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Outline Presentation. Background to the e-KSF/ESR link ? why we are doing it, what it will look likePreparing for the link ? what you need to do, whenAfter the link ? how you need to administer the joint system, the organisational benefits and opportunities. E-KSF Core Processes. 2Assign Outline to staff.
1. e-KSF / ESR Link Presentation
2. Outline Presentation Background to the e-KSF/ESR link – why we are doing it, what it will look like
Preparing for the link – what you need to do, when
After the link – how you need to administer the joint system, the organisational benefits and opportunities
3. E-KSF Core Processes
4. Refresher – why do we need a link between e-KSF and ESR? Two national systems, each holding large amounts of staff data
Makes no sense to e.g. add details of a new member of staff to each system separately – double data entry
Reporting (local and national) is much easier if an automatic link ensures consistent data
NHS-wide, this link is estimated to save more than Ł1m per year in admin time
For your organisation, the benefits include:
Saving administration time
More accurate data
Minimise time-lags between organisational changes, and changes on e-KSF (e.g. new starters)
Managers don’t need to know pay band/point/date before assigning outlines
Better reporting, especially equal opps reports
5. But why do we need 2 different systems in the first place? ESR is the centrally-procured, national employee record system based on an “Oracle” HR management system
Used to record, amongst others: individual’s personal details, and equal opportunities monitoring data.
Payroll system, so records pay band, point, increment date
e-KSF is the centrally-procured, 100% bespoke national system built specifically for the KSF
Creating and managing KSF post outlines – not affected by this link
Review summaries, gateway outcomes, and the PDP – done in e-KSF, sent to ESR
6. How the systems will exchange data once the link is live? Note – data is transferred securely in both directions. Confidentiality of data is maintainedNote – data is transferred securely in both directions. Confidentiality of data is maintained
7. A worked example… (data transfer points in bold) Jane Doe starts a new job in your organisation
Jane’s details are added to ESR
Within 1 week, Jane’s details appear to e-KSF administrator
E-KSF administrator confirms Jane’s details, and sends Jane her e-KSF username/password
Jane receives some training in e-KSF
Jane’s manager assigns an outline (pay data appears from ESR)
After 1 year, Jane’s foundation review is recorded and signed off on e-KSF.
A summary of the review is sent to ESR “competency” records, and a summary of the gateway outcomes are sent to ESR for payroll purposes
Some time later, Jane changes her name. The changes are added to ESR, and transferred automatically to e-KSF
When Jane leaves the organisation, her record is updated in ESR and changes again transferred to e-KSF – her access to e-KSF is automatically suspended
8. Which system “leads” for each piece of employee data? ESR will overwrite e-KSF data for:
First and last names
Gender and ethnicity
Staff group
Department (unless requested)
Supervisor Name (populates if blank)
Pay Data
E-KSF will overwrite ESR data for:
“Competency targets and achievements”
the ESR language for the outcomes of a KSF review
KSF review date
Outcome codes for gateway reviews
Date of last addition to PDP NB just the key fields are listed here –basically, ESR is the master system for all personal data (including things like job title). e-KSF is the master system for all KSF-related data.NB just the key fields are listed here –basically, ESR is the master system for all personal data (including things like job title). e-KSF is the master system for all KSF-related data.
9. Questions and Answers – what do we use each system for? So does this mean I can do all of the KSF process directly through the ESR?
No. You will still need to use the e-KSF for the development of KSF post outlines, recording development reviews and gateway outcomes, and the Personal Development Review.
Can I use ESR to record my organisation’s PDPs?
Central advice is that you use e-KSF to record both KSF development reviews and PDP. e-KSF tool exactly reflects the language and principles of the Knowledge and Skills Framework.
e-KSF is also the key reporting tool used by the NHS Staff Council for monitoring KSF progress.
10. Questions and Answers – can I now click buttons on e-KSF and change someone’s pay packet? No. ESR will always be the master system for pay data. Information about pay bands, pay points and increments will be securely transferred to e-KSF solely in order to work out where gateway reviews should take place.
Gateway decisions are not made by e-KSF they are only recorded on it.
ESR automatically updates incremental pay points and assumes the gateway has been achieved (within pay bands) unless told on a case-by-case basis not to.
Decisions to defer a pay gateway would be made by a reviewer and a reviewee during a development review meeting (not by an automatic system)
11. Questions and Answers – what about OLM?
12. Any questions about the background to the link?
13. Part 2 – what you need to do to prepare for the link
14. Preparation for the link requires “data cleansing” in e-KSF
15. Data cleansing is just… Making sure that every existing user in your e-KSF system has an accurate unique identifier
…and that’s it!
16. Isn’t this all just extra work? Analogy – you need to spend time digging the garden, to get the benefit of the flowers!Analogy – you need to spend time digging the garden, to get the benefit of the flowers!
17. Preparing for the link – overall process
18. Key dates for you
19. Preparing for the link – the important first steps Read the roll-out planning document
Decide on the most sensible unique identifier
The identifier for an individual which appears in both systems – e.g. legacy payroll number, ESR assignment number
Make contact! Ensure your e-KSF and ESR teams talk to each other
Make a plan!
