Australia has over 500 national parks. Over 28 million hectares of land is designated as national parkland, accounting for almost four per cent of Australia's land areas. In addition, a further six per cent of Australia is protected and includes state forests, nature parks and conservation reserves.
Royal National Park is a national park in New South Wales, Australia, 29 km south of Sydney CBD. Founded by Sir John Robertson, Acting Premier of New South Wales, and formally proclaimed on 26 April 1879, it is the world's second oldest purposed national park (after Yellowstonein the United States), and the first to use the term "national park". Royal National Park contains a wide variety of terrain. Roughly, landscapes in the park vary from coastal cliffs broken by beaches and small inlets to an ancient high plateau broken by extensive and deep river valleys. The river valleys drain from south to north where they run into Port Hacking, the extensive but generally shallow harbor inlet which forms the northern border of the park. When looking across the park from east to west (or vice versa) the rugged folds of valley after valley fade into the distance.
Kosciuszko National Park covers 6,900 square kilometresand contains mainland Australia's highest peak,Mount Kosciuszko, for which it is named, and Cabramurra the highest town in Australia. Many rare or threatened plant and animal species occur within the boundaries of the park and nine separate wilderness areas have been identified in the latest management scheme. Much of the park is dominated by alpine woodlands, characterised by the Snow Gum. Montane and wet sclerophyll forest also occur across the ranges, supporting large stands ofAlpine Ash and Mountain Gum. In the southern Byadbo wilderness area, dry sclerophyll and wattle forests predominate.
Purnululu National Park is a national park in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 2003. It is located in north east of Western Australia. The nearest major town is Kununurra to the north, or Halls Creek to the south.Purnululu is the name given to the sandstonearea of the Bungle Bungle Range by the Kija Aboriginal people. The name means sandstone or may be a cordon of bundle grass. The range, lying fully within the park, has elevations as high as 578 metres above sea level.
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