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Vocabulary Unit 8 Review. (Adj.) Evil and wicked Retrieve Sinister Innovation Manacle. B Sinister. (Adj.) Blocked so that nothing can pass through Innovation Impassable Retrieve Onset. B Impassable. (N.) Something that separates or divides two or more things;
(Adj.) Evil and wicked Retrieve Sinister Innovation Manacle
(Adj.) Blocked so that nothing can pass through Innovation Impassable Retrieve Onset
(N.) Something that separates or divides two or more things; (v.) To divide into smaller parts or portions Partition Arrears Sinister Cringe
(Adj.) Pertaining to war or military operations Impassable Taut Retrieve Martial
(Adj.) Incapable of moving or being moved; not moving or motionless Sinister Affluence Jovial Immobile
(N.) A new idea or product; A new way of doing something better Arrears Partition Martial Innovation
(N.) Something that confines or restrains, like a handcuff; (v.) To put in chains or handcuff Sinister Manacle Crotchety Taut
(N.) A waterfall or a series of small waterfalls over steep rocks; (v.) To rush down in large quantities like a waterfall Manacle Cascade Partition Arrears
(Adj.) Merry, joyful and good-humored Jovial Nimble Impassable Manacle
Adj.) Light and quick in motion or action Cascade Onset Nimble Minimum
(N.) A size shape or arrangement of something Format Manacle Taut Affluence
(Adj.) Likely to decay or spoil Partition Affluence Cascade Perishable
(Adj.) Cranky and ill tempered Onset Innovation Crotchety Perishable
(N.) Wealth, riches or prosperity Affluence Perishable Cringe Sinister
(N.) Unpaid, overdue debts; unfulfilled obligations Manacle Format Arrears Nimble
(N.) The least quantity or amount possible, assignable or allowable; (adj.) Lowest, smallest possible Arrears Minimum Onset Affluence
(V.) To regain or recover Retrieve Martial Partition Arrears
(N.) The beginning or start of a journey or an attack Affluence Perishable Onset Jovial
(V.) To shrink back or hide in fear; to flinch or cower Martial Immobile Minimum Cringe
(Adj.) Stretched tight Retrieve Impassable Taut Perishable
Antonyms:favorable; promising; benign; encouraging Partition Manacle Sinister Immobile
Antonyms:poverty; want; poorness; destitution Affluence Taut Arrears Jovial
Antonyms:imitation; copy; duplicate Innovation Partition Cascade Taut
Antonyms:navigable; open for travel; unblocked; unobstructed Perishable Format Impassible Onset
Synonyms:recover; regain; fetch; remedy Retrieve Cringe Cascade Impassable