20. Data cleansing step 1 – download your data…
21. Data cleansing step 2 – review your data…
22. Data cleansing step 3 – update your data… But equally, you could decide to fill in ESR employee number or ESR assignment number
23. Data cleansing step 4 – upload your data…
24. Some ideas on how to update this data If you find yourself entering large amounts of payroll data by hand – there may be a faster way!
Using advanced functions in Excel
Do you have any local expertise?
…and remember: you don’t need to add all your employees to e-KSF at this stage, just make sure that the ones you do have are up to date!
Also, don’t make any other changes to e-KSF user data (the link to ESR will automatically correct any problems)
You can ask our support team to delete any e-KSF users who haven’t yet used the system and replace them with ESR data (only do this if you haven’t distributed usernames/passwords to these users!)
Remember, once you have cleansed data, you want to keep it that way!
Adding new users – make sure the uniqueID is in place
Using self registration? We recommend you switch it off to avoid problems with new staff registering without the right uniqueID NB on “delete any users who haven’t used the system” – we can only delete users who: haven’t logged in AND don’t have any staff assigned to them to review/manage AND they don’t have a post outline assigned.NB on “delete any users who haven’t used the system” – we can only delete users who: haven’t logged in AND don’t have any staff assigned to them to review/manage AND they don’t have a post outline assigned.
25. Any questions now?
26. Part 3 – after the link
27. The link will save you lots of admin time and hassle… …but you will still need to check e-KSF admin page weekly and deal with any “data conflicts”.
In the first week after link activation, in particular, plan to spend some time doing this.
E.g. where an individual is assigned a band 6 outline in e-KSF, but ESR pay data has them on band 5
Where an individual has a certain manager on e-KSF, but a different “supervisor” on ESR
Where you have a “practice user” on e-KSF, which doesn’t exist on ESR
28. e-KSF has online tools to help you do this
29. What jobs are there for the e-KSF Administrator when the link is in place? ESR Configuration Panel
You can tell the system whether or not we should overwrite e-KSF Departmental Structure with ESR data or overwrite e-KSF Occupational Code Data with ESR Data
Resolve ESR Personal Data Errors
When the e-KSF / ESR link is activated, the e-KSF system takes data from ESR and matches it with any existing e-KSF data.
In some cases the data from ESR is marked as having errors in it – this is usually a problem that is best solved in the ESR system, but you can also correct inaccurate data on this page before adding it to e-KSF.
Resolve ESR Assignment Data Errors
Sometimes we receive inaccurate or incomplete data from ESR about an individual’s ‘assignment’ (i.e. recorded job). You can correct inaccuracies here, although it is best to contact the ESR team to get the errors fixed directly in the ESR system as well.
30. What jobs are there for the e-KSF Administrator when the link is in place? Add / Map ESR Personal Records
Whenever e-KSF receives data from ESR about a new employee, you need to click to ‘add’ their data into e-KSF. You can also add any additional data that e-KSF needs, which is not held in ESR (for example email addresses).
This page also allows you to generate usernames and passwords and have a spreadsheet of login details sent to your own email address for distribution to staff.
Confirm Employee / Manager Relation
If you’ve selected to have ESR data overwrite your e-KSF manager / staff relationship, then you can use this link to selectively overwrite or keep existing e-KS manager / staff relationships.
Map KSF Records to ESR
If you have employee records in e-KSF which the system can’t find a match for in ESR, they will be displayed under this link. You can then manually search for a match or decide to ignore the problem and keep the record in e-KSF – e.g. you may have external reviewers of NHS staff.
31. What jobs are there for the e-KSF Administrator when the link is in place? Enter Assignment Number
In order to send data back from e-KSF to ESR about what ESR calls ‘Competence Targets’, the two systems need to know about which KSF post outline in e-KSF, matches which ESR position in ESR. This sometimes needs to be done manually via this link.
Assign Post Outlines to Staff Having Deleted Status
If KSF Post Outlines have been associated with ESR positions, and then the ESR position is ‘terminated’ (i.e. recorded in ESR as a historical job) then the e-KSF link highlights this here because you may want to assign a new post outline to this individual.
32. Natural Order to Deal with ESR Data in e-KSF Before the link goes live use the download/upload data links to make sure your data is ready to be linked.
Once the link is activated, look at the “add/map ESR personal records” page to add as many records as possible from ESR to e-KSF, and allocate usernames and passwords.
Use the “resolve personal data conflicts” and “resolve assignment data conflicts” links to deal with any inaccurate data from ESR (then go back and use the “add/map ESR personal records” to add any records that you’ve now fixed)
Enter Assignment Numbers where these are missing.
Confirm Employee / Manager Relations to deal with any conflicts between existing e-KSF data and new ESR data.
Use the “Map KSF records to ESR” to check that you don’t have any left over e-KSF users who should be linked to ESR records.
Use the “Assign Post Outlines to Staff having Terminated / Deleted Status” to check whether any post outlines need to be reassigned.
33. Change to e-KSF Admin Enquiries
34. Summary - benefits of this e-KSF/ESR link Save you time
More accurate data
Less confusion from managers about pay data
Better reporting (new reports released May 07 and October 07)
A reason to enthuse people about e-KSF!