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Dr. Sunil Rajan is one of the best Hip replacement surgeon in Indore. They provide knee, hip and shoulder replacement surgery in Indore very low cost. Book an Appointment today call now us at 9826200015 and online visit https://www.drsunilrajan.com/ for more information.<br>
DR. SUNIL RAJAN Head ofDepartment Apollo Institute of Orthopaedics, Apollo Hospitals,Indore M.S Orthopedics, Specialization: Joint ReplacementSurgery
Hip Replacement Movement and mobility are the attributes unique to humans. A human body consists of 206 bones and the skeletal framework have around 65 joints providing the mobility. Locomotion and movement is the gift that slashes out the boredom and jamming of human body. While the joints have different range of motions according to the function they perform, at times they get restrictedwhen any pathology or structural misalignment invades these joints.Even the variation in bone surface that increases the friction and that in turn rotten the joint mobility and the smooth mobile joint turn jammed and painful.
Hip joint being the most mobile weight bearing joint suffers a lot of forces leading to the disruption of the cartilage, synovial capsule and the joint surfaces. Especially due to aging or severe pathologies even a trivial fall can lead to frequent hip injuries. While in minor cases conservative treatment or surgical ligation may work , when the patient is in old age and leave negligence chances of healing, hip replacement or hip arthroplasty is the most reliable and preferable treatment . According to the segment of hip joint replaced it may be a – total Joint Replacement
Unicondylar Joint Replacement Types of Prosthesis Used: • A metallic prosthesis for one or both joints. • A high density polyethylene prosthesis • A ceramic prosthesis The fixation is usually cemented for younger people and uncemented for elder people. Who Can Get Benefitted? • Patients with osteoarthritis • Patients having rheumatoid arthritis • Patients with secondary osteoarthritis • In cases of avascular necrosis of head of femur • Failed hemi replacement arthroplasty • Hip suffering from ankylosis • Tuberculosis of hip
Don't go for hip arthroplasty if: The infection is in acute state or purulent. Poor medical condition You have an anaesthesia risk factor Obesity Neuropathic Joints You must get the best surgeon or you may have these complications: • Deep Vein Thrombosis • Fat emboli that may turn pulmonary emboli • Osteolysis • Vascular Or Nerve Injury • Dislocation of the prosthesis • Heterotrophic Ossification • Post operatic or ill prosthesis related infection or injury • Loosening or breaking of implants
After Hip Replacement: • Exercise regularly to gain the maximum possible pain free range of motion under guidance of a physiotherapist . • Timely x-rays and assessment are advised • Ankle pumping exercise in early stage. • Supported knee bending initially followed by improved unsupported movements • Early locomotion and gradual weight bearing under complete guidance
Don't After Hip Replacement: • You are advised not to sit crossed leg for 6 to 8 weeks • Don't fold your hip excessively or with jerk • Don't bend at sudden from the hip • Don't force the extreme movements on your hip joint. You must report any abnormal movement, excessive pain, crackling sound, loosening of prosthesis , pain in groin region, painful walking, limb length disparity to your doctor. Replacement is to ease your mobility, to provide you independence. A replaced hip is mimic of natural hip joint and must be taken care of. We care for you , you care for the efforts.
Dr. Sunil Rajan is one of the best Hip replacement surgeon in Indore. They provide knee, hip and shoulder replacement surgery in Indore very low cost. Book an Appointment today call now us at 9826200015 for more information. General Inquiry :-https://www.drsunilrajan.com/contactus.htm Please go through our social media : like our page to know more about joint replacement surgeon. Facebook : -https://www.facebook.com/drrajankneeclinic/ Please do follow on Instagram Instagram :-https://www.instagram.com/drsunil_rajan/ To More Post: - Knee replacement surgery