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A Five-Year Grant Funded by:

The Importance of Deaf Self-Advocacy Training: New Second Edition Curriculum Overview Monday, January 14, 2013 Lillian Garcia Peterkin Webinar sponsored by. National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers (NCIEC). A Five-Year Grant Funded by:

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  1. The Importance of Deaf Self-Advocacy Training: New Second Edition Curriculum OverviewMonday, January 14, 2013Lillian Garcia PeterkinWebinar sponsored by

  2. National Consortium of Interpreter Education Centers (NCIEC) A Five-Year Grant Funded by: • U. S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration • Training Interpreters for Individuals Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Individuals Who Are Deaf-Blind

  3. National CenterNortheastern University NURIECNortheastern University WRIECWestern Oregon UniversityEl Camino College CATIE CenterSt. Catherine University GURIECGallaudet University MARIE CenterUniversity of Northern Colorado

  4. The DSAT Development Process

  5. Phase 1 Data Collection Subcontract with Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD) and WOU to conduct study of current and best practices in the area of deaf advocacy training • What they did…. • Extensive Literature Review • Focus Groups with 35 deaf consumers • Survey of 2,050 deaf consumers • Survey of 180 Rehabilitation Counselors • Interviews with 12 deaf leaders

  6. Publication of Phase 1 Findings To obtain a copy, go to our website at www.deafselfadvocacy.org

  7. Peer Training Philosophy “…of by and for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind” philosophy The NCIEC Deaf Self-Advocacy Training initiative promulgates an “…of, by and for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and/or Deaf-Blind” philosophy in all aspects of its programming. The DSAT curriculum was developed by individuals who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Deaf-Blind and designed as a peer-led training.

  8. Phase 2Development of Curricula

  9. This phase was conducted through a contract with a deaf curriculum specialist (T.S. Writing) and incorporated the information gleaned during Phase 1. CD/DVD Set is no longer available. First Curriculum

  10. Phase 3Field Testing through Training

  11. Denver Trainers

  12. Washington, DC Trainers

  13. Phase 3 Field Testing To determine initial effectiveness, the curriculum was reviewed by 30 content experts throughout the United States. Data was collected from tests provided before and after training, and participant evaluations. This data was used as the foundation for the Second Edition of this curriculum. Training was provided to more than 600 Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind individuals.

  14. Phase 4 Revision and Second Edition

  15. DSAT Master Trainers August 2011 Washington, DC

  16. DSAT Master Trainers DSAT Master Trainers are… • advisors to the DSAT project • qualified to provide Train the Trainer workshops throughout the country; and • available to provide consumer trainings throughout the country. Their contact information is available at: www.deafselfadvocacy.org

  17. New Name for 2nd Edition Curriculum Deaf Self-Advocacy Training Curriculum Tool Kit Second Edition 2012

  18. Revision & Edition EnglishWit Solutions, a Deaf-owned technical marketing and writing service developed the Second Edition of this curriculum. This enhanced edition has been repackaged as a Curriculum Tool Kit: New module that discusses interpreting services delivered via video conferencing technology Upgrades to existing modules New tools for instructors New advocacy vignettes

  19. Making it Work Format Teaching environment Instructor qualifications Target audience About the terminology Primary focus Language access and curriculum content Overview

  20. Changes in DSAT Curriculum Second Edition is now a DSAT Curriculum Tool Kit 4 Discs Glossary in ASL Knowledge Check in ASL Suggested activities for each module Mergers of modules from the first edition First and last two modules (4 modules becomes 2) New module on Interpreting Services Using Video Technology

  21. Training Modules Each Instruction Module Includes: • Overview and purpose of module including goals and objectives, description of subject matter, instructional plan, length of time, teaching environment and materials • DVD vignettes of “good” and “not so good” advocacy • Role play scenarios and interactive advocacy activities • Student worksheets

  22. New Module Titles Module 1: Advocating for Yourself and Others Module 2: Self-Esteem and Self-Determination Module 3: Working with Interpreters Module 4: Ethics of Working with Interpreters Module 5: Interpreting Services Using Video Technology Module 6: Preparing for Self-Advocacy Module 7: Utilizing Resources for Action

  23. New Vignettes Comes with a “Play All” option ADA Overview by Howard Rosenblum, CEO of NAD Combined Vignettes from Modules 1 and 2 Explaining High Speed Internet History of Telecommunications Demonstrations of: Difference between VRS and VRI Automated Telephone Systems Video Etiquette

  24. Module 5 The provision of interpreting services through video conferencing technology is examined, including the required components for this service. Learner will view and discuss the benefits of interpreters providing services through video. The module closes with the learners applying their understanding of this service by explaining the function of this service in their own words.

  25. The Package includes…. • Trainer Disc 1 • Trainer Manual • Modules 1 – 7 PPT • Trainer Disc 2 • Overview Modules • Games & Activities • Printing Templates • Knowledge Check • Student Disc 3 • Student Manual • Student DVD 2 • Video Vignettes • ASL Glossary

  26. For the Deaf-Blind Community • Curriculum adaptation • Two Deaf-Blind Consultants • Large print/Braille • Train the Trainer training

  27. DSAT Website www.deafselfadvocacy.org What We Have on the Website… • Curriculum Overview • FAQ in English and ASL • CSD Report in PDF(download) • DSAT Trainer Directory

  28. Questions and Answers

  29. More Information Deafselfadvocacy@gmail.com www.deafselfadvocacy.org www.interpretereducation.org

  30. Jessie Zhu Instructional Designer, NCRTM Carol Timmins Captioner, NCRTM Melissa Foster Interpreter Wendy Watson Interpreter Cathy Cogen Moderator This Webinar was a collaborative effort of the National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials <ncrtm.org>, the National Interpreter Education Center <northeastern.edu/niec>and Regional Interpreter Education Center at Northeastern University <northeastern.edu/riec/> CRC Sponsorship: New England TACE Center CEU Sponsorship: NURIEC Thank You

  31. Thank you for joining us today. Please join us for upcoming NIEC/NURIEC/NCRTM Webinar. Email: niec@neu.edu for more information Thank You Upcoming Webinar Event The Mentoring Toolkit February 11th, 2013 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm (Eastern)

  32. www.interpretereducation.org Connect with us on Join our mailing list

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