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Creative Critique Methods

Campbell County High School MAAE, MFA. Brian Harmon -. Creative Critique Methods. for Peer- and Self-Assessment in the Art Room. Why Critique?. Part of Discipline Based Art Education Allows students to better understand art Gives students ideas for improvement Promotes self-assessment

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Creative Critique Methods

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  1. Campbell County High School MAAE, MFA Brian Harmon - Creative Critique Methods for Peer- and Self-Assessment in the Art Room

  2. Why Critique? Part of Discipline Based Art Education Allows students to better understand art Gives students ideas for improvement Promotes self-assessment Provides formative assessment Practices using content-specific vocabulary Meets state and national standards

  3. Standards • Common Core • ELA: Speaking/Listening 11-12.1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 11–12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. • WHST 11-12.1. Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.

  4. Standards • English Language Arts Standards » College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading • 2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. • 6. Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. • 7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.

  5. Standards • KY Program of Studies: High School Skills and Concepts – Visual Arts • Students will • use knowledge of the elements and principles of art and art terminology to describe and critique their own work creations and the creations of others (e.g., how the • identify and apply criteria for evaluating visual arts (e.g., skill of artist, originality, emotional impact, variety, interest, technical quality)

  6. Standards • NAEA National Visual Art Standards • Content Standard 2: Using knowledge of structures and functions: (b) students evaluate the effectiveness of artworks in terms of organizational structures and functions • Content Standard 5: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others

  7. Three Critique Games • Token • Musical Chairs • Scavenger Hunt

  8. Token Critique • Best for: • group formative assessment • peer review • personal reflection • self-assessment

  9. Token Critique • Materials • completed artworks • colored “tokens” • assessment criteria

  10. Token Critique • Procedure • arrange art on cleared desks • have students generate categories for analysis • assign each category a color and give each student a token in each color • gallery walk • after viewing all works, students place tokens on the desks of deserving pieces

  11. Token Critique • return, count, reflect • one category at at time, bring works with large numbers of tokens forward • class discussion/reflection • written response/self-assessment

  12. Token Critique • Things to watch out for • the unthoughtful giver • the follower • the bff awarder • the pity/jerk awarder • the self-server

  13. Musical Chairs Critique • Best for: • peer review • personal reflection • individual formative assessment • self-assessment

  14. Musical Chairs Critique • Materials • completed artworks • critique sheets (optional) • assessment criteria • music

  15. Musical Chairs Critique • Procedure • arrange art on cleared desks • decide on categories to be critiqued • distribute crit sheets or paper • student-focused or artwork-focused? • play music, students circulate room viewing artwork of classmates

  16. Musical Chairs Critique • stop music, students plop down at the nearest seat and fill out crit sheet • after a number of rounds, have students return to their desks • reading and reflection • discussion and/or written response • self-assessment

  17. Musical Chairs Critique • Things to watch out for • the repeater • the bff reviewer • the brutally honest • the prance in one placer

  18. Scavenger Hunt Critique • Best for: • individual formative assessment • peer review • personal reflection

  19. Scavenger Hunt Critique • Materials • completed artworks • crit guides

  20. Scavenger Hunt Critique • Procedure • arrange art on cleared desks or hang on walls • number each artwork • distribute crit sheets • students circulate room looking for examples of each item on crit sheet • students fill out crit sheet, complete with artwork number • use completed sheets to facilitate discussion

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