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Bill Tang & Priya P atel

Bill Tang & Priya P atel. What is Sexual Harassment ? . Unwelcome sexual advances made by an employer or superior, especially when compliance is made a condition of continued employment or advancement. Statistics.

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Bill Tang & Priya P atel

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bill Tang & Priya Patel

  2. What is Sexual Harassment ? • Unwelcomesexual advances made by an employer or superior, especially when complianceismade a condition of continued employmentoradvancement.

  3. Statistics • Four of every five harassers are male, according to a recent national survey. Two thirds of incidents involve a male harasser and female target, and another fifth involve male harassers and male targets. • http://thesantosrepublic.com/2010/11/sexual-harassment-will-only-be-eliminated-when-men-take-part-in-ending-it/

  4. Kobe Bryant and the Colorado teenager Los Angeles Lakers shooting guard Kobe Bryant started out as a young, record-breaking basketball star but quickly became entangled in a sexual assault case involving a Colorado teenager. Bryant did admit to cheating on his wife with the ski-resort employee but always denied the harassment charges. Speculation over both Bryant's and the girl's testimony swirled around the courtroom for more than a year, but the case was ultimately dropped.

  5. Paula jones/ Bill Clinton • Paula Jones accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment claiming he had entered her hotel room and asking for oral sex. • She dropped charges in return for $850,000

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