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Overview of ABET 2011 National Civil Engineering Department Heads Conference

Overview of ABET 2011 National Civil Engineering Department Heads Conference. Madison, Wisconsin The Pyle Center May 23, 2011. Objectives. Understanding: ABET’s vision, mission & structure ABET history & recent highlights ABET finances Directors and the Board Ongoing Services

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Overview of ABET 2011 National Civil Engineering Department Heads Conference

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  1. Overview of ABET 2011 National Civil Engineering Department Heads Conference Madison, Wisconsin The Pyle Center May 23, 2011

  2. Objectives Understanding: • ABET’s vision, mission & structure • ABET history & recent highlights • ABET finances • Directors and the Board • Ongoing Services • Accomplishments 2010 / Planning 2011 • International Activities

  3. ABET Vision: ABET will provide world leadership in assuring quality and in stimulating innovation in applied science, computing, engineering, and technology education. http://www.abet.org/mission

  4. ABET Mission: ABET serves the public through the promotion and advancement of applied science, computing, engineering, and technology education. ABET will: • Accredit educational programs. • Promote quality and innovation in education. • Consult and assist in the development and advancement of education worldwide in a financially self-sustaining manner. • Communicate with our constituencies and the public regarding activities and accomplishments. • Anticipate and prepare for the changing environment and the future needs of constituencies. • Manage the operations and resources to be effective and fiscally responsible.

  5. ABET History

  6. ABET History 1932 – Engineers Council for Professional Development (ECPD) established 1936 – ECPD first evaluated engineering degree programs 1946 - ECPD first evaluated engineering technology programs 1980 – Name changed to “Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology” (ABET) to more accurately reflect the emphasis on the accreditation function 1980 – Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) signed with Canada (1st international agreement) 1988 – ABET first evaluated engineering-related programs 1989 – Washington Accord Agreement signed with Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand

  7. ABET History 1994 – ABET Headquarters moved from NYC to Baltimore, MD 1994 – Policies and Procedures for Substantial Equivalency evaluations (international evaluations) approved 1995 – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico addresses the mobility of engineers 1995 – Major criteria reform (Engineering Criteria 2000) 1997 – Recognized by Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) 1997 - ABET Vision & Mission approved

  8. ABET Evolves 2000 – Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) established 2001- Related Accreditation Commission (RAC) name changed to Applied Science Accreditation Commission (ASAC) 2002 – Initiated major study on the impact of EC2000 (Penn State Study) 2005 – Engineering Change (Penn State Study) released 2005 – Competency Model for PEVs approved 2006 – ECEI operations suspended 2007 - Activity-based Financial Model approved 2007 – ABET Foundation approved 2007/08 – Accreditation of Programs outside the United States

  9. Who in the U.S. Recognizes ABET? 30 Member & Associate Member Societies of ABET Council for Higher Education Accreditation(CHEA) State Boards for Engineering & Surveying Licensure & Registration (over 55 jurisdictions) U.S. Patent Office U.S. Reserve Officers Training Corps Council of Engineering Specialty Boards (CESB) Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) Accreditors in other disciplines U.S. Trade Office U.S. State Department Employers (position announcements) 9

  10. Who Recognizes ABET outside the US? Washington Accord(accreditation of engineering programs for engineers by accreditors in 13 countries) Sydney Accord (accreditation of bachelors level engineering technology programs by accreditors in 8 countries) Seoul Accord(accreditation of computing programs by accreditors in 8 countries) Dublin Accord (Provisional recognition status of accreditation of associates level engineering technology programs) Other accreditors outside of the United States (MOUs) Ministries of Education (several countries) Employers (position announcements) 10

  11. ABET Structure

  12. How is ABET Structured? • ABET is a federation of 30 professional engineering & technical societies. • Neither institutions nor individuals are Members of ABET • ABET relies on the services of 1500+ volunteers and 30 full-time and 5 part-time staff

  13. Member Societies • Represent “the profession” • Develop program criteria • Appoint Board Reps • Nominate Commissioners • Recruit and assign program evaluators

  14. ABET’s 30 Societies

  15. ABET Headquarters111 Market Place, Ste. 1050Baltimore, MD 21202-4012Tel: 410-347-770030 Full time staff / 5 Part-time staff

  16. Computing Accreditation Commission Engineering Accreditation Commission Technology Accreditation Commission Applied Science Accreditation Commission 676 accredited programs at 233 institutions 348 accredited programs at 276 institutions 2062 accredited programs at 424 institutions 67 accredited programs at 53 institutions 2010/11 Accreditation Status Committees Accreditation Council ABET Board

