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American Progress… aka Manifest Destiny

American Progress… aka Manifest Destiny. American Progress -by John Gast (1872). Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy [1841-1850]. Maine boundary with Canada Oregon boundary settlement Texas Revolution and Texas Annexation Mexican War and the Mexican Cession Overland Trails

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American Progress… aka Manifest Destiny

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  1. American Progress… aka Manifest Destiny

  2. American Progress -by John Gast (1872)

  3. Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy [1841-1850] • Maine boundary with Canada • Oregon boundary settlement • Texas Revolution and Texas Annexation • Mexican War and the Mexican Cession • Overland Trails • California Gold Rush • Compromise of 1850 • Sectional Tensions

  4. Maine Boundary Settlement, 1842 The Aroostook War - (Battle of the maps)

  5. page533.jpg

  6. Manifest Destiny • “Manifest Destiny — a phrase used by leaders and politicians in the 1840s to explain continental expansion by the United States — revitalized a sense of "mission" or national destiny for many Americans.” • An American political and societal belief that it was the United States’ God-given right, its apparent destiny, to overspread the continent of North America • John L. O’Sullivan - (1839) - notably in 1845

  7. John L. O’Sullivan - Manifest Destiny • “It is time for opposition to the Annexation of Texas to cease. . . . It is time for the common duty of Patriotism to the Country to succeed—if this claim will not be recognized, it is at least time for common sense to acquiesce [agree] with decent grace in the inevitable and the irrevocable. • . . . Why, were other reasoning wanting, in favor of now elevating this question of the reception of Texas into the Union, out of the lower region of our past party dissensions, up to its proper level of a high and broad nationality, it surely is to be found, found abundantly, in the manner in which other nations have undertaken to intrude themselves into it, between us and the proper parties to the case, in a spirit of hostile interference against us, for the avowed object of thwarting our policy and hampering our power, limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions. . . .”

  8. High birthrate and the rapid influx of immigrants (Irish and German) = demand for space. Estimated 4 million Americans moved west between 1820 and 1850. Panic of 1819 and Panic of 1837 caused people to look to the West for a fresh start Frontier land =: inexpensive in some cases, free. Economic opportunity for commerce and entrepreneurial enterprise Land ownership = wealth Land ownership =: self-sufficiency political power Independent self-rule OR popular sovereignty Opportunity for West Coast ports for trade Manifest Destiny - Why?

  9. Manifest Destiny

  10. The Conquest of the West • Manifest Destiny • Aggressive and ‘Fantastic’ Advertising • Oregon Country • Republic of Texas • Mexican War (1846-1848) • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

  11. Overland Trails to the West, 1840

  12. Map 13.3 Routes to the West, 1835–1860 (p. 374)

  13. (Chapter 13) Emigrant Train Bedding Down for the Night A "train" of emigrants to the Far West usually traveled around twenty miles a day in so-called Conestoga wagons. These wagons, shown here, each had slanting gates and a cloth cover supported by bows of bent wood. They were each drawn by a team of four to six horses or mules. In this painting, we see emigrants preparing for the evening’s rest against the backdrop of a lovely sunset. The horses have been unyoked from their harnesses. The cover of the wagon on the right has been taken down, exposing casks that probably carried water. The women occupy themselves taking take care of the small children, one an infant, and preparing dinner. We see men and boys performing various tasks. A man on the far left gathers hay for the horses and livestock. Another man, on the left, herds the cattle, while in the left foreground a young man draws water from a convenient stream. On different sides of the pot that presumably holds dinner for the group, a balding man holds a rifle and pets his dog, while a small child does the wash. The painting projects an image of plenty, cooperation, security (the rifle), and contentment. Realistically, the serenity of this painting was rarely evident on the Overland Trail. Difficult trails, animals dying from thirst and exhaustion, and frequent childbirths marked the journey west for many emigrants. • In what ways does this painting romanticize the Overland Trail? How would this emigrant train have forded a river? Would hay have been available to feed the animals each night? Are there enough horses to pull the four wagons shown? The women all have clean, white aprons. If they washed them, where did they dry them? What's in the pot over the fire? • Why did these emigrants bring sheep and cattle with them? • Does this painting reflect Americans’ general perception of the trip west?

  14. (Chapter 13)Emigrant Train Bedding Down for the Night

  15. Overland Trails

  16. The Texas Revolution (1835-1836) • Texans angered by Mexican • government policy • Texans refuse to convert to • Catholicism • Texans refuse to give up • slavery • Fighting erupts between • Tejanos and Mexican army • •Texans declare independence from Mexico • Famous battles: • Alamo, San Jacinto, • Goliad, et al

