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Common Core Standards –Implementing Effective Tier One Instruction. September 26, 2013 Facilitated by: Amy Kilbridge Theron Blakeslee. Learning Objectives. Practice strategies for comprehending complex text in all content areas
Common Core Standards –Implementing Effective Tier One Instruction September 26, 2013 Facilitated by: Amy Kilbridge Theron Blakeslee
Learning Objectives • Practice strategies for comprehending complex text in all content areas • Make connections between the literacy standards and other content areas including the mathematical practices • Share collective knowledge about assessments
Legislative Update • House scheduled to vote today to “positively affirm” implementation of the Common Core and restore funding.
Legislative Update • “This House recognizes that a high quality education to develop independent thought is an important part of being a successful person; and Michigan students compete nationally and internationally for work opportunities and better careers and, as such, a high quality education is an important base for their success in this global competition.”
Types of Reading and Writing Currently Used in Your Classrooms • Write what types of reading and writing you ask your students to do on sticky notes. • Place the sticky notes on chart papers around the room by content area. • Gather around the chart paper for your content area and group sticky notes into categories. • Discuss the items on your chart paper.
Protecting Them from Boredom • Read page 10 and 11 from Reading for Understanding, “Protecting Them from Boredom.” Mark/highlight important points. • Choose one “Golden Sentence” that resonates with you to share with your table after you read. • Begin list of reading strategies on chart paper
Common Core Standards for Literacy in History/social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects • Read the right margin note on p. 60 (first page of handout on range and content of student reading. • Highlight/underline key points. • Discuss with your partner.
Reading in Math • Reading a math text or word problem is a different kind of reading from a novel or magazine. • Students need to learn to slow down, to pay attention to each word and each idea. • The goal is to connect the concepts in the passage with each other and with what the student already knows.
Reading in Math • Choose a couple of strategies from the purple reading bookmark to use as you read “Using Ratio to Express a Rate.” • What strategies did you find most useful? • How might you use this in your classroom? • Discuss at your table. • Connection: Standard 7 for Science and Technical Subjects. (p. 62) • Add new strategies to chart paper
Teaching Channel Video • Watch the Physics lesson and note strategies used by the teacher to help students read complex text with difficult vocabulary words. • Discuss how we get students to comprehend this level of complex text in all subject areas with a partner. • Whole group discussion https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/problem-solving-with-technology
Science ACT Passage • Look at Standard 8 in the Literacy Standards for Social Studies, (p. 61) Science and Technical Subjects. (p. 62) • Read the ACT Science Passage on Acupuncture • Mark up the text, distinguishing among facts, reasoned judgment and speculation. (Standard 8)
Discuss in Pairs • What did you do? • Where did you do it? • What difference did it make? • List any new strategies on chart paper
Social Studies Text • Look at Literacy Standard 2 in the Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies (p.61) and Science and Technical Subjects (p. 62) • Use the T-chart to take notes as you read, and determine the central idea of the text. • Write a one sentence summary. • Share summaries at your table • Add any new strategies to the chart paper.
Writing • 3 Types listed in the Anchor Standards for Writing. (Text Types and Purposes p. 63 • Arguments • Informative • Narrative
Arguments - To convince • Definition • A reasoned, logical argument • Demonstrating that the writer’s position, belief, or conclusion is valid • Purpose • Change reader’s point of view • Bring about some action on reader’s part • Ask reader to accept writer’s explanation • Genre • essay, letter, editorial
Informative Text - To Explain or Inform • Definition • Text • That conveys information accurately • Purpose • To increase reader’s knowledge of subject • To help reader understand a procedure or process • To provide reader with enhanced understanding of concept • Genre • literary analyses, reports, summaries, comparisons, instructions, manuals, memos, resumes
Narratives - To Convey an Experience • Definition • A written product • That conveys real or imagined experiences • Using time as the structure • Purpose • To entertain • To inform • To instruct • To persuade • Genre • fictional stories, memoirs, anecdotes, autobiographies
Connections between disciplines Emphasis on valid reasoning and using evidence goes across content areas Sample Unit: An integrated curriculum unit aligned to the Common Core Standards Costa Rica Group Study Abroad curriculum projects: http://globaleducators.wikispaces.com/
Mathematical Practice Standards • 3) Construct viable arguments: Mathematically proficient students understand and use stated assumptions, definitions, and previously established results in constructing arguments. They make conjectures and build a logical progression of statements to explore the truth of their conjectures. ... They justify their conclusions, communicate them to others, and respond to the arguments of others.
Choose one to answer • Which number is larger, 3,402 or 3,375. Explain why it is larger. • Is the sum of two even numbers always an even number? If you think it is, explain why. • Is the point (25, 30) on the line that contains the points (5, 6) and (12, 15)? Explain and justify your answer.
Looking at Student Writing • Choose to read a 4th, 6th, 7th or 11th grade example. • Using the corresponding rubric, comment on the writing sample you read. • Pair up with someone who read the same sample and share observations.
Student Writing Continued • Look at what the authors of the Common Core Standards say about the writing. • Whole Group Discussion • Resource: Argument Template
Student Learning Goals for Content Area Reading • Read the Student Learning Goals for Your Content Area. • Choose any four you would like to work on. • Discuss as a group.
Smarter Balanced Assessments • Updates: New round of pilot testing in the spring of 2014. Updates can be found at: http://www.smarterbalanced.org/ • Pilot schools share with the group
Observations of a 4th Grade ELA Smarter Balanced Assessment Pilot • There is a high volume of typing. Early instruction in keyboarding would be helpful. • Students are asked to listen or view materials and answer questions. Good to practice this. • Students need to practice using the mouse to click and drag. • Performance task item involves the writing process: brainstorm, rough draft, revise and edit – all in one sitting. • Some terms like “simple” vs. “deep” meaning should be reviewed with students.
Resources on Common Core Wiki • http://www.inghamisd.org/academic-services/mtss/commoncore/ • Go to InghamISD.org • Click Wiki Spaces on left under Find Out More • Click Common Core
Literacy Design Collaborative • http://www.literacydesigncollaborative.org/
Closing • Questions/Next Steps • Feedback forms • Thanks for participating today