned skills by becoming an apprentice (a person who lives and works with an artisan for several years to learn the skill without pay) • Women and girls had few chances to work out of the home. The only way a woman ran a business was if her husband died. Colonial trade continued