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Systems Support for Continuous Media

Explore the support systems for video, audio, and animation applications. Learn about encoding and decoding, middleware, and network requirements for streaming media. Academic honesty and project guidelines are highlighted.

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Systems Support for Continuous Media

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Systems Support for Continuous Media OOI WEI TSANG

  2. Scope of this class • Systems Support: • Application • Middleware • Operating System • Continuous Media: • Video, audio, animation

  3. Local Media Applications • Watch Movie • Listen to Music • Video Editing : (Much Less Interesting …)

  4. Network Media Applications • Live Webcast • Pre-recorded Webcast • Video Conferencing • Video on Demand

  5. Categories

  6. Streaming Media Requires • Reliable networks • Low latency • Bounded latency • Plenty of bandwidth Not in today’s Internet.

  7. Overview Encoder Decoder Middlebox Receiver Sender Network

  8. We will NOT • Design new codec • Study media processing • CS6212/CS5240 • Attempt to improve the Internet • EE5910

  9. Summary of TopicsCovered

  10. Encoder Decoder Middlebox Receiver Sender Network Sample of Topics Covered • Review of Media Compression • Network Communication Model

  11. Encoder Decoder Middlebox Receiver Sender Network Sample of Topics Covered • Adaptation • Video on Demand

  12. Encoder Decoder Middlebox Receiver Sender Network Sample of Topics Covered • Buffering • Audio/Video Synchronization • Packet Loss Recovery

  13. Encoder Decoder Middlebox Receiver Sender Network Sample of Topics Covered • Caching • Application-Level Multicast

  14. Lecture Philosophy • Cover the breadth, rather than depth • Classic papers, rather than recent papers

  15. Class Organization

  16. Goals • Learn about existing techniques and systems • Learn about current research efforts • Learn about how to do research

  17. Philosophy • Research oriented • Students are expected to be mature and independent • What you learned is more important than grade

  18. Please don’t ask.. • “Is this equation important?” • “Is this equation examinable?” • “Do I have to memorize this header format?” • “Post answer to quiz/survey/review”

  19. Please do ask .. • “What is the effect of changing k in the equation?” • “Why did the designer added this bit in the header?”

  20. Academic Honesty • No copying among students • No copying from published work ZERO TOLERENCE to Plagiarism

  21. Discussion? • Strongly encouraged .. • but • must acknowledge all contributions • write up solutions independently

  22. Gilligan’s Island Rule • Discuss with friends • Throw notes away • Go watch “Gilligan’s Island” (or “Phua Chu Kang”, or “Super Sunday”) • Write down your solution

  23. Continuous Assessments

  24. Continuous Assessments • Project (50%) • Paper Survey (20%) • Paper Review (15%) • One of • Programming Assignment • Random Quizzes • Class Participation • Mid-term

  25. Research Project • Define a problem • Propose a solution • Implement the solution • Evaluate the solution

  26. Types of Project • New problem + solution • Existing problem + new solution • Existing problem + existing solutions + comparisons + new insights • See website for more..

  27. Variations • Combine with your own research • subjected to your advisor’s approval • Combine with another class project • subjected to the other instructor’s approval • must be more significant

  28. Research Project • Deliverables: • 10-12 page paper • poster presentation • demo (if applicable) • In a group of 1 to n students

  29. Survey Paper • In-depth study of a topic • 4-10 papers expected • Suggested list of topics available (can be the same topic as your project!)

  30. Survey Paper • summarize recent results • organize, generalize, categorize • add understanding

  31. Survey Paper • Deliverables: • 10-12 page survey paper • Individual work

  32. Paper Reviews • Read, summarize, and criticize 10 papers • One is assigned almost weekly • Deliverables: • One page report per paper

  33. Expected Workload • Read 3-4 papers per week • Some hours of coding per week

  34. Office Hours • Saturday • 11 am – 12 noon • SOC1 04-20 • or email for appointment • or just pop in

  35. Web Sites • Main Website • http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs5248 • IVLE Website

  36. Questions

  37. Review of Media Compression

  38. Encoder Decoder Middlebox Receiver Sender Network You are Here

  39. Why compress? • “Bandwidth Not Enough” • “Disk Space Not Enough” • Size of Uncompressed DVD Movie =

  40. Why compress? • “Bandwidth Not Enough” • “Disk Space Not Enough” • Size of Uncompressed DVD Movie = 720 x 576 x 3 x 25 x 60 x 120 =208.6GB

  41. JPEG Compression

  42. Original Image (1153KB) 1:1

  43. Original Image (1153KB) 3.5:1

  44. Original Image (1153KB) 17:1

  45. Original Image (1153KB) 27:1

  46. Original Image (1153KB) 72:1

  47. Original Image (1153KB) 192:1

  48. Compression Ratio

  49. Magic of JPEG • Throw away information we cannot see • Color information • “Low-frequency signals” • Rearrange data for good compression • Use standard compression

  50. Throw away color information Y V U

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