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Department of Environment and Natural Resources RIVER BASIN CONTROL OFFICE RIVER BASIN ORGANIZATION: CONCEPT, CREATION, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES VICENTE B. TUDDAO, JR. Ph.D., CESO IV Executive Director Presented by: Forester CESAR P. ODI, MSF DENR-RBCO Presented during the Organizational Meeting and Strategic Planning for the Davao River Basin Organization, August 1-2, 2012, NEDA XI Conference Hall, Peace Avenue Bangkal, Davao City
OUTLINE: • Background • Major River Basin • Integrated River Basin Management • The River Basin Organization (RBO) • Classification • Functions • RBO Models
Abulog og River Basin 4 Abra River Basin Abra River Basin Cagayan River Basin Cagayan River Basin Agno River Basin Agno River Basin 100 0 100 Kilometers Pampanga River Basin Pampanga River Basin Pasig-Laguna River Basin Pasig-Laguna River Basin Bicol River Basin Bicol River Basin Panay River Basin Panay River Basin Jalaur River Basin Jalaur River Basin Ilog-Hilabangan River Basin Ilog-Hilabangan River Basin Agusan River Basin Agusan River Basin Tagaloan River Basin Tagaloan River Basin Cagayan de Oro River Basin Cagayan de Oro River Basin Agus River Basin Agus River Basin Mindanao River Basin Mindanao River Basin Davao River Basin Davao River Basin Tagum (Saug)-Libuganon River Basin Tagum (Saug)-Libuganon River Basin Buayan-Malungan River Basin Buayan-Malungan River Basin 18 Major and Priority River Basins in the Philippines Abulog River Basin Abulog River Basin DENR-River Basin Control Office,2012
DAVAO RIVER BASIN River Basin Information Brief • Major Environmental Issues: • Flooding • Improper waste disposal • Soil Erosion & sedimentation • Deforestation • Loss of aquatic flora and fauna & its biodiversity • Mangrove conversion • Absence of river basin organization • Location: • Northern Mindanao and Davao Region • Area: • 1,623 sq. km. • No. of Major River: • One (1) • Salug River • River Classification (2009): • Salug River (Upper and Lower Reach)-Class B and C) River Basin Control Office Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Values of River Basins in the Philippines Land, forest, flora, fauna, aquatic resources, mineral resources, climate Water Biodiversity, water balance Increase Quality of life, Environmental Integrity and Economic Development Ecosystem/ Environment Agriculture(Irrigation) Food Production Commerce and industry, and utilities Economic Growth Domestic Water Supply Social Development
The Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Chaired by DENR Secretary has approved on May 02, 2012 a resolution “Adopting the 18 Major River Basins in the Country As Priority Areas of the Government The Davao River Basin is one of the Priority River Basins identified under this resolution
RIVER BASIN: River Basin is topographically delineated area of land that drains water, sediment and dissolved materials to a common outlet at some point along the river or stream channel and discharges into larger bodies of water such as dams/reservoir and seas .
A River Basin has clearly delineated hydrologic boundary and a common drainage outlet INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MODEL IN THE PHILIPPINES: THE TIGUM-AGANAN RIVER BASIN River basin is like a bucket or glass of water
Major Environmental and Institutional Issues/Concern Affecting Major River Basins FLOODING DROUGHT Water Pollution from Domestic and industrial sources Watershed Denudation Absence of River Basin Organization Siltation and sedimentation of rivers Soil Erosion and Landslides
INTEGRATED RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT(IRBM) • It is a process of coordinating, conservation, management, and development of water, land and related resources across sectors within a given river basin, in order to maximize the economic and social benefits derived from water resources in an equitable manner while preserving, and where necessary, restoring freshwater ecosystems. (Global Water Partnership, 2000)
Strategies: • . FOREST ECOSYSTEM ZONE UPLAND Coastal URBAN ECOSYSTEM ecosystem ecosystem ZONE` zone zone + Social mobilization Social mobilization Land uses and land use management Land uses and land use management Integrated and interactive governance Integrated and interactive governance Capaciy buildng and Institutional support Capaciy buildng and Institutional support partnership partnership INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MODEL IN THE PHILIPPINES: THE TIGUM-AGANAN RIVER BASIN
INTEGRATED RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN Water Resource Management Framework Watershed Management framework Integrated River Basin Management and Development Framework Plan Flood Mitigation framework Wetland Management Framework
The framework are strengthened by: • Information and Decision Support • System • Institutional Development ( River Basin Organization)
The coverage of the framework Plan: • It consolidates and harmonizes all management process and approaches in dealing with water resources development and rehabilitation within the river basin through cross sectoral coordination; • It employs integrated and ecosystem-based strategies in order to harmonize and rationalize river basin plans and programs; • It covers river basin in scope in order to achieve manageable spatial boundaries for effective planning and river basin management.
