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Welcome in the Netherlands! ETDF meeting 22-11-2011 Janneke Schenning & Jolanda Botke. NVO2 is the Dutch association of HRD professionals. Main objectives: The professional development of its members
Welcome in the Netherlands! ETDF meeting 22-11-2011 Janneke Schenning & Jolanda Botke
NVO2 is the Dutch association of HRD professionals • Main objectives: • The professional development of its members • Providing a network for the Human Resource Development professionals in the Netherlands, Europe and even worldwide.
Our NVO2 Board… Desiree Verberk, director at Centre for teaching & learningUniversity of Utrecht Han Nichting, program director at Ministry of Infrastructure & environment Suzanne Verdonschot, researcher & advisor at Kessels & Smit Annemarie Kuks, director HR at Stegeman Ton Dijkzeul, director at GITP International
NVO2 2010/2011 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKgTve1LTKI&feature=related
Population, 1900 members (60% female; 40% male)About 45% of the members involve the supply side of training & development
Products New magazine E-zine Workgroups Trainings Events Professional code Community
International activities • ASTD delegation • PLE Köln
Communities online and off-line Members can exchange ideas and discuss topical issues with other members through our popular communities. Our website provides online working facilities for our communities. Working groups can share documents and use forums on the new website. Each NVO2 member can initiate a new working group. Theme’s: • Brain learning • E-learning • Management Development design
NVO2 2012 and beyond • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF80RqLkl6E&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Main issues for 2012 • Improvement of the online possibilities • Diversity in supply • NVO2 40 years! • Research and Practice • The next generation in HRD • Trends in organizations Research by VETRON
VETRON is the Dutch foundation of (big) training companies. The activities aim at supporting entrepreneurship internally as well as externally. In recent years VETRON has grown into a group of 40 leading training and development companies that work together on advocacy, entrepreneurship and.
Facts & figures private training & education 2005-2010 in the Netherlands (source: NRTO) • Private training & education in the Netherlands includes about 1.3 million participants between the age of 17 en 64 (CBS, 2009). • In 84% of the cases adult education takes place at a private institution, only 16 % adult education is in a public institution (CBS, 2008). • 230.000 people follow certificate-based education (vo, mbo, hbo, wo) in the private training sector (Kennis in Kaart, 2007).
Recent market research by VETRON (Marktmonitor) shows for 2012:- the training & develoment market will slightly shrink - Companies will ask for more e-learning - Knowledge of the sector will become more important for the provider of training & development- Companies for ask for more incompany solutions- Companies will mainly work with providers that have shown good results and good co-operation in the past