  17. ABET Board of Directors • 5 Officers • President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer • One-year terms, except for Treasurer who serves for 2 years • 39 Directors • 1 to 3 Directors from each Member society based on # programs • 3-year term, renewable for additional term • 5 Public Directors • Right to vote • No affiliation with Member societies or their disciplines • 3-year term, renewable for additional term • 1 Associate Member Representative • Privilege of the floor, but no vote

  18. Computing Accreditation Commission Engineering Accreditation Commission Technology Accreditation Commission Applied Science Accreditation Commission 676 accredited programs at 233 institutions 348 accredited programs at 276 institutions 2062 accredited programs at 424 institutions 67 accredited programs at 53 institutions 2010/11 Accreditation Status Committees Accreditation Council ABET Board

  19. The ABET Accreditation Timeline

  20. ABET Financial Structure

  21. Finance • Roles of Audit Committee, Finance Committee & Treasurer • Financial Policies • Organizational Business Model • Reserves

  22. Financial Roles • Audit Committee • Selection & oversight of independent auditors • Oversight of Conflict of Interest compliance • Investigation of accounting concerns or violations of Code of Conduct (Whistleblower Policy) • Finance Committee • Prepares annual budget • Maintains 5-year forecast • Recommends society assessments & institutional fees • Recommends changes to financial policies • Treasurer • Chairs Finance Committee • Serves on Executive Review Committee • Reviews the ongoing financial operations • Presents current financial statements to the Board • Notifies the Executive Committee if a Society is in arrears for more than six months

  23. Financial Policies • ABET Rules of Procedure, Section 10 http://www.abet.org/constitution.shtml • Annual Audit required • Investment policies • Reserves • Special Projects • Fiscal Year (October 1 to September 30)

  24. Reserves • Total unrestricted net assets minus net investment in the fixed assets • Goal – 30% of the total expenses, excluding special projects, as reported in the annual financial statements

  25. ABET Fiscal Year End Reserve Ratio 30 % Target

  26. How does ABET pay for the services it offers? (Organizational Business Model) • Institutions pay the costs associated with Accreditation including commission meetings, volunteer training and accreditation staff • Societies pay costs associated with Governance including Board & Committee meetings, annual report, international agreements • Users(individuals, institutions & societies) of Professional Services pay the costs associated with workshops, publications, annual meeting • Institutions and Societies share the overhead costs (Operations and net Professional Services) on a percentage basis

  27. Financial Model • Member and Associate Member assessments will pay for expenses associated with Governance and a proportionate share of the overhead. • Director’s Fee will be calculated so that total is equal to 50% of the total fees paid by members. • Lead Society Fee will be calculated so that total is equal to 50% of the fee paid by members. All members will pay a fee for each program for which they are the lead society. • Institutional Fees will pay for expenses associated with Accreditation and their proportionate share of the overhead. • Visit fees will pay for all direct costs associated with a visit. • The maintenance fees will be set in aggregate pay all other direct accreditation expenses

  28. Financial Model • The ABET Finance Committee calculates these fees annually. • Ultimate approval of the Institutional fees and Society assessments resides with the ABET Board of Directors.

  29. Organization of ABET Revenue and Expenses • Accreditation • Governance • Professional Services • Planning & Operations • Special Projects

  30. Accreditation Activities Defined • Revenues • Fees for Institution Visits • Fees for Institution Reports • Fees for Annual Institution Maintenance • Fees from Accreditation Meetings • Expenses • Direct Expenses Related to Visit and Report Costs • Training Costs for Teams • Direct Expenses related to conducting Accreditation Meetings • Accreditation Wages and Benefits • Allocated Planning & Operations Net Expenses • Allocated Prof Services Net Expenses

  31. Governance Activities Defined • Revenues • Fees from Society Assessments • Fees from Board Observers • Expenses • Expenses Directly related to the Board & Committees including Meetings • Expenses to administer MOU’s, MRA’s, and the Washington Accord • Wages and Benefits for Executive Staff • Allocated Planning and Operations Net Expenses • Allocated Prof Services Net Expenses

  32. Professional Services Activities Defined • Revenues • Fees from Faculty Improvement Workshops • Fees from IDEAL and other Workshops & Symposia • Fees from the Annual Meeting • Revenue from the Science Screen Reports • Sales of Publications and Proceedings • Expenses • Direct Expenses for Conducting Workshops and Symposia • Expenses to produce Newsletters, Advertising and other Strategic Communications Publications • Direct Expenses for Conducting the Annual Meeting • Professional Services Wages and Benefits

  33. Planning & Operations Activities Defined • Revenues • Investment Income • Expenses • All Professional Expenses Including Legal, Audit, and Contracted Computer Support • All Expenses such as Telephone, Postage, Shipping, Equipment Leasing, Rent and Utilities • All Depreciation and Amortization • All Insurance and Financial Expenses • All Membership Dues for the Organization • Wages & Benefits for P&O Staff

