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The Virginia Colony. The Virginia Colony. Founded in 1607. Founded in 1607. I would be considered an adult and my trade is a wigmaker. http://www.sonofthesouth.net/revolutionary-war/maps/map-virginia-colony-600.jpg. Trades/Farming. Apprentice Blacksmith Cooper Farmer Milliner
The Virginia Colony The Virginia Colony Founded in 1607 Founded in 1607 I would be considered an adult and my trade is a wigmaker. http://www.sonofthesouth.net/revolutionary-war/maps/map-virginia-colony-600.jpg
Trades/Farming • Apprentice • Blacksmith • Cooper • Farmer • Milliner • Printer • Shoemaker • Silversmith • Tailor • Wheelwright • Wigmaker http://www.ssdsbergen.org/Colonial/trades.htm
Family Life • During the seventeenth century disease and sickness split up many families causing only one partner left with all of the children and sometimes many orphans http://www.history.org/Almanack/life/family/surviving.cfm
Wigmaker • Made wigs and hairpieces for ladies and gentlemen • Cut and dressed hair • Sold soaps, perfumes, powders, tonics and lice cures • Trained apprentices • Offered immersion bathing facilities http://www.history.org/Foundation/journal/Summer07/images/Pix61A_R1.jpg
Communication • Most people communicated by the word of mouth • Some people communicated by writing letters to someone and a friend of theirs usually transported the letter • Later on a newspaper was printed and it told about the local events and things that were going on in Virginia http://www.history.org/history/clothing/men/images/wig3.jpg
Relations with Other People Groups • When Virginia was first settled the relationship with the Powhatan Indians was peaceful • When the colonists decided to stay and settle the land the Powhatan went out of control and the relationship between them wasn’t peaceful anymore http://daisybellexplores.com/images/na/pow_wrap.jpg
Religion • Virginia was a mixture of many different religions including Baptists and Anglicans http://www.bigpapasportfishing.com/Otherpages/html/Religious/pics/Southern%20Baptist%20Symbol%2042108_vp3.jpg
Education • Most kids were taught at home by their parents or by a private tutor. When the kids in Virginia became teenagers they went off to college or go to Europe. Here like the other colonies southern girls did not go to school.
Daily Life • Horse and buggy travel • Or on foot but people didn’t travel on foot in the winter because of the harsh weather conditions • Also people traveled on ships if traveling a long distance • Cider and whiskey were the most common drinks • Ate dinners as a family, afternoon teas or BBQ’s arranged by the town, and most people socialized in groups more than with just their family • Meals consisted of seasonal fruits and vegetables, game (meat), fish, waterfoul, and nuts • Most people lived in houses made of wood or logs • Life in Virginia was challenging for everyone but women had a hard life- they spent most of their time caring for their family http://i.ehow.com/images/a04/c1/3i/was-life-like-virginia-colony-200X200.jpg
Climate • Long hot humid summers • Mild Winters http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.forestwander.com/wp-content/original/2009_12/glade-creek-west-virginia-winter-snow-pub.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.forestwander.com/2009/12/glade-creek-west-virginia-winter-snow/&usg=__R7ODy5_HDqtnsZKVEVLs_wio_mw=&h=3744&w=5616&sz=14759&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=-vHWS4-JMXCTQM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvirginia%2Bwinter%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26tbs%3Disch:1