  17. Texas Revolution

  18. Major Battles in the Texas Revolution: 1835–1836

  19. Map 13.1 American Settlements in Texas, 1821–1836 (p. 371)

  20. The Alamo

  21. Assault on the Alamo (p. 371)

  22. The Texas Revolution and the formation of the Lone Star Republic • 1835-- Texas declares independence from Mexico • 1836-- Mexican army led by Santa Anna goes to Texas to crush rebellion • Battle of the Alamo • Battle of San Jacinto • 1836-- Santa Anna captured by Sam Houston and signs treaty establishing the independence of Texas • 1841-- Santa Anna returns to presidency of Mexico • 1844-- James K. Polk is elected president of the United States • 1845-- Santa Anna presidency overthrown in Mexico • 1845-- United States annexes Texas. Mexico does not recognize Texas independence or annexation

  23. SamHouston, by Martin Johnson Heade, 1846 (p. 373)

  24. Texas Independence

  25. The Election of 1844

  26. President James K. Polk • Tennessee Congressman • “Young Hickory” - Andrew Jackson protege • “Napoleon of the Stump” • President from 1845-1849 • Ardent Expansionist

  27. Map 13.2 Territorial Conflict in Oregon, 1819–1846 (p. 373)

  28. The Oregon Controversy, 1846: “54º 40’ or Fight” Resolved by treaty with the British in 1846

  29. Oregon - “54’ 40º or Fight!”

  30. The Mexican-American War [1846-1848] • 1846-- Polk orders General Taylor to advance to the Rio Grande. Mexico attacks. • 1846-- The United States declares war on Mexico • 1846-- U.S. and Britain settle Oregon boundary dispute • 1847-- U.S. Army occupies Mexico City • 1847-- Santa Anna is stripped of military command • 1848-- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ratified by U.S. Congress • 1849-- James K. Polk dies months after leaving office.

  31. General Zachary Taylor • Born in Orange County, Virginia in 1784 • In 1808 Zachary joined the army as an infantry officer • During the War of 1812, he distinguished himself under William Henry Harrison. • General and popular hero of the Mexican American War • “Old Rough and Ready” • The 12th President of the United States

  32. General Winfield Scott • Born in 1786 near Petersburg, Virginia • He practiced law, served in the army • War of 1812, was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel • Scott undertook a successful five-mo nth campaign from Vera Cruz to Mexico City • In 1852 Congress offered Scott the pay, rank, and emoluments of a lieutenant general, the first person to hold that office since George Washington • “Old Fuss and Feathers” • Whig party's unsuccessful candidate for President in 1852

  33. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna • Born in 1795 in Japala in the province of Veracruz • At 15 became a cadet in the Spanish Army stationed in Mexico • Fought in the Mexican War of Independence in 1821 • Led a revolt against the new emperor, Agustin de Iturbide • Defeated the Spanish invasion in 1829 • President of Mexico 11 times • Often ruled as a dictator but always overthrown

  34. Major Battles of the Mexican-American War

  35. Battles of The Mexican War

  36. Street Fighting in the Calle de Iturbide, 1846 (p. 377)

  37. James K. Polk and Expansionism

  38. Mexican-American War

  39. Mexican-American War: American “Firsts” • The United States' first foreign war. • The first war anywhere in the world to be photographed. • The first war in which steamboats played an important role. • The first war in which newspaper correspondents regularly reported from the seat of war. • The first war in which graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point participated. Among these were a number of officers who would later face each other across the battlefields of the Civil War: Robert E. Lee,Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson, Braxton Bragg, Ulysses S. Grant, George Meade, George McClellan, and William T. Sherman, to name but a few.

  40. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848)

  41. Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo: Feb. 2, 1848 • Ended the Mexican War. • TEXAS: Confirmed U.S. claims to Texas and set Texas’ boundary at the Rio Grande river • MEXICAN CESSION: Mexico ceded California and New Mexico to the United States • (includes present-day California, Nevada, and Utah, and parts of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming) • PAYOUT: U.S. paid $15 million and assumed claims against Mexico by U.S. citizens (about $2 million unpaid). • Treaty was ratified by the U.S. Senate on Mar. 10, 1848, and by the Mexican Congress on May 25.

  42. Map 13.5 The Mexican Cession, 1848–1853 (p. 382)

  43. Mexican-American War: Significance In the end, the Mexican American War had an immense impact on United States history. • Thirteen thousand American lives were lost = two thousand were on the battlefield. • It added over 500,000 square miles to the American frontier. • It helped America to fulfill its “manifest destiny,” extending it from the Atlantic to the Pacific. • With this new territory, however, came disputes that led to further sectional divide and ultimately contributed to the Civil War.

  44. California Gold Rush Country •1849 - Sutter’s Mill Set of a ‘rush’ of speculators headed for California So many people arrived in CA during 1848-1849 that California was able to attain statehood in 1850.

  45. Map 13.6 The California Gold Rush, 1849–1857 (p. 385)

  46. California: Spanish Missions and Presidios • Much of the coast had been settled by Spanish Catholic missions and Presidios • Were set up to secure settlements and provide for local American Indians • Although part of Mexican government = VERY loosely connected

  47. California and the Gold Rush: California Statehood • California: Gold discovered in 1848 - after Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo • Gold Rush of 1849 • Drew people from all over the US and world • Enough settlers to gain statehood by 1850 (Compromise of 1850) as a “Free-Soil” State.

  48. The California Gold Rush

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