  34. Activities Defined:Special Projects • Revenues • Grant Funding • Expenses • All Direct Costs of Completing the Project • Allocated Planning and Operations Net Expenses • Allocated Prof Services Net Expenses

  35. ABET Budget Process Fiscal year: October 1 – September 30 November/December (preceding year) – staff prepares proposed budget January – Finance Committee reviews proposed budget and prepares an adjusted budget to be recommended to the Board. March – Board reviews recommended budget, may modify and then approves June/July– Staff updates impact to budget based on known revenues and unforeseen changes August – Finance Committee reviews proposed updates and develops a final Target budget October – Board reviews Final Target Budget

  36. 2010 ABET Activities • Accredited 3138 applied science, computing, engineering & technology programs at 649 colleges & universities in 20 countries (As of Oct 1, 2010) • 175 Commissioners are evaluating 788 programs this cycle • 126 PEV Candidates attended PEV Face-to-Face Training • SPIE, the Optics and Photonics Society, was elected as a new Member Society of ABET. • Created Academic Advisory Council

  37. 2010 ABET Activities (cont.) • New web-based tools developed to improve accreditation processes • on-line PEV applications • training management • volunteer performance appraisal • improved search tool for accredited programs on the public website • Paper-light initiative • Elimination of printed Board agenda books • Elimination of “blue/yellow books” for Commission meetings • Online expense report tool (in testing phase) • Improved Governance • Position descriptions for ABET Board members, President and President-Elect • Position descriptions for ABET Treasurer & Secretary for approval • Requirement for period of public comment on criteria changes (documented practice)

  38. 2011 ABET Activities (Outreach & Service) • Website Redesign • Complete overhaul and redesign of functionality, as well as look & feel • Soliciting and incorporating inputs from constituents • Expect testing this summer, go live in August • Outreach Strategy • Timing based on website launch • Includes continued participation in Newsweek feature articles • Society Relations • Board appointment tool • Improving PEV application and society review process • Focused training programs and requirements tracking • ABET participation at ASEE Vancouver • Four ABET-led sessions on innovation in engineering education

  39. 2011 ABET Activities (Outreach & Service) • Annual Conference – 247 attendees • IDEAL (Jan) – 33 graduates • Next IDEAL will be held in August 2011 • Webinars – 77 participants so far • 17 topics to be presented in webinars throughout the year • Symposium (14-16 Apr) – 420 attended • 345 attendees last year • Faculty Workshops – 284 attendees so far • 204 attendees last year

  40. ABET Board of Directors(additional detail)

  41. Roles & Responsibilities • ABET Board of Directors sets vision, mission and strategic direction, approves board and accreditation policies and accreditation criteria, hears appeals of accreditation actions. • ABET Commissionsimplement accreditation policies and decide accreditation actions. • ABET Staff provides continuity and expertise as they implement the programs and services consistent with the strategic direction set by the Board.

  42. Governance Documents • Constitution • “Enables” ABET • Changes rare; requires ratification by Societies • Bylaws • Operations of the Board • Policies & structure of the Commissions • Amendments require 1st & 2nd readings • Rules of Procedure • Details operations • Amended by Board at any time

  43. ABET Activity Cycles • Certain events customarily occur at regular points during each year • Board meetings on Saturdays at end of October and on 3rd week of March • Agenda published at least two weeks prior to Board meeting • Executive Committee usually meets 4 weeks before Board

  44. Annual Cycle • Call for agenda items about 6 weeks before ExCom meeting • Proposed motions due 2 weeks prior to ExCom meeting • Accreditation cycle – Jul/Jul • visits occur in the Fall • The 4 Commissions meet in mid-July to vote on accreditation actions

  45. Board Meeting Agendas Fall meeting • Criteria proposals from commissions • Installation of new officers and Board • Approval of Commission Officers & ExComs Spring meeting • Strategy making (update plan) • Proposed budget for next fiscal year • Set institutional fees and society assessments • Election of officers, Public Directors, and Board Representatives to ExCom (Executive Committee) for the following year

  46. Committees/Task Groups • Much of the work of the Board occurs in committees • For known recurring activities, standing committees have been established • For one-time situations, ad hoc groups are often formed

  47. Executive Committee(ExCom) • Membership • 5 Board officers • 2 representatives from the Board • 2 Council and 4 Commission chairs (non- voting) • Executive Director (non-voting) • Develops agenda for Board meetings • Acts for Board between meetings

  48. Director’s Duties and Responsibilities Legal Considerations

  49. Legal Framework • Director’s responsibilities include: • Duty of Loyalty • Duty of Care • Duty of Obedience • Other statutory requirements

  50. Board Members’ Legal Duty of Loyalty • Promote and support ABET Vision & Mission • Place ABET’s interests ahead of your interests or the interests of other organizations • Disclose conflicts of interest

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