The coverage of the framework Plan: • It specifically adopts Integrated Water Resources Management as a process and approaches in dealing with water resources development and rehabilitation.
RIVER BASIN ORGANIZATION (Global Water Partnership) • River Basin Organisations (RBOs) are specialised organisations set up by political authorities, or in response to stakeholder demands. • RBOs deal with the water resource management issues in a river basin, a lake basin, or across an important aquifer. • River Basin Organisations provide a mechanism for ensuring that land use and needs are reflected in water management - and vice versa.
River Basin Organization (RBO) • As a generic term, RBOs could actually refer to a high diversity of organizations, including: • Negotiation platforms (for example between countries or state of a same federations); • Basin Dev’t agencies (in charge of overall planning, construction, and mgt.); • Regulatory or Mgt. bodies (water-sharing, data collection, master plan, registration of users and granting of licenses, sectoral allocation plans); • Stakeholder forums (forum for negotiation, access to information, confrontation of viewpoints, conflict-resolution, etc).
Classification of RBOs in the Philippines • A distinction can be made between five types: • Authority (such as the Laguna Lake Development Authority); • Commission (such as the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission); • Council (such as the Cagayan de Oro River Basin, and Lake Lanao Watershed Protection and Development Council); • Project Management Office (PMO) (such as the Bicol River Basin PMO, and the Cagayan River PMO)
RBOs in the Philippines • Inter-agency Committee (such as the Manila Bay River Basin Coordinating Committee)
The Case of Central Cebu River Basin Management and Development Council: Organizational Structure
CCRBMC ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE CORE OF SERVANT LEADERS Chair, Archdiocese/Co-Chair, DENR Province of Cebu, City of Cebu, DILG, NEDA, DPWH, CUSW, MCWD, CCCI, CHED SECRETARIAT DENR & MCWD • TECHNICAL WORKING COMMITTEES • Waste Management • Disaster Risk Reduction Management/Security & Safety • Community Dev’t. & Social Marketing • River Basin Management & Rehabilitation • Water Resources Generation and Utilization • Institutional Development Combado-Lusaran RBO C/MENRO Local DRRMC WD/RSA NGO PO BEC Business Sector Coastal RBO C/MENRO Local DRRMC WD/RSA NGO PO BEC Business Sector Mananga RBO C/MENRO Local DRRMC WD/RSA NGO PO BEC Business Sector Kotkot RBO C/MENRO Local DRRMC WD/RSA NGO PO BEC Business Sector
CENTRAL CEBU RIVER BASINS MANAGEMENT COUNCIL GENERAL POLICIES AND GUIDELINES Prepared by the River Basins Technical Working Group and the Basins Secretariat composed of Department of Environment and Natural Resources 7 and Metropolitan Cebu Water District
CENTRAL CEBU RIVER BASINS MANAGEMENT COUNCILThe General Policies and Guidelines FUNCTIONS THE CORE OF SERVANT LEADERS The Core of Servant Leaders or (CORE) shall: Oversee the operations of the CCRBMC and provide the administrative and technical directions of the Central Cebu River Basins Management Council . Formulate decision points or issue policies and guidelines on programs, or projects in collaboration with the Technical Working Committees of the CCRBMC. Ensure that working plans are implemented in accordance with the time frame
CENTRAL CEBU RIVER BASINS MANAGEMENT COUNCILThe General Policies and Guidelines Section 7.6 THE SECRETARIAT. The function and duties of the CCRBMC Secretariat are as follows: Carry out the directions and tasks assigned by the Technical Working Committees and Core of Servant Leaders . Provide technical services and financial administration and advice as directed by the Chairperson and Co-Chairperson of the Core of Servant Leaders. Formulate the annual work program, and prepare all other plans, project and program documents, studies and assessments as may be required. Assist the Core of Servant Leaders and the Technical Working Committees in the implementation and management of projects and programs as requested;
