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October 25, 2004. 2. Grant Writing and Service Learning at Marlboro County High School. Total Funds Obtained via Grants for SY 2008
1. October 25, 2004 1 Grant Writing: How Community Collaboration In Conjunction with Service Learning Equates to Obtaining Operating Funds LTC(R) Justin F. Blum
Marlboro County High School JROTC Senior Army Instructor and Cadre Coach
843-454-2122 (Duty Phone)
2. October 25, 2004 2 Grant Writing and Service Learning at Marlboro County High School Total Funds Obtained via Grants for SY 2008 – 2009: (Does not include Teen Lead)
BDI Grant: $ 11,100 (Preg Prev)
Teen Lead Gant: $ 7,250 Operational $
FEMA Grant $ 6,000 (Teen Cert Tng)
which led to a National Character Ed Award
Total to Date: $24,350.00
3. October 25, 2004 3 Scope and Content To help both new and experienced personnel:
How to get started in preparing grant proposals
Identify internet funding opportunities
Expand personal knowledge on the relationship between service learning projects, community collaboration, and opportunities for grants.
4. October 25, 2004 4 How To Get Started Any grant proposal must start with a problem statement
A problem is the reason for a project
Your proposal begins with and flows from the problem statement
Community Demographics will Reflect Needs in conjunction with problems.
Demographic Write-ups can be used for other school projects: SACS preparation, Red Carpet Packets, Character Education Partnership Awards. Collaboration with school administration will reap many benefits for any and all school departments. (http://www.kidscount.org/sld/databook.jsp)
“Your goal is to match a critical interest for the funding source in order for your proposal to be considered.”
5. October 25, 2004 5 Examples of Community Problems Teen Pregnancy
Potential Drop Out Status for At Risk Students
Low Education level equating to low reading level for parents and children
Shortage of blood in hospitals and the American Red Cross
Domestic Abuse Towards Women
Babies born with birth defects
Cancer Prevention
6. October 25, 2004 6 How To Get Started A successful grant proposal is one that is:
Well prepared
Thoughtfully planned
Concisely packaged
Every funding source wants to see the major steps to accomplish your project
Key – How you plan to continue this project after funding has been terminated.
“Unless you have planned the major and minor steps in your proposal, you do not have a project--only a vague idea.”
7. October 25, 2004 7 How To Get Started
Funding sources are requiring more and more accountability
Goals and objectives should be measurable with clear outcomes
“It is a good idea to make project development - problem solving - a consistent part of your organization’s planning process in conjunction with the specific needs of the community. Shows you are willing to be a partner to help resolve community problems”
8. October 25, 2004 8 How To Get Started
“In project development and in proposal writing, it does not matter which words are used, as long as the intended meaning is clearly conveyed to the funding source and the narrative discusses how this project will be continued once the grant expires.”
9. October 25, 2004 9 The Ten Commandments of Grant Writing
10. October 25, 2004 10 Ten Commandments 1. Thou shall not write alone!
2. Thou shall not adjust your mission
3. Love other youth as you love your own
4. Honor thy funder
5. Thou shall have a back up plan
6. Thou shall keep it simple
7. Thou shall not disobey instructions
11. October 25, 2004 11 Ten Commandments 8. Thou shall make sure numbers add up
9. Thou shall not be dishonest
10.Thou shall not be late
12. October 25, 2004 12 RFP – Request for Proposal Funders send out RFPs to announce that competitive funds are available. It is very important to read carefully the RFP to determine whether or not you should submit a proposal depending if you meet the prerequisites and requirements of the RFP
13. October 25, 2004 13 Letter of Intent A short letter (2 pages max) to express interest to a funder
Letter needs to be clear, concise, and explain exactly what you want
All funders are unfortunately not as specific about the contents of the letter of intent.
14. October 25, 2004 14 Abstract/Overview Usually not more than 1 page
Give a brief summary of your project
15. October 25, 2004 15 Needs Assessment Many funders want to know that there is a true need for what you are requesting
Use statistical data to show that this need exists
Be sure to cite where you pulled your statistics
Do your homework to make sure there is no duplication of effort in the community to accomplish the same thing – Key (if so – collaborate)
16. October 25, 2004 16 Evaluation Many funders want to make sure they receive a good return on their investment
The only way to ensure that is to have each site evaluate their programs
Many grant proposals now look for some form of evaluation
A concise evaluation may be the difference in obtaining the grant or not!
17. October 25, 2004 17 Why Evaluate? To document what is happening in your program
To better understand the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of the population you serve
To measure program impact or changes over time
To highlight successes of the program and ID areas for continuous program improvement
18. October 25, 2004 18 Smart Objectives S- Objectives must be SPECIFIC
M – Objectives must be MEASURABLE
A – Objectives must be ACHIEVEABLE
R – Objectives must be REALISTIC
T - Objectives must be TIMEBOUND
19. October 25, 2004 19 Partnerships/Letters of Support Very important part of the process (Collaboration)
Get letters early
Guide your supports in their writing
Letters should be as specific as possible and not generic
Ask supports to send letters at least two weeks prior to grant due date
Include the letters in your application process
20. October 25, 2004 20 Problem Statement Often times problem statement and needs statement are used interchangeable
Play on the readers emotions
Make the reader want to help you
Appeal to their senses regarding the type of causes they are sympathetic to in the community: drop out prevention, pregnancy prevention, etc.
21. October 25, 2004 21 Budget and Narrative Make sure the budgeted items line up with what is written in the program description
Be as specific as possible in the budget
Make sure all the numbers add up correctly – attention to detail is key!
