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Pet Pigs

Pet Pigs. By Cathy Chang. Article. In the wild, hogs carry a host of diseases and parasites , including cholera , tuberculosis , salmonella and anthrax , according to wildlife ecologists at the University of Florida.

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Pet Pigs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pet Pigs By Cathy Chang

  2. Article In the wild, hogs carry a host of diseases and parasites, including cholera, tuberculosis, salmonella and anthrax, according to wildlife ecologists at the University of Florida. But breeders maintain that, if properly immunized, domesticated pigs pose no threat to humans. That is why many municipalities, like New York City, ban such pets. But animal control officers have turned a blind eye to one couple who raise a housebroken porker alongside their two children. So far, health officials have not received any complaints on the live-in pig in New York, and they say health risks are "not much more than a cat or dog.“ Animal experts say living with any large animal can pose hazards to small children, and parents should exercise caution with a swaggeringtub of lard — even a domesticated pig.

  3. Questions • Do you think that pigs would be good pets? • Can you think of any advantages of having a pig instead of dogs or cats? Disadvantages? • What other animals do you think should be prohibited? Why?

  4. Hogs 豬 Host 寄主,宿主 Diseases 病,疾病 Parasites 寄生生物 Cholera 霍亂 Tuberculosis 結核病 Salmonella 沙門氏菌 Anthrax 癰 Ecologists 生態學者 Immunized 使免疫 Domesticated 被馴養了的 Municipalities 自治市 Ban 禁止 Housebroken 經訓練在家中能保持衛生習慣的 Hazards 危險;危害物 Caution 小心,謹慎 Swaggering 昂首闊步 Tub of lard 一桶豬油 Vocabulary

  5. Reference • Potbellied Pigs: Are the Lardiest Pets a Health Hazard? • http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Story?id=3984564&page=1

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