CCRBMC Multi-Stakeholders Forum WorkshopMontebello HotelJuly 19-20, 2011 Effective Governance at River Basin Level
Policy Making & Coordination Regional Development Council (RDC) III (Provincial Governor as Chairperson) Secretariat (NEDA Region III) • River Basin Committee • Prov. Governor (Chairperson) • Regional Directors of Line Agencies • Representatives of NGOs, POs and other private sectors • Sectoral Committees • Development Administration • Infrastructure Development • Social Development • Economic Development Provincial River Basin Sub-committees (option) Technical Working Groups Executing Local Government Units Government Owned and Controlled Corporation Regional Offices of Line Agencies Pampanga River Basin Committee (RBC)
CAGAYAN RIVER BASIN Organizational Chart National Steering Committee DENR-RBCO, NEDA NWRB, PAGASA etc CRB Coordinating Advisory Council (Region 2, 3 & CAR) Project Management Office Watershed Management Committee Water Resources Management Committee Disaster Risk Reduction and CCA Committee Marine and Freshwater Mgnt. Committee LGUs, Communities, Farmers, Fisherfolks, NGOs, PO’s,IP’s, Academe, Church, Media etc.
CRB Functional Chart NSC Provide National Policy Directions & Guidance CAC (R 2, 3 & CAR) Apex Body as Development Facilitator, Convenor, Coordinator & Mediator PMO Serve as Secretariat Headed by Administrator WRMC Headed by Chairperson working on water DRRM &CCA Headed by Chairperson working on DRR & CC M & F MC Headed by Chairperson working on M & F WMC Headed by Chairperson working on watershed LGUs, Communities, Farmers, Fisherfolks, NGOs, PO’s,IP’s, Academe, Church, Media etc. Representative member of each committee
Lifted from the presentation of Mr. Silverio L. Tandog Program Manager - AVLDA
Sultan Kudarat South Cotabato Location of Allah Valley landscape Mindanao River Basin Mindanao Delineated Area of Allah Valley Landscape
Brief Profile of AVLDA area T’boli Lake Sebu Roxas range Daguma range Banga • No. of Population: 400,000+ • Tribal Composition: Migrants, Tboli, Maguindanaon, Blaan • Geographical coverage: 252,060 has. Allah river Irrigation Dam 1 Surallah Banga Irrigation Dam Norala Allah river Irrigation Dam 2 Sto. Niño S Bagumbayan Tacurong Isulan
Demographic Profile • Population (2007 census) – 628,832 (Male 322,186; Female 306,646) • Composition: Migrants, T’bolis, Maguindanaons, Manobos, B’laans
Economic Development Features • Agriculture- production of crops (rice, corn, banana, pineapple, oil palm, asparagus)
Recent Urgent Concern Adverse effects of upland degradation on the lowland areas Flooding, siltation, and riverbank migration Unstable agriculture production Devastation of infrastructure facilities Instability of social condition Plus: eventual destruction of the Ligawasan marsh, Pulangi river and Illana Bay
River and Land Use Change Change of river channel Widening of river channel 1989: 6 years before the Maughan flooding 2002: 6 years after the Maughan flooding
AVLDA Creation and Operation • Legal instrument of creation: Memorandum of Agreement signed in March 2003 • Instrument of operation: Manual of Operation • Basis of program implementation: Environmental Management Plan
Function of the Alliance • The Alliance is a coordinating, policy making, and • integrated planning body to respond and address • environment problems by undertaking trans-political • boundary coherent actions • Respective members develop and implement their • own programs/projects/activities thru partnership • arrangement in line with the objectives and goals of • the alliance to ensure efficiency and impact • The Program Management Office (PMO) plays a • secretarial role of the alliance and Board, and it • implements policies and plans approved by the Board