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NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“

NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“. Northern Maritime Corridor (NMC) „Keys to Intermodality“. Dr. Holger Kramer Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) - Dept. for Maritime Economics and Transport -. Kirkenes, April 25th 2003. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“. ISL-Profile

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NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“

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  1. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ Northern Maritime Corridor (NMC)„Keys to Intermodality“ Dr. Holger Kramer Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) - Dept. for Maritime Economics and Transport - Kirkenes, April 25th 2003

  2. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ ISL-Profile Activities: Research and Consultant Institute Legal form: Independent, private non-profit foundation Founded in: 1954 Capacity: at present 46 permanent staff members working in interdisciplinary teams. Location: Bremen / Bremerhaven Branche: ISL-Baltic Consult in Lübeck

  3. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ ISL Profile Four interdisciplinary Departments: 1. Logistics Systems (Prof. Dr. Haasis) 2. Maritime Economics and Transport (Prof. Dr. Zachcial) 3. Information Logistics (Dr. Arendt) 4. Planning and Simulation Systems (Prof. Dr. Boll) - plus One of the world-wide largest Information Centres on Maritime Economics!

  4. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ Content • Definition of Intermodality & Short Sea Shipping • Shippers‘ Criteria for Choice of Transport Modes (=> Demand Side) • Areas for Improvement in Short Sea Shipping (=> Supply Side) • Approach of the IR IIIb Project „Network of REgional MARitime Competence Centres - REMARCC

  5. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ • Definition of Intermodality & Short Sea Shipping „Intermodality is a characteristic of a transport system, that allows at least two different modes to be used in an integrated manner in a door-to-door transport chain" „Short Sea Shipping comprises Feeder Services, Intra-European Door-to-Door Services and RoRo Transport (assumed that RoRo covers the Main Leg in the Transport Chain) covering the EU as well as Norway, Iceland, the Black Sea, the Baltic and the Mediterranean area“

  6. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ • Shippers‘ Criteria for Choice of Transport Modes (=> Demand Side) • Costs • Time / Punctuality / Reliability of Mode • Frequency of Departures • One-Stop-Shopping • Integrated Informations Chains • Safety & Liability

  7. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ • Areas for Improvement in Short Sea Shipping (=> Supply Side) • Integration into Logistic Chains • Port Services • Technical Issues • Administrative & Political Procedures • Marketing

  8. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ • Areas for Improvement in Short Sea Shipping (=> Example from the Supply Side) • Establishing National Short Sea Shipping Promotion Centres to Improve Marketing • Offices were established already in Rotterdam, Paris, Turku, Ahus, Flanders, Athens, Gothenburg, Bonn and Lisbon • Further PCs are currently planned in Norway, Poland and the UK

  9. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ • Areas for Improvement in Short Sea Shipping (=> Supply Side) Five main Working Areas have been defined for Promotion Centres • Providing Transparency for the Demand Side • Developing Tools and Databases for the Promotion of SSS • Providing relevant Information for the Supply Side • Benchmarking & Best Practise Procedures • Lobbying for SSS on a political Level

  10. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ • Approach of the IR IIIb Project „Network of REgional MARitime Competence Centres – REMARCC • Partner from SW, NOR, DK, UK, B, NL und D • Actors from Regional Authorities, Port & Ship Operators, Education Institutions and Research Organisations • Duration 3 Years • Budget 4,2 Mio. € • Looking for Co-operation with other SSS Projects in the North and Baltic Sea to gain mutual Synergy Effects

  11. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ • Approach of the IR IIIb Project „Network of REgional MARitime Competence Centres – REMARCC Strategic Working Areas: • Regional Strategies for Logistic Competencies • Regional Strategies for Logistic Optimisation • Regional Strategies for Logistic Marketing

  12. NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“ • Approach of the IR IIIb Project „Network of REgional MARitime Competence Centres – REMARCC Workpackages: • WP 0 Project Management • WP 1 North Sea Logistic Cluster • WP 2 Knowledge Management • WP 3 Coaching & Training • WP 4 North Sea Quality Circle • WP 5 Intermodal Supply Chain Optimisation • WP 6 Promotion Strategies for SSS & IN

  13. Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics Dr. Holger Kramer Department: Maritime Economics and Transport Tel: +49-421-220 96 48 E-Mail: kramer@isl.org Universitätsallee GW1 Block A 28359 Bremen Fax: +49-421-220 96 55 Web: http://www.isl.org/ NMC – „Keys to Intermodality“

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