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Intra-cranial self-stimulation (ICSS) Olds & Milner (1954) Delgado (1954) Olds (1955) - hedonic theory Deutsch (1962) – 2-factor decay theory Idiosyncrasies: a) priming b) no satiation c) fast extinction d) intermittent (partial) reinforcement
Intra-cranial self-stimulation (ICSS) Olds & Milner (1954) Delgado (1954) Olds (1955) - hedonic theory Deutsch (1962) – 2-factor decay theory Idiosyncrasies: a) priming b) no satiation c) fast extinction d) intermittent (partial) reinforcement Gallistel (1967) – “paired-pulse” technique Start Runway Goal “priming stimulus” “reward stimulus” Refractory periods: 0.5 - 0.6 msec » “prime” 0.8 - 1.1 msec » reward
ICSS Stein (1962) - Mj. tranquilizers - e.g., chlorpromazine (inhibit ICSS) Amphetamine - facilitates ICSS ICSS - thresholds Catecholamines: DA, NE Depression, Mania Crow (1972) - DA agonists, antagonists, 6-Hydroxydopamine Mesocorticolimbic DA system (MFB) Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) » N. Accumbens, limbic, prefront. Gibson et al. (1975) – procedural artifact Gallistel (1967) - 2 types of fibers ~ 0.5 + 1.0 msec Shizgal (1989) : small N. Accumbens VTA Glutamate large, myelinated DA ?
ICSS Rolls (1980) - Single units: Sensory (incentive) Drive Reinforcement Delgado (1978) - ICSS in Humans spontaneous pleasure, sexual, mood changes, pain relief, drive reduction Stein & Belluzzi (1990) - DA + Enkephalins / endorphins - addiction (separate or co-localized?) Henry (1990) - ICSS & Sex, Pain, Jogging Endogenous opiates + stress; Naloxone, Naltrexone S SRe D Video: The Addicted Brain