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Connecticut Remediation Standard Regulations: Volatilization Criteria

Connecticut Remediation Standard Regulations: Volatilization Criteria. Volatilization Criteria Applicability. Volatilization Criteria applies to groundwater within 15 feet of the ground surface (or within 15 feet beneath the lowest level of a building)

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Connecticut Remediation Standard Regulations: Volatilization Criteria

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  1. Connecticut Remediation Standard Regulations:Volatilization Criteria

  2. Volatilization Criteria Applicability • Volatilization Criteria applies to groundwater within 15 feet of the ground surface (or within 15 feet beneath the lowest level of a building) • There is no horizontal component to the applicability 22a-133k-3(c)(1)&(2)

  3. Risk from vapor intrusion only pertains when groundwater is polluted with VOCs at the water table – Standard wells (with representative screens bisecting the water table) are required to demonstrate compliance ACMEInc. MW1 MW2 MW3s+d MW4 Basement Basement UST Vertical Flow GW flow direction Not to Scale

  4. Demonstrating Compliance with Volatilization Criteria • GW Volatilization Criteria (Primary Compliance) • SV Volatilization Criteria (Alternative Compliance) • Undertake mitigation (Exemption) • No building can be constructed (Exception) • Conduct indoor air monitoring (Exemption) 22a-133k-3(c)(1)&(3)(A)&(3)(B)&(5)(A)&(5)(B)

  5. Soil Vapor Volatilization Criteria • Soil vapor samples must be collected beneath a buildingto be compared to the Soil Vapor Volatilization Criteria • Soil vapor samples collected outside the footprint of the building cannot be used to demonstrate compliance 22a-133k-3(c)(3)(A)

  6. Mitigation • Remediation of groundwater for volatilization is not required if measures acceptable to the Commissioner are taken to prevent the migration of vapors into any overlying building 22a-133k-3(c)(3)(B)

  7. No Building • If no building exists, Volatilization Criteria do not apply – Requires: • Environmental Land Use Restriction or • Commissioner approval 22a-133k-3(c)(5)(A)

  8. Indoor Air Data • Commissioner approval • Long-term monitoring • May include environmental measures 22a-133k-3(c)(5)(B)

  9. Applying the Volatilization Criteria (applies to both groundwater and soil vapor) • all samples <= to the applicable criteria • 95% UCL no longer an option: • Not protective – did not evaluate building structure and air handling practices • No institutional controls were required to ensure conditions wouldn’t change 22a-133k-3(f)(3)

  10. Volatilization Criteria Q & A

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