Include in-kind support (if any)
22. October 25, 2004 22 The Fundamentals Font Size – look at grant guidance
Margins – look at grant guidance
Paper Selection (Brightness)
Table of contents for organization
23. October 25, 2004 23 Pay Attention Look carefully at the mailing address. The address may be different if you are using the U.S. Postal Service so it may go to one place, but if you are using a currier service, the address may be different. This is especially true for Federal Grants.
24. October 25, 2004 24 Pay Attention Take note of how many awards will be made. If this is the first proposal that you are submitting, don’t submit it to a funder that is only making five awards nationwide.
Be sure to send the appropriate number of copies requested.
25. October 25, 2004 25 Collaboration Community support for most proposals is essential
Funding sources are looking for collaborative partnerships to maximize funding and effectiveness in achieving grant program objectives:
Marlboro County High School JROTC utilizes Public Sector Organizations: American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, March for Babies (March of Dimes) KIWANAS, First Steps, NAACP, Pregnancy Prevention Organizations in the state, and coalitions working towards stopping domestic abuse towards women.
26. October 25, 2004 26 Developing & Writing Grant Proposals Part One: Developing a Grant Proposal
Initial Proposal Development
Developing Ideas for the Proposal
Community Support
Identification of a Funding Resource
Getting Organized to Write the Proposal
Constructive Criticism
27. October 25, 2004 27 Problem Statement & Goals Part Two: Writing the Grant Proposal
Project Summary: Outline of Project Goals
Problem Statement: Stating the Purpose at Hand
Project Mission, Goals and Objectives: Desired Outcome
Project Description
Evaluation Plan: Product and Process Analysis
The Proposal Budget: Planning the Budget
Budget Summary
Budget Justification
28. October 25, 2004 28 Budget Preparation-General Principles A well-prepared budget justifies all expenses
Consistent with the proposal narrative
The budget should include all costs to operate the program
Again, keep in mind how this project will continue after the grant expires. You do not want the funding source to think this is a “One Shot Deal” and once their funding stops, so does the project.
29. October 25, 2004 29 National Collaboration – CC Partner Character Education Partnership Mission Statement
Character Education Partnership is dedicated to developing young people of good character who become responsible and caring citizens.
30. October 25, 2004 30 National Collaboration – CC Partner The Character Education Partnership1025 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 1011Washington, DC 20036
Toll Free: (800) 988-8081Phone: (202) 296-7743Fax: (202) 296-7779
31. October 25, 2004 31 Grant Writing and Service Learning at Marlboro County High School Collaboration with the SC Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
32. October 25, 2004 32 Grant Writing and Service Learning at Marlboro County High School South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy1331 Elmwood AvenueSuite 140Columbia, SC 29201(803) 771-7700(803) 771-6916 FAXteenpregnancysc.org
33. October 25, 2004 33 Grant Writing and Service Learning at Marlboro County High School $7,000.00 Awarded for the past three years to the MCHS JROTC for the execution of the Managing Pressures Before Marriage Program based on Behavior Determinants Intervention (BDI)
Quarterly classes conducted and monthly budget reports – supports Wellness curriculum
34. October 25, 2004 34 Grant Writing and Service Learning at Marlboro County High School American Red Cross Blood Drives to Reinforce STD Prevention and Pregnancy Prevention in order to promote much needed blood drives
Marlboro911 Teen Certification First Responder Training
Community awareness and support essential for obtaining donations as well as grant opportunities
35. October 25, 2004 35 Grant Writing and Service Learning at Marlboro County High School Collaboration with local KIWANAS for MCHS/JROTC Key Club support.
Collaboration with local NAACP Chapter.
Working as a partner with these organizations on mutual pregnancy prevention and STD awareness programs results in donations for the JROTC.
36. October 25, 2004 36 Grant Writing and Service Learning at Marlboro County High School First Steps of South Carolina
Active as a board member
Cadets mentor elementary and primary school students in reading programs
Teen Lead Grant Cadet Leadership Program paying for JCLC in 08 – 09 - $750.00
14 More SC Schools are Needed for 09 – 10!
37. October 25, 2004 37 Grant Writing and Service Learning at Marlboro County High School ARMY JROTC SY 2006 – 2007 a Military Ball was conducted at a cost of $6,000. One thousand was funded through the pregnancy prevention grant and $3,000 was obtained through donations from the community.
Donations based on communities awareness of the service learning programs conducted by the MCHS JROTC Corps of Cadets
38. October 25, 2004 38 Community Development Corporations (CDCs)– BDI Grant Managing Agencies CDCs deal with community “Quality of Life” to include teen pregnancy prevention in conjunction with drop out prevention.
CDCs are the first step in applying for a BDI Logic Model grant for pregnancy prevention.
State campaigns to prevent pregnancy train educations and other members of the public sector
39. October 25, 2004 39 SC Community Development Corporations – BDI Grant Managing Agencies The Community Development Corporations of South Carolina are a unique blend of community-based organizations that have a strong desire to expand community development efforts in their individual communities. CDCs are involved in a range of community economic development projects that encompass three main areas: human, physical, and economic.
State Wide Directory by City: http://communitydevelopmentsc.org/cdccenter/cdcdirectory/
40. October 25, 2004 40 Federal Resources - Grant Resources EPA Grant Writing Tutorial
41. October 25, 2004 41 Writing Resources The Executive Writer: A Guide to Managing Words, Ideas, and People, by Edith Poor
Grant Writing for Dummies, by Beverly A. Browning
42. October 25, 2004 42 Questions and Comments